Attack on Churches : A Reality Check...

Attack on Churches : A Reality Check...

Special Report
Daijiworld Media Netowork - Mangalore

September 14, 2010 marks the second year since the ignoble attacks on churches in South Kanara and other districts of Karnataka.  The Christians were taken aback by surprise following this sudden and uncalled for provocation and took to streets in protest and soon the situation went out of hand as the protests turned violent.  What followed after that is nothing but the worst kind of altercation between the angry protestors and the police who used their brutality to subjugate the protestors.  The memories of that Black Sunday and the events that followed the aftermath will continue to haunt the Caholics of Mangalore especially those who have faced the brunt of the police brutality when the protests took an ugly turn. 

File Picture: Sep 14, 2008

It is two years since the shameful event of desecration of churches and the memories of that fateful day are still fresh in the minds of Catholics, who feel it was the worst kind of attack on them since independence. As they say, the wounds have healed but scars of those deep wounds will forever remain imprinted in the memories of people, more so in those who are still facing the consequences of their act of defending their faith and their religious institutions. This is especially true in case of 145 Catholics against whom cases were registered for arson, looting, attacking policemen on duty, damaging public property etc,  The matter is in the  court and  the accused have to attend the hearing as and when it is held which is proving to be  a cumbersome task greatly affecting their fighting spirit.


One can but imagine the fate of these 145 people who after two years are finding themselves at crossroads as attending the court cases all through this period has drained them mentally, physically, psychologically and financially.  Many of the youngsters find their career in doldrums as the court case keeps them tied to this place.  Many have been forced to give up lucrative careers abroad and elsewhere in India due to the pending cases in court.  This has been brought to light at a meeting of ‘the brave soldiers who faced police brutality for safeguarding their faith’ organized recently as we are nearing the completion of two years since this insalubrious incident.  It was an effort to bring them face to face with their lawyers fighting their cases and leaders who have taken the cudgels on their behalf and to give them an assurance that the community is backing them in their fight. This meeting was held at Bajjodi, in Mangalore, under the auspices of International Federation of Karnataka Christian Association (IFKCA), Bangalore. 
IFKCA Chairman Ronald Coloco who has been instrumental in bringing together these soldiers said “we wanted to assure these people that the community and the diocese is with them not only in words but also in deeds and our advocates and we have succeeded in convincing these people that we will make all out efforts to ensure that the cases against them are withdrawn at the earliest.  In spite of the heaviest sections loaded against these people (attacking and injuring policemen is a non-bailable offence) we had succeeded in releasing them within two days.  Once the case is in the court we cannot overlook judicial procedures which will take its own course”.       


As we know it is easier said than done and both the leaders and those accused against whom the cases are pending are aware of the stark reality facing them.  Justice B K Somshekar Commission of Inquiry appointed by the state to probe the attack on churches and the violence that gripped following this attack,  has submitted an interim relief a few months back and has been given another extension.  The term of the Commission will end only on October 31, 2010.  Unless the Commission of Inquiry period comes to an end the cases registered against all the 145 people cannot be withdrawn.  Though the report was to be ready by August this year it got extended by another two months. 

Ronald Colaco speaking to daijiworld said “whatever little information of the Commission available to us we have been given to understand that the cases filed against 145 people will be withdrawn taking into consideration the lack of criminal record against any of these accused.  We have also appealed to the Chief Minister and the Home Minister of the state and once the Inquiry Commissions time gets over we are confident that the government will consider our request sympathetically.  It is just a matter of time”.   

Though there is a general feeling that the government is biased against Christians, Ronald Colaco says that sometimes the government is compelled to act tough due to compulsions from various fundamentalist forces within their own party.  But they are very considerate to us knowing very well our contributions to various fields such as education, health, social service etc, and due to the peace-loving nature of Christians they have some soft corner and consideration, which many people may not be aware of.  Today’s meeting was to give a sort of enlightenment to  those who are facing the court cases that judicial procedure takes its own time in dealing with pending cases and we cannot sidetrack judicial matters.  


Though the leaders spoke about unity there is more chaos and disarray disunity which was evident from the reaction of some of the people against whom the court cases are pending.  The situation in Permude Church is almost out of hand as the youngsters complained that the Parish Priest has been revengeful in linking the names of some youngsters to that of the attack on police in a fresh complaint filed recently in some other context.  Alphonse Fernandes of Permude parish says “I have no regrets of having defended my faith when the situation demanded.  But now it is sickening to know our parish priest is vengeful and is determined to get us involved in incidents from which we are trying come out.  I spend my own money and my valuable time to attend the court cases.  I now feel it was not worth getting involved in incidents like this. Even if a need arises I will not support my children to venture into this kind of adventurism”.

Another Permude parishioner said that though 90% of the parishioners complained to the Bishop to transfer the priest nothing has been done so far”.   Though the leaders assured that the matter is solved amicably with the intervention of the Bishop the youngsters said the cases are not yet withdrawn.  How the leadership is going to handle this situation remains to be seen.

This kind of squabbling is sure to deal a big blow to the unity, which is the need of the hour.  There is disillusionment among other parishioners also who feel that they are left to fend for themselves in facing the court cases. The root of this cynicism stems from the fact that the cases are booked against the group and not individually.  As a result even if one of the members of the group is absent for the court hearing the case gets adjourned or postponed.  As such, most of them end up spending their valuable time in court premises.  Leo Crasta and Stany Pinto of Kulshekar Parish also expressed their frustration and anger and feel that their sacrifice has come to a naught.   Stany Pinto who has his own business says “I have attended the case 18 to 20 times and the Somshekar Commission of Inquiry  3 to 4 times.  But every time the case gets adjourned as someone or the other is unable to attend the case.  It is frustrating and disgusting”.    Leo Crasta  is also vehemently feels he has been caught in an unwanted situation from which he finds no escape route. 


Frustration is running high among those who are facing the cases largely because there has been no coordination among them, the leaders and advocates dealing with the cases. Many among the 145 people facing the court cases are oblivious of the latest developments with regard to the cases and do not know whom to approach even for information.  Some youngsters especially students are unable to attend the court owing to examinations and the case get adjourned whenever they abstain.   To overcome this  Ronald Coloco said that a full time employee will be appointed to carry out the liaison work and intimate to the advocates in advance so that they can give an application of inability to attend so as to avoid unnecessary adjournments and delays.     

As a further step to strengthen the coordinated efforts Ronald Colaco has come forward to open units of IFKCA in each taluk of the district and fund them for a year to give that initial fillip.  IFLCA was started with the principle motto to bringing about unity of different denominations of Catholics. Colaco says “we are happy that we could live peacefully with more than 80 per cent of the Hindus in this country and it is only a small percentage of fanatics who are playing with the religious sentiments of the people creating mistrust and spreading hatred.   We have to stay united and show our strength not by fighting war but by protecting our institutions and churches”.

