Mumbai, Jan 23 (IANS): Consumer product major Colgate Palmolive (India) Ltd (CPIL) Friday said its net sales for the third quarter stood at Rs.988.6 crore and the net profit after tax at Rs.130.9 crore, an increase of 16 percent over the same quarter of the previous year.
The net sales for the last three quarters of the current fiscal year rose by 12 percent year-on-year and net profit was up by 12 percent for the same timeperiod.
The figure for net sales stood at Rs.2,932.8 crore ending Dec 31 while the net profit after tax soared to Rs.395.3 crore resulting in earning per share of Rs.29.07 for the same timeframe.
It posted a volume growth of 5 percent for the quarter on toothpaste registering a volume market share of 56.796 percent for the last calendar year. Also, toothbrushes registered a volume market share of 42.4 percent for the same calendar.