Dubai : Billawas & NE Announces Annual Events

Dubai : Billawas & NE Announces Annual Events
by Shodhan Prasad
Daijiworld Media Network - Dubai

Dubai, Jun 2: Billawas Dubai & Northern Emirates (BDNE) the only registered association for all Billawas in the region is in the news not only in the Gulf but back home in Mangalore for their committed objective to help the needy back home.  Say it scholarship to the needy brilliant students of Billawa origin in Karnataka, may be Medical Aid to person of any faith or Emergency help to people back home the name BDNE is the one to be remembered as said by Mohan Attavar, President of Billawas Dubai & Northern Emirates.

President Mohan Attavar

Billawas Dubai & N.E. spokesman says that ‘we are proud to state that we are the leaders who started this charity based programmes in UAE’.  Especially the scholarships based programme of BDNE is a unique of its kind and BDNE have arrangements with an able body of NGO who screen, testify and finalise the really needy students who are eligible to this scholarship.  Because of these great deeds BDNE is strongly supported by great sponsors in UAE every time the BDNE programme is being arranged, as stated by the spokesman.

As announced by Mohan Attavar, President of BDNE, this year’s programme has been scheduled as follows:-

1) 22/08/2010 - Billawas Annual Scholarship Distribution  Program at Mangalore
2) 17/09/2010 - Shree Narayana Guru Jayanthi at Elite English Speaking School, Deira, Dubai
3) 10/12/2010 - Billawas Dubai Annual Programme - Family Fiesta
4) February 2011- Billawas Dubai & Northern Emirates  - GRAND PICNIC

The above are the main programmes scheduled but there are many more programmes which are being thought of and waiting scheduling, said BDNE spokesman.


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  • Mahesh Suvarna, Dubai

    Sun, Jun 06 2010

    People like Satish Amin, Kote Road, Udupi, Akash Salian, Mangalore/Dubai wants to attend free programs. They do not wish to contribute towards community welfare. People like them are a thorn to society who do not allow even others to help our society.

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  • Satish Amin, Kote Road, Udupi

    Sat, Jun 05 2010

    All is not WELL in Billawa community in UAE.The only suggestion to the Billawa members do not boycot the event, just attend both the events (if its only for FREE) and enjoy as if you are attending neighbours wedding function!!!. Don't give any importance to the event... if you happend to meet the BIG president just praise his efforts... so that he will pump some more his personal money for the next event, which will benefit for all the attendees who plan to attend the next functions.

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  • Kiran Bangera, Kundapur

    Sat, Jun 05 2010

    I think Billawas Dubai has become very popular and it has helped several hundred students to continue their education. BDNE has also helped several lacs of rupees towards medical treatment of poor patients in our native place. Those who attended their Scholarship Distribution function on 16/08/09 at Gokarnatheshwar Temple Mangalore saw themselves. So, instead of supporting Billawas Dubai, few people are spitting venom against them for obvious reasons. You know the story of fox and the grapes, that's it.

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    Sat, Jun 05 2010


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  • Rithesh S., Pareeka / Abu Dhabi

    Sat, Jun 05 2010

    Mr. Sanil Brs. Dxb /Kallianpur, U r right, Billawas Dubai have earned name and fame from their deeds i.e. to help the poor people of the community in Karnataka. They have helped even from other communities. Name and fame if on merit is a noble thing. It is not a good thing when certain people claim that they are doing this and that while doing nothing. I am sure U belong to the latter class. People have already recognised BDNE as an excellent team - they are going ahead with their achievements despite people like U! Wake up man, wake up.

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  • Akash Salian, Mangalore/Dubai

    Sat, Jun 05 2010

    Can have a reaction (comments) from the so called registerd company.

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  • Rithiraj, Mangalore / SHJ

    Sat, Jun 05 2010

    This is in response to Mr. Mahesh Sanil's comments. First of all, what makes you to think that BDNE is to serve some individuals here. The community members know very well the amount of monetary assistance given to poor students, medical cases etc. I am sure U belong to the group which could not hold their annual functions since last 2 years and now this group is not in a position even to get up and walk! Right?

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    Sat, Jun 05 2010


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  • Lalitha S. Kotian, Mulky / Dubai

    Sat, Jun 05 2010

    I have been attending each and every function of BDNE and am very proud to say that this is one Billawa Sangha which has done so much for the community people backhome. I don't think any other billawa sangha in abroad has done so much. So, who are shedding these crocodile tears over disunity ?- some vested interests. BDNE have evidence to show facts and figures of charity work undertaken. It is a fact. I think the people who cannot digest the success of BDNE have expressed their hatred towards BDNE. Long Live BDNE and their selfless service to the community!