The morale of those facing the court cases is at its lowest ebb now and it calls for united efforts to maintain unity and strength of purpose.  IFKCA took this initiative of bringing together the brave soldiers to assure them they are not alone in their fight as a consequence of their acts of safeguarding their faith.  It is necessary to keep up the tempo of that fighting spirit to ensure a logical end to this sordid episode. 


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  • Tom Cat , Mangalore/ Saudi Arabia

    Tue, Sep 21 2010

    praveen, karkal
    The catholic community believes in openness and do not have a hidden agenda like the cults or outfits of the majority religion.

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  • praveen, karkal

    Fri, Sep 17 2010

    The catholic community is doing a great job of washing it's linen in the open. The comments are going personal rather than issue based. Whether issues related to other communities are also discussed like this in this forum?

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  • vincy, shamboor/Bangkok

    Fri, Sep 17 2010

    I realy appreciate the comments of nagesh nayak,kunder and many others who write in support of BJP.At last we have someone who can provoke our lazy to comment ,so called minority people to read te news and comment thier views.I am happy to read the informations given by Fr.onil and now satisfied about the role of cathoic church in helping the victims who rushed to the spots where the fundamental groups attacked worship places.I would like to request those living in middle east and other advanced countries to come forward to raise funds to help these victims.

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  • Kuldeep Kamath, India

    Thu, Sep 16 2010

    Fr. Onil, Mangalore

    May I presume that you post these clarifications on behalf of Catholic bishop of Mangalore? When posted on this website that compensation has been paid to those unjustly slapped with criminal cases, in truth and in black and white at least 17 people didn’t get any such compensation and they don’t know the way/manner in which to obtain it from the diocese. Are Mark D’souza and Anthony, Mangalore are speaking the truth and deserve a comment form the authority? What the bloggers are asking is what concern the authority shows and how positively active to help these 145 soldiers of your faith at the second anniversary. Instead of being proactive your posting comes across as defensive and reactive. It is high time for the Church hierarchy in Mangalore to shed the old mentality towards the laity of –“Pray, Pay and Obey” and welcome collective and servant leadership in all aspects. These are simple financial matters, if you don’t give direct satisfactory answer, why at all they should come to you for greater and spiritual matters. Let the bishop walk the talk and set an example.

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  • A.S.Mathew, U.S.A.

    Thu, Sep 16 2010

    Mr. Bhatt: Thank you for your
    response, I do understand your
    view point.

    I have always written that the
    mainline Hindus are the most
    tolerable and religious people
    in India.

    While Christian religious leaders
    paid visit to our home in India,
    our home was fillled with people,
    and a great number of them were
    Hindu friends. Hindus are very
    religious and tolerable. But that
    was undermined by the radical

    In our village, Christmas function
    was celebrated as an inter-religious
    function the ratio of
    Hindu-Christian was 50/50.

    Now the situation is totally
    changed. Seveal radical elements
    have penetrated the mindset of
    the old friends.

    May I reinstate the fact that,
    it is not the majority Hindus
    causing the problems to the
    minority Christians, but the
    minority radicals causing the
    problem. But, they will cause
    a bad name for the whole Hindu

    The street people who are marching
    by the commands of the leaders
    who are hinding in safe place can't
    influence the commanders.

    People of your caliber can influence the leaders to change
    their course of aaction, but not the people at the street level.

    We all need to work hard for peace
    and to stop of wild growth of
    radicalism, especially the religious based.

    Again, thank you for your response
    and explanation of the comment,
    which is greatly appreciated.

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  • Antony T. D' Souza, Karkala / Qatar

    Thu, Sep 16 2010

    Dear Christian Brethren, let us be little more courtesious than usual on such sensitive matters in this column. Fr. Onil has repeatedly invited all skeptics or non-skeptics to come together for an open dialogue to verify the facts. Therefore, let us be far more serious and plunge in to it rather than scandalizing for no genuine reasons. Does Mark, Permude ( or assuming 4 more will join the list) represents the successful story of remaining 140 cases ??.Let us be humble before God and men of God. Lydia Lobo, people will call you a ‘lady of wisdom’ if you stop immediately further arguments and receive the invitation for a direct dialogue with Fr. Onil for an amicable conclusion. No doubt, your concern is right but approach is wrong !. Therefore, let us live ….Psalms 133: 1.

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  • Felix F.,, India/Ksa

    Thu, Sep 16 2010

    I dont see anything wrong in the views expressed by Mr. M.Bhat, Mumbai, except his reference to Islamic countries where he says non Muslims are forced to abide by their laws. Living in a Islamic country myself, things today are not the same as they were some years back. Lot of changes are taking place in Islamic countries, specially in Saudi Arabia, under the leadership of King Abdullah, and you may not believe, that, if they continue with the reforms taking place today, they will be a leading country of example to the rest of the world, be it in communal harmonry, religious freedom, industrial development, cultural developement and also freedom of the press.

    If you read the arab news now, one can voice opinion even against Islam/Muslims or the Govt/country if one sees something wrong, which was unthinkable some years back. I my opinion we should not base our presnt thinking based on the past, because the present and the past are not the same.

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  • Fr.Onil, Mangalore

    Thu, Sep 16 2010

    Kuldeep Kamath, India.
    There is no need of doing any damage control when there is proof in black and white to stand by what has been said. When you have one story to speak your side there are more stories to speak the other side of the reality based on true facts which are verifiable. In my second clarification I have asked to follow the recommendation by Antony T.D'Souza, Karka/Qatar if any ony is interested in knowing the truth. I repeat the same once again if anyone is genuinely interested in knowing the truth.

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  • Peter, Dubai

    Thu, Sep 16 2010

    Dear Lydia Lobo,




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  • Melissa Dsouza, Jeppu

    Thu, Sep 16 2010

    First of all I congratulate Daiji world for bringing the reality to light, only through this platform I understood that our diocese is helping the people involved in this case.
    My cousin is involved in this case and despite being a student he is missing the classes to attend the court case. And he has not received any guidance or help from any body with this regard. We are concerned about his future. Some times if anyone from the group fails to make it to the court, all were detained in the court till evening and most of the time had to skip their lunch or even water.
    For the 1st time in last 2 years on 12th Sept 2010, under the leadership of Ronald Colaco all the people involved in this matter were called for a meeting. It was only on that day we felt we have support and our fight for a cause is backed, however for a 2 years long we felt abandoned and had to suffer a lot both physically and mentally.
    Through this platform we request Fr. Onil, to guide us to the concerned authority in the diocese for help in this matter as promised by him.

