Media Release
Bengaluru, Nov 2: In the age of Covid, with so much of chaos and disruption in the world, it was most fitting that KCA (Kanara Catholic Association), made an important effort to celebrate a Mass online for the departed souls. The Mass commenced with the KCA president, Hilma Roach introducing the deceased KCA members, which is a tradition every year at KCA Masses conducted thus far.
The Mass was celebrated at the Redemptorist Centre Bangalore, with the primary celebrant, Fr Assisi Saldanha ensuring that the momentous occasion was well enumerated with a powerful sermon in his gospel acclamation, combined with an even more compelling diction to ensure that the online audience was reminiscent to the extent that they felt they were in the sacred precincts of a church itself.
The gospel chosen was, John 14: 1-6, and Fr Saldanha emphasised in his sermon of how Jesus has prepared the way for all of us, so we may be ready when one’s time is due. He said most aptly, that we are just ‘pilgrims’ and this earth is not our final home. He also with great passion, quoted the well know Jesuit philosopher Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, who stated with tremendous insight that, “We are spiritual beings having a human experience, not, human beings having a spiritual experience."
At the conclusion of the Mass, the president Hilma Roach thanked the primary celebrant, Fr Assisi Saldanha, the co-ordinator Fr Vijay, the organiser Jane Pinto, the melodious choir conducted by Norbert Albert, the KCA committee members and the KCA community who all helped make the Mass a success. Although the restrictions of Covid and the difficulties faced by members to physically attend the Mass were felt the excellent conduct of the mass was enough to imbibe a fellowship of solemnity to the occasion and do due justice to the important occasion of All Souls Day, particularly in this year of annus horribilis as 2020 has panned out to be.