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  • Venkatesh Rai, Dubai

    Sat, Jun 05 2010

    Dear Sir, I've been in Dubai for the last 8 yrs and been attending the functions organised by BDNE for last 4 yrs with out fail. Also functions of other communities. I've seen personally the efforts put for in by the community members towards the charity work and to raise the funds. Yes, there are 2 groups, which is not good. But who made it ? If they are like minded, should come forward and join the team without any obligations. It's easy for you to comment on others. Then u say u are proud billawa. But that proudness should be shown in your work. Tell how many of you have helped fellow billawas ?? First pls understand, charity begins at home. if somebody is doing any help, in so ever manner, let them do it. Rather supporting them, people create obstacle or hurdles... Common pls grow up.

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  • Sanil Brs, Dubai, Kallianpur, Udupi

    Fri, Jun 04 2010

    I think we should salute these Billawa Union leaderes for trying to divide the community for the sake of personal interests...For the sake of getting name and fame these people will go to any extent!!!. I remember attending one Billawa event, the organisers go on calling name of the the Presedent & his wife's name n number times, i was just wondering whether i was attending Billawa Union function or Private function of the Billawa President!!!. Guys wake up!!! get some tips from Bunts or Catholic unions how to keep the community UNITED!!!

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  • Harish Poojari, kadekar Dubai

    Fri, Jun 04 2010

    Its a bigg pain, and shame, we have two unions such a small country, why our leaders solve simple issues? why ego problem? if
    I want intraduce my self frist question everybody ask which group u r ? we are not unite thats why we are politically very weak,Please think billavas please try to unite our family,and work for unity, otherwise new genarations are not belive our unions, and they are not comming 0ur get together programe.

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  • Jeet, Mangalore/Dubai

    Fri, Jun 04 2010

    I think every Billawa has forgotten the NARAYAN GURU's saying "One Jati(Caste) One Religion, One God for Man" but I see everthing is TWO.Why??
    because of personal difference or ego clash etc.....
    Why can't we unite????
    We have learnt in our childhood days UNITY IS POWER.Is it so here????
    I am proud to be a BILLAWA,but I do not like the billawas who for their own personal benefits divide the caste,regilion into TWO groups.

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  • Vinod Shriyan, Udupi,Abu Dhabi

    Fri, Jun 04 2010

    Iam Shame to see two billawa union in Dubai.One is registerd and one is non registered.What is this?You can see some community in Dubai like bunts they have good unity.But in our community 2 groups.Dear members of both the groups of Dubai please make it single committee.Then you can make what you want.I know that some of the committe members shyning themseleves,its ok but make it songle group.Then you can see the strength of billawas or else start another committe.Last time when jayamala came that time also told to make single committee but there is no use.

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  • Ashwin Amin, Surathkal

    Thu, Jun 03 2010

    Difference in opinion is there everywhere especially where the class volume is subsequent. People will unite under one Strong Leadership forgetting their differences provided the Leader is having a commanding Personality in view of his Uniting Power and Diplomacy. Leader who doesnt have a clear vision for the community but goes with the words of envy will perish and divide the Group !!
    Gentlemen , before putting down your words just think once so that the energy and spirit of the people may not diminish . It is the Sunrise for all Billawas that the people are getting the things right . This Giant Social Power will Grow Gigantic to its right dimensions very soon . The mistakes of yesterday will be the stepping stone for their bright and successful tomorrow ..

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  • Mahesh Sanil, Hejamady/Abu Dhabi

    Thu, Jun 03 2010

    Dear Shodhan - Thanks for sharing the thoughts trust the all will be taken in ro good sprit.

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  • Akash Salian , mangalore/Dubai

    Thu, Jun 03 2010

    Thanks to Mr.Dayananda Bangera,Mr.mahesh Salian,Mrs malathi &prould billawa for your valuable comments....keep it up..nobody wants to upbuilt our community who are living in UAE,everybody wants indvidual names.

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  • kvlnsharma, Kasargod-Abu Dhabi

    Thu, Jun 03 2010

    I would like to introduce me as 'non-billava', respect spiritual GURU who rendered life for cascading historical message 'one cast, one religion and one god' that succeeded to have diplomatic society. But I regret to stress that not only Billavas but other community also accepted historical message. So guys like me not willing to go through unhealthy and unproductive clashes within community, hope it is the time to respect and put effort to implement historical message in our life. Feel proud to be an Indian, don’t waste productive time to organising clashes within community.
    Mera Bharath Mahan……

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    Thu, Jun 03 2010

    Excellent word written by Mr Mahesh sanil & Dayanand Bangera.

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  • Kavitha M Sanil, Chitrapu /Abu Dhabi

    Thu, Jun 03 2010

    It's ridiculous...are we registered Billawas..? my firm belief is we are individuals what god created to live and do something better for the society. Any body can tell me when BDNE become as Brand honour of billawas...?

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  • Mahesh Sanil, Hejamady/Abu Dhabi

    Thu, Jun 03 2010

    "Billawas Dubai & Northern Emirates is the only registered association for all billwas in the region is in the news not only in the Gulf but back home in Mangalore" which provoked me to extend my feelings here that, first of all this is registered under the umbrella of "Sharjah Social Centre" to serve the purpose of some individuals not all billawas in the region.When the chariry works takes place registered or non registered least bothered only the good deeds are considered. Let us clean our soul and mind to be proud billawas of this region and back home to serve the needy humanbeings arround us. Please some correction / edit required here as GURU's photo to be placed on the top for the respect what he is done for all the community and what we preaches among us.Message is very clear.
    Thanks for the readers.