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  • vinod dsouza, karkala

    Thu, Sep 16 2010

    Dear Madam Lydia, i am supporting you. Today 145 youths who defended our us are in difficulty. It is first and formost duty of mangalorean catholic to support them financially. When miscreants attacked churches, we mangaloreans from mangalore and ohter parts of world condemned the attack through comments. bu today time has come we need to support them financially. already Ronald Kulaso has taken the initiative. Lets support him . I urge the mangalorean catholics residing in gulf please come forward and helf financially instead of helping only through passing the comments.

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  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Thu, Sep 16 2010

    Jerald Pereira,

    Who is quarreling for the compensation ? Its Rev. Onil who said that the victims are offered compensation for the loss(quote 'All expenses are borne by the diocese. Concerned parish priests have been asked to make necessary arrangement to make good of the lost wages of people who appear in the court in connection with the cases' unquote). Until then, no word about compensation ever come up. To see, nobody has been compensated nor was aware of any such arrangement !

    All that the faithful are asking for is to let go of the allegations filed against our men by the police. Is it not the duty of Catholic Church, as an entity under which we are united, to lead us to get this relief ? Whether we fought or not and if it was with or without our wish is not a question at all ! When we all know that the attacks were wrong, the allegations were baseless, what holds our religious leaders back from supporting our youth ? Its the question of our brothers' future - they can't apply for a Passport, Ration Card, Voter's ID, a seat in educational institute, all due to their being tagged as a criminal !

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  • Jerald Pereira, Permude /Mangalore

    Thu, Sep 16 2010

    Why these people quarrel in the media?...No one is forced to any body to come and protest on 14th day . Potesters came forward by their own wish and will. Now why argument on compensation , God will grant you whatever you lost if you have faith.Just you people glance at your veiw and see whether it is correct as a catholic you do?.Prayer gives peace to mind not quarrel,that is what Jesus did before he could curcified.Friends let us stop here.

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  • M.Bhat, Mumbai

    Thu, Sep 16 2010

    Mr.A.S.Mathew, U.S.A.

    you have clearly messed up with the meaning of "you all consider yourself lucky...." by assuming that you are at the mercy of majority Hindus. Thats where you fail inspite of being educated and living in USA. No where i have mentioned any favour by us to you people. you need to read the views in context of how islamic countires treat minorites in their country and try to domiante their world by forcing its views on them by converting people by sword. when in majority they need sharia laws and expect secularism and fair treatment when in minority.
    Hindus have not forced any of our views on you and flashed our swords at you. "you are lucky" in the sence you are not forced to pray 5 times a day pointing your body towards saudi.

    Mr.Louis D'Souza, Udupi/Kuwait

    I am not a politican and cannot talk on behalf of others. what i have written here are my views.

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  • Kishore, Udupi/Dubai

    Thu, Sep 16 2010


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  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Wed, Sep 15 2010


    Generally, we sow where we can reap. For example, when the sweeper lady asked our parish priest's permission if she can take home the fallen coconut she picked from the church-yard, she was asked in return 'How much do you donate to the church ?' Do you see what made me to be calculative ? The reverend may not require your advice, they are well taught.

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  • Raghu, Mangalore/USA

    Wed, Sep 15 2010

    People living in glass houses should never throw stones at other glass houses. This is the reason for all the meyhem.

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  • loboprem, Bangalore

    Wed, Sep 15 2010

    Father.. next time you need to monitor and keep an account as to how much Lydia Lobo puts in the collection box.

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  • A.S.Mathew, U.S.A.

    Wed, Sep 15 2010

    Mr. Nagesh Nayak:

    You have the right to preach about
    your religion or political ideology
    to me. If I don't like to hear,
    leave the place. I have the same
    right to preach and you have the
    same right to respond.

    But I don't have any right to
    touch your body to hurt you
    physically. I can shake hands
    with you (if you accept it) and
    leave in peace.

    Cutting the hand of a person due
    to religious disagreement is the
    old mentality of eye for an eye
    and it is inhumane and totally
    unaccetable in a civilized world.
    A crime is a crime, whether it has
    a religious or political motivation.

    When religion takes swords to
    settle scrores, then we lost our
    civility and sanity.

    It is very sad that a few radical
    elements in all the religions create a bad name for the whole
    religions. One lunatic Terry Jones
    from Gainsville created bloodshed
    and burning through his non-sense
    talk of religious terrorism.

    Boodshed and killing of other
    people is not religion, but totally
    due to the wild human nature of hatred and retaliation. I love
    Jesus, but if somebody makes a
    mockery at Him, I am not delegated
    or taught by Jesus to hurt that
    person physically.

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  • A.S.Mathew, U.S.A.

    Wed, Sep 15 2010

    Mr. Bhatt, Mumbai. "you all consider yourself lucky...."  is a complex statement with dual meaning.

    If a Christian is writing likewise  in the U.S. or any other predominantly Christian country by targeting the minorities there, it will be higly offensive.

    Let me state the recent population data of the major relgions of the world, in millions.

    Christianity 2300-2500
    Islam 1100-1200
    Hindus 825-1000
    Buddhism 400- 500
    Sikhism 24- 28
    Jainism 6- 12

    These religions are in India, and  the majority are Hindus.  When people like you who are
    educated, display an attitude that the minority Christian community of India is at the mercy
    of the majority Hindus how the the uneducated will react!

    Hndus are a minority in the U.S., but they are not living at the mercy of the majority Christians of the  U.S.

    The anti-Christian rhetoric and violence perpetrated by a few  radicals of various Hindu based parties in India will create international reverberations.

    We are living in an age of internet and CNN, so news will flash around the world within seconds.

    May I request people like you to influence the radical politicians, not to play the spade card of
    religion, which can create greater problems for everybody. We all  need to live in peace. It is
    better, not to mix politics with  religion.

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  • Louis D'Souza, Udupi/Kuwait

    Wed, Sep 15 2010

    Mr. Bhat, We don’t have any differences with Hindu's or any other religion, all our neighbors are good with us and we are participating in their festivals, and they do the same things. But these politicians are pressurizing some groups like Bajrang Dal, to do such things to get few votes by dividing the public on religious issues. In my native place my house is surrounded by Brahmins, they don’t have any problem from me nor I have from them. During every festival we exchange sweets. This is all Politics, the kamal of Kamal (BJP) because BJP had been Ravana Rajya for us, if you ask Yeddi who is Sitha matha? He will answer Shri Ram’s sister.

