Massive protest in Canada on Christian Church attacks in India

Massive protest in Canada on Christian Church attacks in India

By Gerry D’Mello, Bendur
Daijiworld media network, Canada

Sep 21: In order to bring to the notice of the Western World, the Human Rights Commissions in North America and the Government Authorities in Canada regarding the atrocities against Christians and the failure of the State to protect the lives of the clergy and the minority community in various parts of India, a meet was held in order to use their diplomatic channels and representations to pressurize the Indian Government to take action. The Indo-Christian community of Canada organized the protest meet at the City Hall, in the Canadian city of Mississauga on September 20, 2008.  This event was attended by prominent Indo-Christian community leaders and a large number of Indo-Christians residing in Canada.

The protest meet started with a blessing by ‘Guruji’ Fr.Joe Mary Lobo, a visiting Indian Priest to Canada.  In his address he shared his experience of past 30 years working in an ashram at Bidar, Karnataka amidst peace loving Hindus.  He lamented, “Why then these atrocities, why desecration of our Blessed Sacrament and Holy images?”   He also narrated how love and peace preached by Mahaveera, Buddha and following to Jesus’ teachings, Mahatma Gandhi preached and practiced it.  He blamed a small group of fanatics who brought shame to Hinduism thus urging to pray for these miscreants.  He also expressed his shock towards the attitude of the State Government for not taking any steps immediately and justifying beyond anyone’s apprehension.  He said that as a result of persecution in India on Christians, everyone will come to know the truth of love and service of Christianity.  Before concluding with a prayer he urged everyone to forgive them as Christ forgave everyone from the Cross!

This was followed by a speech by Melissa Bhagat, a Conservative Candidate for House of Commons, Canada.  If elected, she expressed her desire to serve and to become the voice of Canadians of Indian origin in the Parliament.  She strongly opposed violence in India against the Christians.  She said, “Being a Christian country, Canada respects all religions and allows non-Christians to practice their religion so peacefully.”

Next Rev. George Matthew, a Pastor at a Jacobite Church in Toronto, expressed his grief over recent incidents against Christians in India.  He complimented the organizers for organizing such a protest meeting in Canada.  He stated, “Our responsibility does not end today, but it will continue everyday by praying to the one who is in control - our Lord Jesus.”

Fr. Henry Alva, former Rector of Capuchins in Bangalore, later addressed the crowd with a powerful message.  “We are here not to condemn anyone but to spread the peace of Christ.   Some people may say, ‘Thank God we are not in India, we are not facing any troubles or problems in Canada like our brothers and sisters are facing in India now.’  It is not about the troubles or problems but it is a matter of human rights as laid in the Indian Constitution article 25-28, a right to religion and right to worship to every person in India and this right no one can take away from any Indian,” he opined.  He continued, “I am afraid that the words of Winston Churchill, the Prime-Minister of England when India attained Independence seems to be coming true – ‘These scoundrels will tear the country apart and disintegrate it in 50 years.’ ” He called some of the politicians in India ‘barbaric’ for not knowing their constitution and the philosophy of religion that they follow.  He questioned, “How shameful it is to throw a stone at your own mother?”  He also expressed his shock about the brutality shown on women and children by the police force.  “I thank God for the good leaders that we have. Thus, we must never allow our beloved motherland India to be torn apart,” he concluded.

Max Mendes, the Chairman of Canara World Foundation Inc. & Max Mendes Group, a renowned business house in Canada, delivered the Key Address.  He affirmed, “Blessed are we who are in Canada, where the freedom to express our religion and to follow our faith is guaranteed without any fear or persecution.”  He also gave a brief scenario of recent barbaric happenings and injustice done to minority Christians in India by the Hindu terrorists.   He said, “We the Christians follow the teachings of Christ by showing our love through our dedicated service in the field of education, health-care and old-aged homes.”  He appreciated the heroic protest shown by our youth and fellow Christians in safeguarding our Churches and religious Shrines.  He gave a clarion call to protest strongly against the injustice and atrocities faced by innocent minorities in India.


In a very special way, Mendes thanked Daijiworld and other web portals for keeping us updated about the happenings in India time to time when the main media in India failed miserably to give a proper coverage of injustice against Christians in India.  He thanked everyone for coming in large numbers and commended their solidarity for a worthy cause.

