Pics: Dayanand Kukkaje
Daijiworld Media Network—Mangalore (RS/CN)
Mangalore, Jan 16: A car parked at the residence of Shankar Bhat, Mayor of the City Corporation, near Haripadav under Kavoor police station limits, was reported damaged due to stone pelting by miscreants on Saturday night January 16.
The rear windshield of the car (Chevrolet Tavera- KA 19 Z 1088) was damaged as a result. The incident came to light after the mayor returned home.
There was nobody at his residence when the incident occurred as his wife had gone to a relative’s house.
Comment on this article
Charles D'Mello, Pangala
Sun, Jan 17 2010This is a cowardly act. Damaging Public & Private property for any reason is not acceptable.
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Alwyn, Canada
Sun, Jan 17 2010Sorry to hear someone stoned mayors house & car. It is a seriuos offence on those who committed this crime. Hope govt eyes will open up for doing higher crime on damaging the churches around the city year ago for no reason which is much higher crime than mayor damages those criminals should be hanged in public. Has no exceptions whether it is mayor or common man. Law should applicable to all in a standard way.
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Lancelot N Tauro, Mangalore/Doha Qatar
Sun, Jan 17 2010Something is gone wrong with our people, for silly reasons becoming violent,exihibits uncivilized nature like uneducated people. Its shame on us.
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Dev, Mangalore
Sun, Jan 17 2010The Moral Here is-The Persons Living in Glass House should not throw stones at others house. or donot provoke anybody to throw stones at others.
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Valson Mendonsa, Mangalore/USA
Sat, Jan 16 2010So sad so bad!! Dogs are fed to protect the home .. not to distroy home" things are changing.. on day would be judegement day.. be prepare.Answer is simple.. I advise play good politics all the times..
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Sat, Jan 16 2010We need to go back to read the basic teaching of all religions: Do not harm anyone. Now police will understand better that miscreants and culprits have no religion or caste. If someone is allowed to stone others for some reasons or situations, no wonder some others will have their own personal reasons to stone some moving or parked vehicles. We need to begin from the basic moral lesson: Do good, avoid evil.
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