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  • Dilip Correa, Muscat

    Wed, Sep 15 2010

    Really saddenned to hear that Permude Parish Priest has been taking revenge against his brothers. I feel really sad and can offer only a prayer to ease your difficulties my brothers. Nothing much can be done from where I am. Lord grant wisdom to our clergy.

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  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Wed, Sep 15 2010

    Apologies Fr. Onil,

    There wasn't any need either to mention that arrangements were made to compensate for the lost wages. Perhaps compensations claimed too but the real sufferers did not benefit out of it. Its left to concerned departments to investigate. However, these young men (example Mark D'Souza, Permude) dutifully appeared the hearings sustaining personal loss and he did not even know of any such arrangement until it came up on this website. Then, how can I believe that it ever existed ?

    We want the religious authorities to note that we are offended. I am sure there were enough means to do the mending within last two years. We have so many educational institutions isn't one prominent officer/minister sending his ward to any of the institutions ? Could they be contacted for help ? I have personally met Hi-Fi parents who preferred St. Aloysius or St. Agnes over colleges run by other communities. Couldn't we ask for one favour in return ? Or, those associated with any other Christian organization ? I apologize once again to mention that we are let down greatly. I request our religious authorities to please do the needful to relieve our brothers from shameful allegations before frustration drives them to fatality.

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  • Felix F.,, India/Ksa

    Wed, Sep 15 2010

    As Christians it was wrong on the part of those who went to fight the police and the attackers, during the attacks on the Christian churches.

    When Jesus was being arrested, one of Jesus' apostles Peter, reached for his sword, drew it out and struck the servant of the high priest, cutting off his ear.
    "Put your sword back in its place," Jesus said to him, "for all who draw the sword will die by the sword. Do you think I cannot call on my Father, and he will at once put at my disposal more than twelve legions of angels?

    Christians must follow this example now and for ever. Zero violence, unless it is for self defense, and leave it to almighty to take care of the attackers. This is called faith in Jesus and God.

    However since some the Christians are still facing law suites, and as per Fr. Onil D`souza, the Bishop is doing is best to get their cases quashed, it will be good if the active Christians in Mangalore, can form a committee to, help them financially, through the parish funds, if the funds from the Bishop are not reachable to them.

    As some one pointed No Priest got arrested, or came to lead the youth in the fighting, this is because they were following the example of Jesus, not to involve in violence, which I am sure will be remembered by all the Christians, should the churches be attacked again

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  • Joe Gonsalves, Mangalore - U.S.A.

    Wed, Sep 15 2010

    Yes it is two years since the churches and Christians were brutally attacked by people. What is unfortunate is that so far The Government of Karnataka has not taken any steps to redress the grieviences of people.

    India is a secular State and every one has a right to practice religion of his or her choice. It is high time the Government takes steps to set matters right and ensure safety of religious places.

    Joe Gonsalves

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  • Kuldeep Kamath, India

    Wed, Sep 15 2010

    If Fr. Onil is trying to do damage control by his posting, the behest of the bishop of Mangalore, he is caught badly by the comments of Mr.Mark D’souza. If the high priest does not share how the help is rendered through the simple and common mass media like Daijworld the bishop can send a circular to be announced on Sunday Masses so that whole diocese can be apprised about one most affected incident to the Catholic Church what has been done. At the same time we are living and using social mediums like face book, internet, twitter, blogs etc, and RTI gives the right to every citizen to demand information from any public trust directly or indirectly. And all church trusts are registered public trusts. By sharing the expenses diocese is setting a good example, when asked by the public and there is nothing to fear except fear itself.

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  • ASHOK, Udupi/Dubai

    Wed, Sep 15 2010

    Mr. Bulsam, Mangalore your comments itself biased. You have named only HIndu & BJP leaders. You did not find single leader form Congress or other community. Do we united? Why we all acting like innocent & superior then others.

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  • antony, mangalore

    Wed, Sep 15 2010

    Sad to see time has not been able to heal all the wounds of that fateful day.There was talk of compensation and what not I was there with my wife at Milargres when it happened.I had joined for peaceful prayer and protest.There next to me sitting on the road an elderly gentleman definitely a senior citizen was rudely thrashed by police,My bike was damaged costing me nearly Rs2000 for repairs to the main meter console and tank. Although I reported the matter to our ward represantative nobody guided me to what was to be done.Was this so called compensation " meant for ive few" as is in the caseof so many matters in our christian society?

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  • Fr.Onil, Mangalore

    Wed, Sep 15 2010

    Lydia Lobo. Kadri,
    No one has come out to say that he/she has received wages as compensation. Personally I think it is not fair to expect someone to come out in the public and say that he/she has received money. If someone wants to say that then it is left to their freedom.
    No one has said he/she has received money. Does it mean that such an arrangement doesn't exist? Certainly it does. There is a back up for what has been said. If you are truly interested to verify the reality please follow the recommendation by Antony T. D'Souza, Karkala/Qatar. I assure you will find right answers for your questions based on hard facts.

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  • r.t.shetty., mangalore

    Wed, Sep 15 2010

    what about punjab and kashmir the recent attack on church and christian school,

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  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Wed, Sep 15 2010


    I should have put it 'on behalf of those who personally fought' because you didn't undergo what us people in Mangalore did hence your difference of feeling is obvious. Each of us is a liberal faithful, no compulsions whatsoever.

    As for your contributions that you do out of love of God, what did we taking the beatings for you think ? For protecting our own properties ?
    We ask for protection from social elements as a group not as individuals. Nature's system is that a leader protects his followers. Since it did not happen to our 145 members it came down to this. I am sure Abu Dhabi is much secure than what we feel here since past couple of years.

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  • Blaise Fernandes, karkala

    Wed, Sep 15 2010

    @ Fr.Onil D'Souza, Mangalore
    I have one question to u ....Did our bishop put hard efforts or hardly some efforts to release these guys?
    According to me Ronald Colaco did help most of them @ dat time and even today.

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  • Fr.Onil, Mangalore

    Wed, Sep 15 2010

    Lydia Lobo. Kadri,
    No one has come out to say that he/she has received wages as compensation. Personally I think it is not fair to expect someone to come out in the public and say that he/she has received money. If someone wants to say that then it is left to their freedom.

    No one has said he/she has received money. Does it mean that such an arrangement doesn't exist? Certainly it does. There is a back up for what has been said. If you are truly interested to verify the reality please follow the recommendation by Antony T. D'Souza, Karkala/Qatar. I assure you will find right answers for your questions based on hard facts.