The guest appearance by Mr. Dwayne Ryan Menezes, Managing Director of Dwayne Ryan in United Kingdom was an added attraction.  The three incidences which he narrated regarding the brutality against Christians in India were heartbreaking. 

The petitions addressed to Hon. Prime Minister of Canada, High-Commissioner for Human Rights in Geneva, the local Government and the Indian Government were signed by the members of the Indo-Christian community in Canada.

The programme concluded with the blessing given by Fr.Austin Francis, a Capuchin priest.  Before the blessing, he admired the richness of Hindu culture, which is our own culture too and that is the reason why we are proud to call ourselves as Indian Christians.  He stated, “The time of Hitler has returned to Indian states of Orissa, Gujarat, Kerala and now Karnataka.”  He urged everyone to pray, not only for the victims, but also for the conversion of the persecutors.

The programme was ably anchored by Donald Alva- a popular personality and a renowned compere in Mississauga, Canada.

Over 500 Indo-Christians attended this historical protest in Canada and showed their solidarity to their motherland, India.  Hats off to Max and Nancy Mendes for their dynamic leadership in organizing such a great protest meeting and to the core-team consisting of Donald Alva, Joyson D’Souza, Noel Pereira, Osbert D’Souza, Paul and Irene Mathias, Vivek Veigas, Vijay Dante, Wilson D’Souza and Flavian Pinto for organizing this successful protest meeting in a very short time to support our beloved brothers and sisters in India.

Protest Against Church Attacks: 


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  • Vincent Alva (Vincy Pamboor), Pamboor

    Mon, Sep 22 2008

    Hats off to all the Canadins. You have shown true spirit in spreading the message of Christ. I'm proud of my brothers Donald Alva and Fr Henry Alva. may God bless us all.

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  • Anita Pinto, Mangalore

    Mon, Sep 22 2008

    Hey srinivas, we christians(men, women, children) have come forward on streets and protested against the atrocities and have practically protected ourselves and our churches. You too can practise the same.

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  • Lawrence Pinto, Siddakatte/Canada

    Sun, Sep 21 2008

    Shrinivas !  For your kind information, we are born Indians & ever Indians. Please check your nationality properly.

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  • S Dsouza, Mangalore/Canada

    Sun, Sep 21 2008

    Ashith, Does the sun ever rise in your area? Your remark " No Christian was stabbed or attacked " shows you are the one ignorant of the facts about the issue. Before becoming American, remember you were Indian- may not be a proud one. Have solidarity to your original country and share their pain and anxiety. We may change our country but we will never be able to change Indian blood in us. The protest was not aginst Hindus but for justice.

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  • Rao, Mangalore

    Sun, Sep 21 2008

    Ethnic cleansing was a bit misleading. Otherwise, good show!

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  • Santhosh Kumar, Bahrain

    Sun, Sep 21 2008

    Where were u Mr. Srenivas when Modi and his gang slaughtered innocent people in Gujarat? If you are true Indian you have to be nuetral. If the crime is done by anybody whether its hindu, muslim, sikh or christian, IT IS A CRIME.

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  • vincent pereira, jcd., udyavar

    Sun, Sep 21 2008

    I congratulate all the Canadian organizers and participants of the peaceful protest against the atrocities waged on peace loving Christians in India. Christianity in India is 2008 years old and there has never been a single incident at any time of that history that a Christian was violent towards neighbours.

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  • Thomas, Bangalore

    Sun, Sep 21 2008

    Hi Ashith, If you really think, what is being done is wrong, then please stand up and voice your opposition, as an Indian. Let us all remember that we are indians, before being members of any religion. Is killing a fellow Indian justified?

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  • anil, mangalore

    Sun, Sep 21 2008

    stop crying like that our churchs has been attacked.. please stop writing of misleading books

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  • Rose, Udupi

    Sun, Sep 21 2008

    Mr Shrinivas, Christians are hardly 2% in India when you compare the entire population.We are protesting against something which is completely cynical! Regarding killings & terrorists attacks we do raise our voice but as we are few in numer we are hardly noticed. Ashith, India is a democratic & a secular country people should be free to practice their own religion which even means convertion! Moreover if Bhajarang Dal has a problem then deal with the people who did it... there is big different b/w christians & catholics! Y destroy our chruches which is our holy temple to worship! "no christian was attacked or stabbed" how would you feel if some1 destroyed your place of worship? one should raise their voices only when somebody is killed or injured??? who will pay for the loss ???

