Media release
Dubai, Oct 21: Daiji Writers’ Forum has the tradition of honouring visiting writers and artistes. Forum also offers platform to share their rich knowledge and experience in their respective fields. Continuing this tradition, Daiji writers along with enthusiastic literature lovers came together at Winny’s Restaurant on October 17 to facilitate and listen to famed poet and Daiji member Andrew L D Cunha, now settled in Mangaluru and ace poet and lyricist Wilson Kateel, who were on visit to the city.
Amidst loud applauses from the audience, Andrew L D Cunha with Wilson Kateel, along with Dinesh Correa, Convenor of Daiji and Dayan D Souza Mukamar, Founder Convenor of Daiji, were welcomed to the dais.

The programme started with a prayer by Rony Byndoor. Brief introduction on the activities of Daiji was presented. Dinesh Correa welcomed the esteemed guests member Nanu Marol, Thottam, gave a brief introduction of Andrew L D Cunha and Wilson Kateel.
Wilson Kateel was presented a floral bouquet by Daiji Co-Convenor Naveen Sequeira and memento by Dinesh Correa. Dayan D Souza Mukamar presented a gift to Wilson Kateel. Daiji Rang Mandir Convenor Sunitha Menezes presented floral bouquet to Andrew L D Cunha and Treasurer Pius James presented the gift to him.
Addressing the gathering, Wilson Kateel said that he was overwhelmed by the love and affection showered on him by Konkani loving people of UAE. He was amazed to witness love towards Konkani, he said. He applauded the contribution from Gulf Konkani speaking people towards the betterment of Konkani. He gave a brief narration of his life on what made him poet and lyricist He applauded the service of Daiji Writers’ Forum towards community and thanked the forum for bringing awareness of Konkani.
Andrew talked about how a poet can make an impact on the society through his literary work. By giving an example of Wilson he informed that today Wilson is not only the voice and representative of Konkani Language, but that of the community.
Both Andrew and Wilson recited some of their poems. Andrew L D Cunha’s son Austin D’Cunha, who has won prizes in reading and writing poetry, recited a Wilson Kateel poem, which had highly appreciated by the gathering. Daiji well-wisher Nelson Rodricks presented a gift to Austin as a token of appreciation.
In the interaction session, Andrew L D Cunha and Wilson Kateel answered the audience’s questions on life and poetic journey.
Dayan D’Souza Mukamar applauded the work and dedication of Wilson Kateel. He stressed that it is every Konkani speaking people’s responsibility to nurture their talents. He also requested the gathering to support Christmas Special issue of ‘Arso’ monthly magazine edited by Wilson Kateel.
Daiji Treasurer Pius James D’Souza rendered vote of thanks.
Rony Byndoor compered the programme.