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  • Janette Dsouza, Mangalore/Abu Dhabi

    Wed, Sep 15 2010

    Sorry Lydia Lobo,Kadri, even though I have high respect for your views on various subjects (that have appeared on Daijiworld at any time), this time, I beg to differ with certain views of yours.

    First of all, 'on behalf of the readers of Daijiworld' you want an explanation from the church authorities. Sorry, I am not a party to this. Please exclude me from this. Ask explanation for yourselves and not for others unless you are very sure, all are with you. Because, whatever I do, I do it for the love of God and I don't question thereafter. If there is any discrepancy, let God handle it. That's my view.

    Secondly, you said, 'next time the church asks the laity to be generous with the offerings, you will take it as a reminder as to how much the church took care of its flock during troubles', may I gently remind you that one is giving offerings to the church not as a favour to the priests but out of love for God? Ultimately, it is between you and God and it is never between you and the priests.
    No intention of hurting your feelings, but that's my view.

    And for all those who defended our churches during the attacks, I will suggest, you take only one stand : either you did it as a favour for the priests or out of love for Christ and His church.
    Nevertheless,rest assured, you all are not forgotten by your fellow brothers and sisters.

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  • mark dsouza, permude/mangalore

    Wed, Sep 15 2010

    I along with my 16 parishioner brothers from permude are attending the court case from past 2 years (around 12 times till now).For the first time I and others came to know that any compensation towards their daily wage / expenses paid for the victims of the church attack while attending the court case .

    To be sincere only at the beginning we were asked to claim bills towards the repair of damages done to our property/vehicles during attack from the amount donated by our parishioners and other parisioners of pezar varado to the fund.Kindly let us know to whom we have to contact for this and what are the formalities.

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  • mark dsouza, permude/mangalore

    Wed, Sep 15 2010

    I along with my 16 paritioner brothers from permude are attending the court case from fast 2 years (around 12 times till now).For the first time i and others came to know that any compensation towards their daily wage / expenses paid for the victims of the church attack while attending the court case .To be sincere only at the biginning we were asked to claim bills towards the repair of damages done to our property/vehicles during attack from the amount donated by our paritioners and other paririoners of pezar varado to the fund.Kindly let us know to whom we have to contact for this and what are the formalities.

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  • Tom Cat , Mangalore/ Saudi Arabia

    Wed, Sep 15 2010

    On second thoughts the attack on churches for which some police men who supported the bagarang goons were promoted one particular case is circle inspector to deputy superintendent

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  • Judith L, Mumbai

    Wed, Sep 15 2010

    Mr. Bhat,

    Really appreciate your kind words. We know that most of our Hindu brethren really appreciate the work of Roman Catholics, which gives us an inspiration to continue doing good and serving the society.

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  • Tom Cat , Mangalore/ Saudi Arabia

    Wed, Sep 15 2010

    Mr. Kishore, Mangalore and nagesh nayak, bangalore both of you seem to be on different tracks, here the question is church attacks by idiotic, chauvinist RSS who are traitors to the nation, who throw stones with the police to support, more the RSS attacks more people get converted to Christianity . Kishore with regard desecration of temples go find separate forum to discuss about it , on second thoughts very often RSS desecrate the temples to create a issue, just like modi burnt a train of Hindu pilgrims and blamed the Muslims for it.

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  • Ashok Kunder, Perampalli

    Wed, Sep 15 2010

    Lydia Lobo, Kadri, I mean, all the 47 comments above.

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  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Wed, Sep 15 2010

    Ashok Kunder,

    Which side of the fence are you ? Regardless, I did not say Catholics are divided nor do I suggest we should. Putting is in simple words, we the flock are pierced by double edged swords. Our religious representatives say something what they can't prove while our political heads torture us.

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  • Ashok Kunder, Perampalli

    Wed, Sep 15 2010

    Ms. Lydia Lobo, Kadri, We can come to the conclusion with above comments, Catholics are united for themselves.

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  • Antony T. D' Souza, Karkala / Qatar

    Wed, Sep 15 2010

    Ronald, Mangalore, one of the eminent lawyer is advocate Melwin Noronha. I met him the same evening where he won the cross examination against one of the police inspector. That was the turning point for all the entire police saga yet he is plying between Mangalore and Bangalore. Of course I did not enquired with him who paid his fees !!. For courtesy sake do not expect all legal proceedings and balance sheets, payment vouchers to appear in the public columns and should never be. I would rather advice, have a direct dialogue with Fr. Onil to set a good example to the similar clans.

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  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Wed, Sep 15 2010

    Mr. M. Bhat (Mumbai),

    Thank you for your words of wisdom. Shall we lead the example by forgetting what happened before 400 years ? We Mangaloreans have got over what happened to us, offered the other cheek instead.

    Present turmoil is about clearing the names of our brothers against whom the police have booked criminal cases. Their offence ? Retaliating the attacks on our places of worship. Compensation, justice is out of question in Karnataka's democracy all we want is a peaceful future for our brothers.

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  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Tue, Sep 14 2010

    There is not one positive reply to my question if anybody is compensated for the loss of wages or if their parish informed them about any such arrangement.

    Rev. Fr. Onil, I may not have a right to question but on behalf of readers of Diajiworld, I will be humbled to hear an explanation from you to this.

    Present situation should have been that our fight is against injustice meted to us, paradoxically, we are begging to let go to have retaliated the attacks. Perhaps we too should have hidden in the rat-holes as the members of clergy did. As such, let the Church continue to ask us to be generous during offerings, I will take it as a reminder of how the Church took care of her flock during troubles.

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  • Sunil Pinto, Bantwal/Abu Dhabi

    Tue, Sep 14 2010

    The attacks on churches are still pinching us hard becoz it was not a simple attack on a building but it was on the sentiments of all catholics all over the world. Mangalore for the first time saw such an unity among this community. We can see a unity (?) among some of our communities which they are using to do bad to others specially jobs like attacking churches.

    I am very proud to say that my community people united but for a very good cause. I dream of one Sene....yes that is Santha George Sene, a famous warrior saint. If God gives me that strength I will do that one day....soon becoz I am an Indian Soldier(Ex)

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  • f.l.fernandis, bangalore/usa

    Tue, Sep 14 2010

    After reading the article on attack on churches two years ago and suffering of 145 people who stood forefront to protect the faith I was sad and further reading readers comments and undersdood where we are standing in the present day world.

    It is an eye opener to christian bretheren.  When I was small I heard a poem on soldier who was in the battle field." Cannon to the left,cannon to the front and cannon to the right but not to question why?Do and die.The world is like that.We have to do our duty.These 145 christian brotheren are our crusaders.We have to always remember and pray for them.Now a days just praying is not enough.Act wisely learn the politics of life.