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  • Ivan C Monteiro, Mangalore

    Sun, Sep 21 2008

    We are grateful for expressing the support and solidarity in Canada. It was really wonderful to see so many people come and show their solidarity for a noble cause. When you view the visuals in the News, it appears that there is no value for democracy and humanity. Now all noble people should appeal to the International and National Human Rights Commission, The International and National women’s Commission apart from representations with the Indian Embassy in the foreign countries so that this type of atrocities on the minorities should be stopped in the future.

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  • Montu D'Souza, koppa/Kuwait

    Sun, Sep 21 2008

    Mr.Ashith Udupi please be informed that the criminal mentality of Bajrang Dal is potential threat to minority and Indian society.Before ethnic cleansing there are certain factors which pollute the society and the key factor is piling up of hatred and conspiracy.This is what you had seen in Mangalore.If not stoped at this stage it will lead to disaster.We christians are in deep sorrow because Bajrang Dal activists desecreted holy sacrament and cross which is holy of the holies.Our nuns,women,childrens were beaten up mercelessly for none of their faults.How do you feel if you are in our position.About your over confident remark "if that was the remark muslims and christians would have wiped out of India long before" .Please remember that first of all we are the citizens of India we have the right to live here and freedom to practice any religion.If christianity survived last 2000 years inspite of persecutions and trials it will survive untill the end of the world.As you say no christian was attacked or stabbed.What else you want butchering of christians like Orissa?.This inceident stabbed the hearts of all christians.Being a educated you looks like hard core fundamentalist lost your reasoning power.Please visit christian institutions when you visit next time to India.Then comment whether peace loving christians deserve the right to practise their religion or not.I am dead against conversion if at all there are forcefull conversions or insult to any faith there should be legal action.Not by the animal behaviour as shown by Bajrang Dal and police on innocent defenseless women.

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    Sun, Sep 21 2008

    My friend Mr. Srinivas, we are proud to be Indian Christians and for centuries lived peacefully with our Hindu brothers. Believe me I was in Mangalore when the attack on churches happened and it was condemned equally by my Hindu friends. Christians also condemn any violent acts such as blasts. Now the big question is who killed the Hindu saint. It is for the investigative agency to find out. Let us not jump to conclusion and make Orissa Christians the scapegoats. Let us remember the words of a great Hindu, Mahatma Gandhi, that the doctrine of eye for an eye will make the whole world blind. Aren't his words coming true in India?

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  • Ronald Mathias, Lalbagh-mangalore

    Sun, Sep 21 2008

    Mr.Srinivas, there have been bombing in all over india...why cant sang parivar go and stop terrorism

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  • anna, mangalore

    Sun, Sep 21 2008

    Mr. Shrinivas, there is a unity among christians. If we come and attack ur temples, do u sit quitely?

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  • Ashith, Udupi/USA

    Sun, Sep 21 2008

    Something funny I found about this - A poster says 'Stop Ethnic Cleansing' . Thats rubbish. I think the protestant has read some news on Africa and lifted that line from there. Grow up Kid. As a liberal Hindu, I can be 100% confident that even a fundamental Hindu doesnt believe or know Ethnic cleansing. If that was the case, Muslims and Christians would have been wiped out of india long before. Please dont display such provocative posters and give it a name of peaceful protest from a peace loving community. While the action By Bhajarang Dal was wrong in Mangalore, it was a reaction to long going provocation, no christian was attacked or stabbed. So dont tag it as 'Ethnic Cleansing'. Please know the facts and truth before crying out.

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  • shrinivas, Bahrain

    Sun, Sep 21 2008

    Attack on Church become an international matter and all are protesting.....!!!! But when a Hindu saint murdered no one ask, terrorists keep bombing in main cities, killing poor people.. no one question....., attack on India by terrorists ..... these christians are also Indians ....?

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  • Isaac Vas, mangalore

    Sun, Sep 21 2008

    Thank you for expressing your solidarity with us. Such expressions will definetly go a long way in preventing similar acts in future.

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  • Jerry Moras, Kuppepadauv / Calgary, Canada

    Sun, Sep 21 2008

    Hi guys, We are also with you in Alberta Province. Altough we could not make it, in we support this programme in spirit.

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