New Delhi, Sep 18 (IANS): Grazing Goat Pictures, a film production company co-owned by Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar and Ashvini Yardi, has entered the digital medium with the launch of Grazing Goat Digital. Its first venture is a Hindi fashion channel on videosharing site YouTube.
The channel, FOMO - Fashion On My Own - aims to cater to women aged between 15 to 34. It will help trend-conscious women transform into glamourous divas without having to step into a salon.
It will broadcast step-by-step tutorials on subjects such as hairstyling tips, makeup tutorials, getting the look of your favourite celebrities and more.
"FOMO will be catered in Hindi to reach a wider audience and will also available in English. It's not very cost effective for women to visit a salon each time they desire a particular look hence they can watch it anywhere at any time and still manage to look a million bucks," Yardi said in a statement.
Grazing Goat Pictures house ventured into film production with the 2012 movie "OMG - Oh My God!".