    Understand the rules for survival in brutal and manipulative world.In every field and in every community all types of people are there.Good leaders like Mr Ronald Colaco and good priests are there.All types of help is needed to our 145 people.Our judiciary system is not that simple.It takes a lots of time.One should not loose patience.Finally 'Satyameva jayathe'.

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  • Dolphy, mangalore/Abu Dhabi

    Tue, Sep 14 2010

    Mangalore Diocese is trying its best in every way to help these people, but remember that still BJP rules the state.Do you think they will allow so easily? Lets thank God for giving us the oportunity to defend our faith. Its rightly said blood of martyrs is the seed of Christianity..

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  • Ronald, MANGALORE

    Tue, Sep 14 2010

    Dear Fr Onil Dsouza, please disclose the names of lawyers who are appointed and amount which is spent for this cause by diocese in past 2 years...its better to be transparent and honest in this faith related issue.

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    Tue, Sep 14 2010

    Minority communities always on receiving end when there is biased govt fuctioning.

    MR Kishore Managalore, attacking on Hindu temples and disfiguring of Hindu Statues are NOT OKAY with minorities ! If any one attcaks place of worships and holy places irrespective of HINDU-MUSLIM-CHRISTIAN are of not human beings instead cowards and criminals.

    Mr BULSAM MANGALORE,your comments are too good to digest by anti- socials and anti-nationals.BUT IT IS REALITY & PERFECTLY YES YES!!!

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  • Ozy, Mumbai

    Tue, Sep 14 2010

    Thank you Fr. Onil for your kind explanation of the situation, I am really happy the church is behind these worriers. Each and very christian should show solidarity with these people at any cost.

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  • cyril mathias, udupi

    Tue, Sep 14 2010

    Those who fought against attack on churches must be saved at any cost.Even though the lay leaders are doing thier best in that direction,the clergy,with a few exepion, are not doing their best.When a priest is atacked all the christians protest ,whereas when a lay man is attacked similar support is not there.It is time,that all of us stay together and fight otherwise we will perish in the hands of the present dispensation.Hope that Permude priest will understand the need for unity.

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  • Louis D'Souza, Udupi/Kuwait

    Tue, Sep 14 2010

    God bless those who suffered during 9/14, God has reserved a place in heaven for all of them, those who suffered for the sake of Jesus. Few years ago there were just 2% Christians in India. Now the Christians in India have increased to 10%. Especially in Andra Pradesh around 15% have converted to Christianity. Lots of Hindus closely watching our religion and they are accepting our faith because of our service to the poor people. The more the majority hurt us the more will be the conversions.
    God does everything for our good.

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  • John Vas, Kulshekar/Dubai

    Tue, Sep 14 2010

    Mr. A.S. Mathew, you are right. God bless you, Mr. Ronald Colaco for the work you are doing to help those innocent victims, who has no power nor money to face these kind of Judiciary obstacles. I appeal to those who are in power, influence to help the way Ronald Colaco doing his service behind the scene. All the best for these kind SAMARITANS in this world.

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  • Peter Pereira, Pune

    Tue, Sep 14 2010

    I am sure most of the Catholics, especially who are out of India did not know the fate of these brave soldiers till they read this precious article. I request all followers of Jesus to lend helping hand to these brave heros without any further delay. Mr. Ronaldo Coloco, please take the lead & inform followers of Jesus throughout the world to donate generously to help financially to these poor, but brave silently suffering soldiers. Please open a Bank account & inform the same to readers of 'Daiji' world....please.

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  • Henry, Mangalore

    Tue, Sep 14 2010

    I am proud of our youth who stood for their faith. I am also proud of the Bishop of Mangalore who left no stone unturned to defend our youth victims. No one can blame the Bishop for the cases in the courts. He has been doing his best to get relief for our youth

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  • Jerald Pereira, Permude /Mangalore

    Tue, Sep 14 2010

    God said because of me you will be beaten up and punished, so called words are come true. Dont give up the faith and hope,Praise the Lord.

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  • Bostave Ambrose Barganza, Hospette

    Tue, Sep 14 2010

    Fr. Oni, it was a ‘Test of Faith’ sent from ABOVE on Mangalore Diocese . How many Priests came openly in the street to defend their faith ? Priest succumbed under pressure and were hiding in the every unknown rat holes. Therefore, until and unless you justify on this matter, you have no moral right to defend upon rest of the matter. Please be reminded that …..Who found Grace in the eyes of the Lord ? It was nuns, women, youth, children and likewise clergy. Pulpit Priests were defensive and were not risk takers as most of the saints died as Martyrs. Priests are meant only to take festival processions (that also during non-communal riots time) from Milar Church to Rosario church or vice versa. I observed, it was only Msngr. Denis Moras Prabhu in is minimum attempt continuously condemning church attack in the readers columns. He has real guts like Bangalore Archbishop, Bernard Blasious Moras. (no comments about Bishop of Mangalore who was ill during that period. However, he could have guided the Priests to come out openly)

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  • JRAO,

    Tue, Sep 14 2010


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  • Ranjith Fernandes, Dubai / Mumbai

    Tue, Sep 14 2010

    We have to admit one thing: All of these "Bammon" higher-up priests from established families who rule the Church Bureaucracy, Aristocracy, and "Laggardocracy" need to get off their high horses / comfort zones and help these youth who defended their catholic beliefs that day.

    Most of the people who were arrested on that day were ordinary working class catholics - plumbers, electricians, mechanics, rickshaw drivers, teachers etc.... Not the "Konglish" speaking class-oriented, family wealth inherited wealthy catholic youth. If these kind of guys were arrested, things would have been different today.

    It is because of the lack of political influence of these poor youth (male and female) of the various parishes, that the church higher-ups are lazily twiddling their thumbs doing nothing for these guys.

    Quite shameful!

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  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Tue, Sep 14 2010

    Rev. Fr. Onil's message is too gratifying. Can any of the 145 youth confirm having received compensation for their lost wages ? Or, can any of you confirm if your parish has informed you of any such arrangement and you did not take interest in submitting records for such claims ?

    Nevertheless, it would be very kind of the Diocese representatives to help the cases to be withdrawn so that they can live a normal life, without fear of any legal hurdles emerging in their future or being branded as criminals.

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  • Bulsam, Mangalore

    Tue, Sep 14 2010

    If our law was strong enough and unbiased, no ugly communal force would dare provocated, instigated, terrorised or destroyed the establishents of the minorities. Have you ever heard of Advani, Joshi, Togadia, Uma Bharati, Bal/Udhay/Raj Thakaray or any senior radical and fascist Hindutva leaders being arrested? We should stregthen our judicial system, police department, beauracratic utors to serve the law breaking citizens as well as the dirty politicians strictly as per their books and without any favourable projudice or bias and partiality.

