Bengaluru, Mar 12 (IANS): Karnataka Home Minister G. Parameshwara on Tuesday said that an investigation is underway to find out who triggered the violence in Haveri after prices of the famous Byadgi chilli crop came crashing down at the Byadgi APMC market.
He said that the farmers from Andhra Pradesh also come to Byadgi market. “Six to seven vehicles have been torched by the farmers. We do not know why the prices crashed suddenly. The Chief Minister Sidddaramaiah has asked for an investigation into the sudden crash of prices,” he stated.
Parameshwara also clarified that there is no connection between violence and the accused Mohammad Shafi Nashipudi, a well-known chilli merchant from Byadgi market, who was arrested for allegedly raising pro-Pakistan slogans in the Assembly.
“There is no connection, it is to ascertain who is behind this violence. The investigation procedure will begin from Tuesday,” he said.
Chilli prices crashed from Rs 20,000 per quintal to Rs 8,000 on Monday. As soon as the prices were declared, the angry farmers started pelting stones at the APMC office and torched vehicles parked on the premises.
Some protesters also barged inside the office and vandalised it, damaging the furniture and breaking glass windows.
Farmers claimed that the Byadgi chilli which fetched Rs 20,000 per quintal last week had come down to Rs 8,000, and the finest crop fetched Rs 12,000.
In 2022, the Byadgi chilli fetched a bumper price of Rs 76,000 per quintal. Byadagi Police are investigating the case.