Indian diaspora in Americas, Europe vocal in backing Israel, muted in Gulf

New Delhi, Nov 4 (IANS): A large chunk of the global Indian diaspora has rallied strongly behind Israel after the country witnessed its largest cross-border attack in October this year, carried out by the Hamas terror group, ever since its creation in 1948.

From holding peaceful protests to solidarity marches, the Indian community across countries like the US, the UK, Canada, Australia and parts of Europe turned up in sizeable numbers to condemn the attacks that left 1,400 dead in Israel and saw over 200 of them being taken as hostages in Gaza.

In addition, Indian-origin advocacy groups and non-profit organisations called upon their respective governments and authorities to take firm action against anti-semitism seen on the streets, in politics, academia and the media in the country.

Some of these organisations include the Foundation for India and Indian Diaspora Studies, Coalition of Hindus of North America, Insight UK, Hindu Council of Australia, Canadian Hindu Forum, etc.

At a recent Congressional briefing, Nissim Reuben, Program Director of Indian-Jewish Relations at the American Jewish Committee, said Indian-Americans will never forget that Israel rushed much-needed defence supplies to India during the 1965 and 1971 wars, and also during the Kargil war in 1999.

To begin with, demographics have played a part in the Indian community's stance on the ongoing war with Israel housing more than 85,000 Jews of Indian origin.

In addition, there were about 18,000 Indian citizens in Israel, engaged in an array of sectors, mostly as caregivers, IT professionals and even pursuing studies, who have now been evacuated under 'Operation Ajay'.

In contrast, there were only 17 Indian nationals in Palestine before the hostilities broke out.

"India is the only country in the world with no history of anti-semitism... even today in Israel, Indian Jews say that Israel is our fatherland. India is our motherland. Israel is in our hearts. India is in our blood," Reuben told the Congressional briefing.

The views of the global Indian community vis-a-vis the Israel-Palestine war correspond very much with the stand taken by their mother country and the countries they have chosen to call home.

With the Americas, Europe and Australia throwing their weight behind Israel, the Indian diaspora settled in these parts is seen to side with the Jewish community, while those in Muslim-majority Gulf regions have remained largely muted.

Of the estimated 1.34 crore non-resident Indians, more than 66 per cent are in the Gulf countries of the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Oman and Bahrain, according to a 2022 External Affairs Ministry data.

An Indian-origin doctor in Bahrain had to apologise after he wrote posts on X supporting Israel and criticising terrorism, leading to his termination by the Royal Bahrain Hospital with "immediate effect".

"The Indian diaspora living in Arab and Gulf countries may become vulnerable if they show support to Israel here," an Indian expat in Dubai said on condition of anonymity.

The majority of Palestinians are Sunni Muslims. According to data published by the Central Intelligence Agency, 80-85 per cent of the population in the West Bank and 99 per cent of the population in the Gaza Strip is Muslim.

Most Muslim organisations of Indian descent, like the Washington D.C.-based Indian-American Muslim Council, have slammed Israel’s counter-strikes and shelling that have already killed more than 9,000 Palestinians, roughly half of them children, and injured many more thousands.

According to foreign policy experts, a large number of the Indians abroad supporting the Israeli cause are Hindus who sided with Prime Minister Narendra Modi's strongly-worded response which said that India "stands in solidarity with Israel at this difficult hour".

Writing in Foreign Policy magazine, Michael Kugelman warned that "India can't afford to give the impression that it's fully taking Israel's side".

To begin with, it can negatively impact the prospects of the India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor (IMEC), projected during the G20 Summit as an India-led multilateral trade infrastructure, according to experts.

So five days after Prime Minister Modi's remarks, India released its official position stating that it has "always advocated the resumption of direct negotiations towards establishing a sovereign, independent and viable state of Palestine, living within secure and recognised borders, side-by-side at peace with Israel".

In addition, it sent nearly 6.5 tonne of medical aid and 32 tonne of disaster relief material to Palestine last month.






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  • KS Mayya, Mangalore/Bangalore

    Tue, Nov 07 2023

    Is Hamas a true representative of Palestinians? If so, do Palestinians condone terror acts of Hamas? There were visuals of celebration in Gaza street, after women and children in Israel were killed and tortured by Hamas. Then why should anyone take sides in the first place. You condone violence, violence engulfs you. Muslim or non Muslim it does not matter. By the way, what is Hamas's charter? Independent nation for Palestine or wiping Israel from the map? It is both I hear. So, India has only one side left to take sides in that case. For political correctness and to appease countries who are drunk heavily with oil, we may be acknowledging 2 sides, but there is only one side.