    Terrorists are few rebel youth in some communities whose grievences were ignored time and again and these misguided youngsters take law into their hands. Justice delayed is as good as justice denied and this is not good for the economic growth of our poverty stricken country.

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  • Fr.Onil D'Souza, Mangalore

    Tue, Sep 14 2010

    It is now two years since the unfortunate incident of attack on the Churches took place. The bravery of the youngsters and the people of the community with which they resisted these attacks is still alive in the minds of the people. It will not be forgotten in any case. It is a regrettable thing that these brethren of ours who stood for the faith had to and still continue to suffer the effects of these incidents. It is observed that time and again excuses have been made by people (some by ignorance, others by choosing to be ignorant) that the diocese and Church leaders have not done to support anything to protect the victims. It is incorrect to say that the diocese has not done anything to protect and support the victims.

    The fact of the matter is that the diocese and Church leaders have done their best to get the suffering brethren out of the undeserving and painful situation they are going through. First and foremost the diocese under the leadership of the Bishop has not left any stone unturned to release the youngsters who were arrested within the shortest time possible. And during the last two years constant efforts have been made to contact the right persons in the government to withdraw the cases filed against our youth. Memorandums have been submitted to the Chief Minister and the Governor requesting them to withdraw the cases. The Bishop has personally spoken to the Home Minister on three different occasions asking him to withdraw the cases. The Bishop has also met the Governor personally and has requested him to prevail upon the government in withdrawing the cases.

    Meanwhile the diocese has engaged the eminent lawyer to fight the criminal cases filed against the youth. So far 24 cases were filed. Out of them 35 people in 7 cases have been acquitted, and they are free. The cases of another 150 people in 17 cases is being fought in the court. All these cases are handled by the lawyer appointed by the diocese. All expenses are borne by the diocese. Concerned parish priests have been asked to make necessary arrangement to make good of the lost wages of people who appear in the court in connection with the cases. Two eminent lawyers have been appointed by the diocese to represent the memorialists before the Justice Somashekar Commission. One lawyer has been appointed to co-ordinate the lawyers at the state level. All expenses in this regard have been met by the diocese. The concerns of the people who have stood for faith are not let down as some wrongly think.

    Overzealous reactions without proper knowledge can lead to cause damage to the efforts under way to help the victims. All the readers and well-wishers are requested to co-operate in helping the victims who are really the heroes of faith of our time. Please also pray for the success of the efforts the diocese has undertaken to help our brethren to come out of the cases they are caught up with.

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  • Melroy, Dubai

    Tue, Sep 14 2010

    Bishop House is good enough to tackle these kind of matters and expenses, all churches in the diocese contribute every time. These funds should be utilized for this purpose. Mangalore diocese is one of the richest.

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  • Lloyd D'souza, Dubai

    Tue, Sep 14 2010

    We are with Ronald Colaco & all those 145 people who fought for our community & all those who supported directly & in-directly to protest against Chruch Attacks.


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  • Oliver Misquith, MANGALORE

    Tue, Sep 14 2010

    Bishop should help them these youth to come out.

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  • M.Bhat, Mumbai

    Tue, Sep 14 2010

    You all consider yourselves lucky becuase you live in india in a hindu majority country, who are mostly peaceful and secular. We donot interfere in your daily lives nor you do. You have grown in all speares of life and contributed to English and Mediacl education in India. Few unfortunate events like what happened in 2008 should not become a yard stick to judge the majority community and spew hatred at it. I know the good old days of hindu-christian friendship has waned for time being. This has created doubts in the minds of everyone. I hope everyone should make an effort to assuage the feeling of hurt and move ahead in life forgetting bitter past and forging a new friendship which would remian with us forever.

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  • Tommy Gilbert Brazanga, Gulberga

    Tue, Sep 14 2010

    Kuldeep Kamath, Tom, Lydia and others..Thanks. But WHO CAN TIE THE BELL to this unchangeable ,unyielding, uncompromising Aristocrat church authority ?. Such attitudes must change lest some otherkind of attack might coop up.

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  • Ozy, Mumbai

    Tue, Sep 14 2010

    Do we lack of funds, Bishop of Mangalore should look after every needs of this persons.These are the people defended us and if you let them down it's a shame on us.

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  • Janette D'souza, Mangalore/Abu Dhabi

    Tue, Sep 14 2010

    Tom cat Mangalore/Saudi Arabia, cool down a little bit, my brother. Fasting and praying we will do but not for the intentions you have mentioned. If that was the case, St.Paul should have been
    demolished when he persecuted the church and the result would be, you and I would never know about Jesus and the salvation he bought for us. Remember, Jesus came for the sinners and not for the self-proclaimed righteous people!
    Secondly,don't paint the whole world with the same brush. If there are selfish priests, remember there are also selfless priests and they outnumber, as you label, the INDIFFERENT priests. Good and bad are there in every community. Let's look at the positive contribution of our priests instead of tarnishing the image of our entire clergy because of the attitude of negligent number of self-indulgent priests.
    May be Lydia Lobo,Kadri is right in suggesting the opening of a separate account for the above said purpose. Great going Mr.Ronald Colaco.

    I promise my prayers and contribution for the noble cause.

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  • Clara Lewis, Kemmannu/Dubai

    Tue, Sep 14 2010

    It is unfortunate that the 145 people tried to defend our faith are in trouble, duty of a religious leader to support and stand with them united, but here we see different story, as Mr.Kuldeep Kamath said, we christians by donations and collections help people in trouble, this is our duty to help and protect all 145 people who stood to protect our community, very good work by Mr. Ronald Colaco, God bless you and give you strength and courrage to carry on your good deed,

    India is a peaceful country to live in but recent years because of few fanatics minorities suffer and are in trouble, because of them these 145 people are facing problems today, government should take strict action against those who bring disturbances in the country, as Mr.Mathew said the world is watching what is happening in Karnataka and any other parts of India to minorities.

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  • Gracy Menezes, Bangalore

    Tue, Sep 14 2010

    Even Jesus when nailed to his cross asked to forgive the people that betrayed him but god punished them so we are not anybody to judge leave it unto the lord and he will punish them.We have no right to kill other person then there is no dif b/n them n ourselves we are followers of jesus and we need to prove them.People who crush the churches show their helpless minds.We should be happy that they are scared of our strong faith & so they are today trying to demolish our faith but no they cant.

