'Hang me, Please', Kasab Tells Court

Mumbai, July 22 (IANS): "Hang me, please," terrorist Ajmal Amir Kasab pleaded before the special court Wednesday, two days after the lone surviving Mumbai attacker admitted he was a Pakistani and narrated the chilling details of the events that led to the killing spree leaving over 170 people dead in the terror assault in November last year.

Kasab's plea came in the midst of submission of his confession put forth by Special Public Prosecutor Ujjwal Nikam in the court.

Nikam argued that Kasab had not made any revelations about the entire conspiracy behind the Mumbai terror attacks. By naming other conspirators, he is attempting to prove that he was merely a "pawn" in the hands of other masterminds behind the 26/11 terror attacks.

At this point, to a query by Tahilyani, Kasab said he had committed his crimes on this earth and he should be punished by the people of earth.

"I don't want divine punishment. Hang me, please, for my crimes," Kasab pleaded.

Nikam said he requested the court to ask the defence lawyer S.G. Abbas Kazmi whether Kasab was aware of the implications of his "confession".

Kazmi contended that Kasab was being "mentally tortured", but when Tahilyani asked the accused, he flatly denied it, Nikam told reporters.


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