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  • Mahendra, Mangalore

    Mon, Nov 06 2023

    Cannot be pro Israel or Pro palestine -- it is PRO PEACE -- -- needless interventions -- arms industry who thrive on wars ---- Oil interests -- Wars based on religion -- madness has to stop --

    DisAgree Agree [6] Reply Report Abuse

  • Dr Kusuma Kumari Gunji MBBS DGO DNB, Nellore/Kodyadka

    Mon, Nov 06 2023

    Let there be peace and a peace everywhere I am praying for peace

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  • GURKA, Mangaluru

    Mon, Nov 06 2023

    ART OF LIVING by Shanker sri sri sir ~ they are well known proverb When in Rome be a ROMAN, back in India they will not JOB - MONEY-GOOD LIVING - GOOD EDUCATION - GOOD MEDICAL FACILITY - FREE FOOD ETC ETC - Instead only JUMLA JUMLA in every elections

    DisAgree [5] Agree [5] Reply Report Abuse

  • Monty Dotor, Mangalore

    Mon, Nov 06 2023

    @ Babu Shenoy. Ukraine had opposed Nuclear tests by India in 1998, UN resolution 1172 to be precise, when Vajpayeewss PM.. Ukraine had voted "Yes" on UN intervention in Kashmir ,it was against India's stand that it is a bilateral issue. Ukraine had supplied arms to Pakistan. While on the other hand Soviet Union and Russia had vetoed many resolutions against India and supplied arms to India during the 1971 war when Bangladesh was liberated. You will agree with me that Sam Manekshaw and Indiraji were responsible for splitting Pakistan into two. Probably you were a "Babu" in your own language "a child" at that time so you do not know about it.

    DisAgree [3] Agree [18] Reply Report Abuse

  • Roland, Mangalore

    Mon, Nov 06 2023

    Your comments clearly look like your following a particular leader or sone group which follows that particular leader. Russia sells arms to China and Pakistan - so you still support Russia inspite of them supplying arms to your ‘ enemies’.

    DisAgree [10] Agree [3] Reply Report Abuse

  • Shankar, Mangaluru

    Mon, Nov 06 2023

    Doctor, why don't you prescribe us all that 'pun ki goli' that you take alone? Love to read your comments!

    DisAgree Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse

  • Cynthia, Dk

    Mon, Nov 06 2023

    🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣.....undu makkkaaar aand....Pun ki goli he shares with us everyday....

    DisAgree [1] Agree [4] Reply Report Abuse

  • Alwyn, Kudla

    Sun, Nov 05 2023

    Please pray for peace . Every where evil makes hard to live in peace. All we need to. Pray to almighty to grant peace and cast the evil out of every corner of the earth

    DisAgree [1] Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse

  • Daniel, Mangalore

    Sun, Nov 05 2023

    Israel is a small nation, surrounded by large muslim countries. God chose a small country to teach the world Divine commandments through prophets. Instead of fighting now and then these Palestinians should be accomodated in other neighbouring muslim nations but other nations specially IRAN waging proxy war through Hamas and Hezbollah not only to control Israel and then whole of middle east including gulf nations with the help of Russia! that most unware of, but God knows! as per 2015 Divine Prophetic messages.

    DisAgree [27] Agree [33] Reply Report Abuse

  • Thousif, Mangalore

    Mon, Nov 06 2023

    Daniel first tell your zonist Jews stop looting Palestine house in West Bank many house of Palestine iserali looted this Hindu will never support Muslim but they will go to Muslim country and work and make there life comfortable..zonist Jews alwys insult Christian

    DisAgree [11] Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse

  • Daniel, Mangalore

    Mon, Nov 06 2023

    Is it not God in His mercy has allowed so many 'refugees' in many countries of Europe and US inspite some being mercenaries and their accomplices or supports ? Whom elite, socialist russia and communist china plan to use them only for their gain or to destabilize nations and control ? Once done these communists and socialists might spread one pandemic and injections for it and reduce them or their number? So need to avoid instigating and refugee creating wars ?

    DisAgree [2] Agree [3] Reply Report Abuse

  • k b r, Mangala Uru

    Sun, Nov 05 2023

    why should any one take a stand in a conflict where India has no stakes ?

    DisAgree [13] Agree [29] Reply Report Abuse


    Sun, Nov 05 2023

    One thing we should know that , no protests allowed there whatsoever..we have seen how mumbai burnt for Burma Rohingya issue...look at EU now, its virtually burnt by immigrants..look at UK/USA/CANADA..immigrants bringing their host countries on will never happen in will be packed & sent off in first flight..

    DisAgree [3] Agree [34] Reply Report Abuse

  • Dam, Mangalore

    Sun, Nov 05 2023

    Supporting israel can be dangerous for India......

    DisAgree [44] Agree [29] Reply Report Abuse

  • John Tauro, M'lore

    Mon, Nov 06 2023

    Israel has provided material support to India in three wars against Pakistan - in 1965, 1971 and 1999. India has much expectations from Israel including sharing of scientific, technological, intelligence and military data.