    Churches are only meant for praying a place holy place to pray its not that our faith n god can b demolished by pelting stones!! we are very strong.We are always united and youth are today needed to stand as a model to others showing them we can withstand any no of stones by ur good nature.Fighting them back has alwys given rise to another church being demolished.We need to fight back in our way.where are the lawyers truth holders of christianity? why arent the church leaders getting involved? during the votes church leaders ask to vote the right person so why dont they get the people together and go to that person for justice why do they leave the sheeps to scatter.Its duty of our church main leaders to gather people and fight for them! Jesus fought for people and then disciples were formed ..Disciples dint vote for jesus remember that.

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  • elias, bantwal

    Tue, Sep 14 2010

    This is the 4th prosecution of catholics and 2nd in karnataka.the second is by tippu sultan.Even though 80% catholics eliminated by tippu sultan catholics still there in coastal region giving good education to the people of coastal region.The only schools were there in bantwal were catholic church schools till 1970 except the SVS high school.all those studied in bantwal taluka christian church schools except SVS high school.these schools are not started by british. British were torturing catholics like any other torturing today.

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  • Judith L, Mumbai

    Tue, Sep 14 2010

    We have to help to get the youth who have become victims of false accusations. United we can do it. What about Oscar Fernandes, he can only spend lavishly in crores for his daughter's wedding.

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  • nagesh nayak, bangalore

    Tue, Sep 14 2010




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  • Kishore, Mangalore

    Mon, Sep 13 2010

    Desecration of Temples & Hindu Gods are okay with minorities. Please fight for all. It gives more sense. United we stand , devided we fall.

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  • callen dsouza, Bendur, Mangalore

    Mon, Sep 13 2010

    sir ronald colaco is working very hard solving all internal problems may god bless him for his good work he is doing without any diffrences towards cast and relegion.

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  • Lydia Lobo, Kadri

    Mon, Sep 13 2010

    Mr. Kamat and Tom Cat both are right that the funds need to be collected through church announcements BUT the funds will never come out of the church coffers.

    Instead, IFKCA should float pamphlets requesting community members to donate to a particular bank account which can be used for legal expenses. Mr. R. Coloco has been too generous we must not take him for granted.

    The future of 145 youths is at stake. We must be there for them before frustration drives them to a sad end.

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  • Ashok Kunder, Udupi/Dubai

    Mon, Sep 13 2010

    Mr.Kuldeep Kamath, India. What you said is correct. But India is a secular country. You are saying use the Church collection for welfare of the Catholics & Temple collection welfare of the ALL community, infrastructure etc. You mean India is secular country to secure only Minorities. We have millions of poor, uneducated people in Mejority who will take care of them? Mejority & Minority what we did during Independence was correct to make all are equal. Now because of that there is not much defference in mejority & minority. Time has come to change the law. Govt should treat all the citizen equally.

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  • Tom Cat , Mangalore/ Saudi Arabia

    Mon, Sep 13 2010

    The Christians should continue to fast and pray earnestly that the people who planned and supported these attacks on the church are demolished and they know that God is on our side.
    Psalm 46.9 to 11, He makes wars cease to the ends of the earth
    he breaks the bow and shatters the spear,
    he burns the shields with fire.

    10 "Be still, and know that I am God
    I will be exalted among the nations,
    I will be exalted in the earth."

    11 The LORD Almighty is with us
    the God of Jacob is our fortress

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  • Nitesh R., Mangalore

    Mon, Sep 13 2010

    We wish Mr. Ronald Colaco of IFKCA all the very best in this mission. Hope he will unite the people and lead the way in securing justice to these 145 youngsters.

    Hope people wil step forward in all way possible to assist those 'accused' who were fighting for rights on behalf of their community.

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  • Tom Cat , Mangalore/ Saudi Arabia

    Mon, Sep 13 2010

    Kuldeep Kamath, India golden words but these clergy will only eat what money they get in name of welfare it will never reach the welfare of the youths.

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  • Tom Cat , Mangalore/ Saudi Arabia

    Mon, Sep 13 2010

    Twenty five years back in Bangalore at Christ the King church Malleswaram there was a similar priest like the parish priest of Permude Church with Arch bishop Arokayswamy supporting him. The priest was indifferent, arrogant, and chauvinist. When people of the parish could no longer bear it , the people rebelled started a hunger strike in front of the church , end of the story is that both the parish priest and bishop were shutled away from Bangalore. The clergy is fattened by the people who make them lazy, there by are not interested in the welfare of the society, they forget humbleness, have attitude problem and assume for granted that they will not be criticized. Today every old timer priest remembers what happened in Bangalore church. So if they don't change its up-to people to change if the clergy does not perform.

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  • Naveen ,Qatar, Permannur

    Mon, Sep 13 2010

    Thanks to Daiji &
    IFKCA Chairman Ronald Coloco- we wish you all the very best .May your efforts give positive results and save us from the future humiliation.

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  • Kuldeep Kamath, India

    Mon, Sep 13 2010

    Money is power, it is good and bad, follow the money, it can helps to solves most of the problems. Mr. Ronald Colaco after consultation with the local bishop needs to start a fund which will help the cause of 145 Catholics involved in the cases in defence of their faith. Who will contribute? The Catholic community of Mangalore has an obligation for this. That fund will be utilized for hiring of best of the lawyers and other services. Even each one them may be compensated for the loss of wages or pay during attending of court cases. Let the bishop make an announcement to make a second collection at all Sunday Masses till the necessary amount is collected. Let this fund be very transparent. May it be arrange under the leadership of Mr. Ronald Colaco.

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  • Alwyn, canada

    Mon, Sep 13 2010

    Time to come with contribution of funds to help the court cases and other issues involved with clearing the youngster from the mess up created by fraud officails in Karnatka. It never happend in the past only becasue of certain ignorant fanatics of terrorist. People respect the great religion of hindus they never create trobules it is done by few rowdies. God will forgive them. Keep doing good work to your fellow Indians and rest leave in gods hands.

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  • A.S.Mathew, U.S.A.

    Mon, Sep 13 2010

    Attacks on the Christian Churches,
    and terrorizing of the Christian
    minority in Karnataka was with the
    blessings of the government, which is a proven reality.

    To make the matter to settle
    peacefully and to erase the chapter
    for ever, the Home Minister very
    easily could have given pardon to the charged
    individuals. But, they were being
    harassed perpetually for the last
    two years. Where this is going to

    Well, Karnataka is at the top among the States of India for
    persecuting the Christians.
    Thirty MLAs didn't get their visa
    to visit the U.S.A. for the Kannada
    convention. The whole world is
    watching what is happening in
    karnataka or anywhere in India
    while minorities are persecuted.

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