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  • Rahul, Mumbai - Dubai

    Thu, Jun 03 2010

    Dayanand Bangera, Katapady / Abu Dhabi but who will do thisthis is in hands of COMMUNITY MEMBERS, members should BOYCOT going to any function organised by BOTH REG... Organisation straight strong message "UNITE UNDER ONE UMBRELLA" or ban this registered organisation enjoy with your wife and children at home enjoying with THUMPS UP and CAKE.

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    Thu, Jun 03 2010

    All the best!!!!!!!

    Dear Shodhan , good report. one thing i would like to inform you that in u.a.e so many community and groups doing their charity based programmes without any publicity and without registration .. i personaly belives that charity based programmes to do registration not mandatory, pure and clean heart required.....

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  • Malathi Sanil, Dubai, Udupi/ Kallianpur

    Thu, Jun 03 2010

    Well said Mr. Dayanand, these unions are not Billawa unions anymore, these are Indvidual unions. My only suggestion to both the so called UNIONS to exclude the name of Billawa and add your peronal name and run the show. Request both the group not create political atmosphere among the Billawas... You have extra money celebrate but don,t try to break the Billawa unity that too in outside India...

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    Thu, Jun 03 2010

    Great going and Congratulations to our beloved President Mr. Mohan Attavar. We all are with you. Billawas have topped up the charity work under your leadership and we are blessed with Shree Shree Narayana Guru's blessings.3 cheers to you.

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  • amit, mangalore/dubai

    Wed, Jun 02 2010

    Two unions? Even here we dont have unity. We will never be better then the rest of the communities because of ego, greed and hunger for fame. If people were really interested in developing teh communit they would be selfless and join hands.

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    Wed, Jun 02 2010

    I fully agree with Mr. Bangera. Its people like Mr. Bangera who made Billava community proud by representing UAE cricket team and not these so called Billawa Union office bearers. I have lived in Dubai for 10 years and these 2-3 Unions is SHAME on Billavas. In such a small place with so little Billava community if there is no unity what can we expect when it comes to entire India with 1.53 Billion population with hundres of religion, cast and groups. These so called Billava office bearers thinks they are the only handful of Billavas in Dubai with brains and rest all are fools. As Ms. Malathi rightly said in her comment what the hell of a difference its going to make if the Union is registered or not. I am also a Chartered Accountant but not sure what kind of Registration you are talking about when it comes to entity's such as yours in Middle East. Plz dont insult Great Social reformer and Spiritual Guru of Billavas who taught us ONE CAST, ONE RELIGION, ONE GOD FOR MANKIND. We have 2-3 Billava Unions for few hundreds of Billavas living in UAE

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  • Praful, Attavara / Krishnapura / Ajman

    Wed, Jun 02 2010

    Congratulations Team!!! One question, Is this registered under Indian Act or UAE Act (the only registered association for all Billawas in the region!!. Only for my knowledge)

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  • Dayanand Bangera, katapady / Abu Dhabi

    Wed, Jun 02 2010

    I also hate to read this article saying this is the only registered ( what he means by registered ) organisation. People who have vested personal interest have devided the community in Dubai.

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  • Dayanand Bangera, Katapady / Abu Dhabi

    Wed, Jun 02 2010

    Everything you all ( both organisations ) doing great in Dubai. My message is why there is Two Billawa Organisation in Dubai / why 2 Billawa Team gather superate to celebrate. Is this organisations belongs to Individuals or they have vested interest. If you all keeping Narayana guru infront and doing this, my personal view is you all wrong ( This applies also for 2 Groups in India ). Here All Billawas knows, what is Guru's message. Other option is you all can gather as per your town ( Mangalore / Surathkal / Mulky / Padubidri / udupi etc ). That is more sensible and no one can question, if you all having N number of Team. This is only my view.

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  • Malathi, Dubai, Udupi

    Wed, Jun 02 2010

    How many Billawa unions , one registered others not registered?. whether its make any difference if its registered or not?. Every body wants importance... nothing else

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  • santhosh suvarna, mangalore/west africa / ghana

    Wed, Jun 02 2010

    congratulation mr mohan attavar . you people make billawas proved . IN Ghana many billawas r there but our community is not here .so i request to all billawas to take a step towards us who r in Ghana

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  • Ashwin Amin , Surathkal

    Wed, Jun 02 2010

    BDNE is on track and target.. They are able to cross new milestones on Charity Path ..

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  • S. Ramesh Babu, Mangalore/Dubai

    Wed, Jun 02 2010

    I heartily appriciate and admire your fruitfull activities in the region and back home as well. Keep it up and "God" bless.

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