Pics: Abhijith N Kolpe
Daijiworld Media Network - Udupi (ANK)
With Inputs from Media Release
Mangaluru, Jan 30: In a laudable initiative aimed at spreading the message of harmony and goodwill on Martys' Day, hundreds of students, staff and PTA members of Mount Carmel Central School, Maryhill took out a silent peace march from Maryhill to Padavinangady on Tuesday, January 30.
The students clad in white t-shirts carried placards advocating world peace. The peace march was followed by street plays on peace and harmony at Padavinangady, Kavoor and Yeyyadi, all of which drew the attention of the public who flocked spontaneously to the venues of the street play. The students passed on the message of peace to the public in song, dance and verse interspersed with music through their street play.
Addressing the gathering, lecturer from government college, Kavoor, Kuncheria said, "This is a great initiative by Mount Carmel Central School. Taking out a peace march on the death anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi to spread awareness on peace and harmony is appreciated. Gandhiji himself sacrificed his life by becoming the victim of violence. Students should be taught lessons of patriotism and respect at a young age."

Student of Mount Carmel Poorvi said, "Gandhiji's wanted peace in the country. We should all join hands to maintain peace in the society."
Administrator Sr Karisima said, "Today, these young minds with white outfits took out peace march and performed street plays to convey message of peace. We should learn to live in peace from a young age which can help us live peacefully all our lives in the society. Let peace be in ourselves, at home, neighbourhood, and schools and in the society".
Martyrs’ Day was strengthened by a celebration in the school with great fervour and enthusiasm. It was hosted by class V C and D for the seniors and class I D and E for the juniors. The guests of honour for seniors were Sandeep D’Souza, PTA, vice-president and joint secretary. Gloria Veigas were accorded a floral welcome. The programme commenced with a ‘Sarva Dharma’ prayer, praying for peace and harmony. Human beings longing for peace amidst violence and hatred were highlighted through a dance, skit and mime show. During the programme they upheld persons like Mahatma Gandhi, Swami Vivekananda, Mother Theresa, and Nelson Mandela who worked towards a peaceful society.
The students of the juniors of class I D and E strengthened the celebration by a meaningful programme for which the guests were Dr’s Alfred and Padmini Farias who were welcomed with words of affection coupled with welcome dance. Students danced on the theme ‘Peace’ gracefully. The take away message ‘Peace’ was depicted on the true incident of August 6, 1945, a war that blinded the conscience of the two leaders the super powers USA and Japan.
The finale song ‘One world’ was a soul stirring sight where the students, guests and teachers walked up to the stage with the logo ‘Dove’ and sashayed to the tune peacefully, gracefully and unitedly spreading peace.
Dr Alfred Farias congratulated the students for their confidence. He cited that peace day be celebrated not only today but everyday through the virtues of love, respect and responsibility.
Principal of Mount Carmel Central School Sr Melissa and others were present.