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  • sense_shetty, Mangalore Kudla

    Sun, Nov 05 2023

    No Arab nations have deployed military forces to support Palestine, as doing so might displease their Western allies, particularly the United States .Many Indians living abroad tend to prioritize their responsibilities, concentrate on financial success, and generally adhere to the law

    DisAgree Agree [40] Reply Report Abuse

  • Anil, Mangalore

    Sun, Nov 05 2023

    I was deeply saddened by a video I saw yesterday of an 11-year-old Palestinian girl who was found under the rubble of her house. Her uncle discovered her and she was being taken to the hospital on a stretcher. However, the confused girl was begging her uncle not to take her to the graveyard. This brought me to tears and made me question where our society is headed.

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  • Jossey Saldanha, Raheja Waterfront

    Sun, Nov 05 2023

    Only the dead have seen the end of War ...

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  • Robin, Byndoor

    Sun, Nov 05 2023

    Survival Strategy... No Protests Chalta Hai in Gulf...

    DisAgree [4] Agree [30] Reply Report Abuse

  • Mbeary, Dxb

    Sun, Nov 05 2023

    10000 Palestinians killed, 3000 being just children. Speaks volumes of the people who support Israel in this genocide of theirs. And all these hipocrites can ask to defend themselves, is do u condemn Oct7

    DisAgree [42] Agree [28] Reply Report Abuse

  • David Pais, Mangalore

    Sun, Nov 05 2023

    I cite in two angles: 1) Children are shielded by Hamas to hide Israeli strikes so as to launch rockets against Isralis. 2 ) Polygamy to increase population. The biased Middle East media. In hamas jurisdiction Truth' speaking is not allowed. Finally, Israelis droped leaflets to evacuate from North to South and if not moved out Palestinians have to bear the brunt.

    DisAgree [9] Agree [36] Reply Report Abuse

  • Chandu, Karla

    Mon, Nov 06 2023

    It's Hamas which is squarely responsible for all the deaths in Gaza and Israel. Hamas is known using civilians, hospitals, schools as a shield for their atrocities and garner world's sympathy and secure more aid. All these Gazans were dancing and celebrating on streets with the Israeli hostages, and massacres committed by Hamas on 7th Oct. ....end result is you reap what you sow. Don't expect to reap wheat when you sow weeds....when Gaza civilians suffer their leaders are hiding in foreign land and enjoying life. All hypocrisy at its height..

    DisAgree [5] Agree [12] Reply Report Abuse

  • David Pais, Mangalore

    Mon, Nov 06 2023

    @Mbeary, Dxb, What was the necessity to split the govt., of PLO, why two Nations for Palestinians. Why was a merciless genocide on October 07th in Israel. Free the Israeli hostages. Do not shield children to hide terrorists in the war zones to purchase sympathy. Israel must take over both West Bank and Gaza North and South under Israel's rule.

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  • Monty Dotor, Mangalore

    Sun, Nov 05 2023

    The leader of Hamas in Gaza is Sinwar, split the name into two and you will know why Indian diaspora back Israel. Also remember that no Arab nations is willing to take refugees from Gaza. No sane person of any religion supports terrorists.

    DisAgree [15] Agree [56] Reply Report Abuse

  • Roland, Mangalore

    Sun, Nov 05 2023

    If according to you just by the name the Indian diaspora are supporting Israel. Can I ask why isn’t the Indian diaspora supporting Ukraine? What fault has Ukraine committed to be attacked by the tyrant Putin? Let the Indian diaspora not be hypocrite and be ‘ pick and choosy’ on supporting terrorism. Most importantly let them follow their heart about knowing what is right and not blindly follow any leader.

    DisAgree [11] Agree [23] Reply Report Abuse

  • Monty Dotor, Mangalore

    Sun, Nov 05 2023

    Ukraine was against India on the Kashmir issue and Russia was pro India when Indiraji was PM and now also it is supplying oil at a discount to India. Naturally it is correct for Indian diaspora and India to remain neutral in the Ukraine- Russia war.

    DisAgree [10] Agree [21] Reply Report Abuse

  • Babu Shenoy, Mangalore

    Sun, Nov 05 2023

    "Ukraine was against India, while Russia was pro-India." Really? Where did you get that wonderful information, Monty Dotor? When Indira Gandhi was PM of India Russia and Ukraine were one political entity under USSR they couldn't have different foreign policies. It was only the break up of USSR and after Putin came power in Russia and Putin's forces occupied huge parts of Ukraine that the enmity between the two countries atarted. That happened two decade after the death of Indira Gandhi.

    DisAgree [4] Agree [16] Report Abuse

  • Cynthia, Dk

    Sun, Nov 05 2023

    Now, its Turn to Monty baab to reply. I am eagerly waiting to read...

    DisAgree [4] Agree [5] Report Abuse

  • Monty Dotor, Mangalore

    Mon, Nov 06 2023

    My reply to Babu Shenoy is on top of the page.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [5] Report Abuse

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