CM Asked to Prove Majority Again, Governor Sets Oct 14 as Deadline

CM Asked to Prove Majority Again, Governor Sets Oct 14 as Deadline

With inputs from IANS

Bangalore, Oct 12 (TNN): Karnataka Governor H R Bhardwaj on Tuesday wrote to chief minister Yeddyurappa giving him another chance to prove majority in second floor test.

Governor H R Bhardwaj has set October 14 as deadline for second floor test.

"In the circumstances, it is incumbent upon you to demonstrate clearly and objectively that you have the majority in the house. In case you are willing to do so, I give you a fresh opportunity to do so by 11 am on 14.10.2010," Bhardwaj said in a letter to the chief minister.

Earlier in the day, Karnataka High Court resumed hearing on the petition challenging the disqualification of 16 MLAs by Speaker K G Bopaiah.

The petition filed by the MLAs, including 11 of BJP, had sought quashing of the orders of the Speaker, terming their disqualification as a "clear violation of statutory rules".

"The disqualification rules and procedures which have been laid down in the Constitution have not been complied with at all", the petition before a Division Bench comprising Chief Justice J S Khehar and Justice N Kumar had said.

During arguments, one of the counsels for the rebel BJP MLAs submitted the MLAs had not withdrawn their membership from the party but had "only expressed lack of confidence in the Yeddyurappa Government because of rampant corruption and nepotism".

Former Solicitor General Soli Sorabjee, appearing for the BJP government, submitted that the order was in "full compliance with natural justice under the 10th Schedule of the Constitution".

The Speaker had disqualified 11 BJP MLAs and five independents just ahead of the trust vote in the Assembly which was won by chief minister B S Yeddyurappa.

Kar 'Natak' So Far...


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  • R D'Mello, Mangalore

    Wed, Oct 13 2010

    @ M.Bhat  Precisely, one has every right to criticize and that is surely democratic. But, there are ways of doing so and in a more civilised manner.

    @ Rajesh
    It is unfortunate that you never went to school.

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  • Rajesh, Mangalore

    Wed, Oct 13 2010

    R D'Mello, Mangalore

    Dont flutter with rage and foam at mouth, such rage is childish. Now remove it from your mouth and go to school again...

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  • M.bhat, Mumbai

    Tue, Oct 12 2010

    R D'Mello, Mangalore
    Does your comments make any sense? it shows your poor level of infering news and commenting on others. We have every right to criticise the politican cum congress agent Bharadwaj in any manner we like, its none of your business to tell us how to comment. better mind your business. Do not watse your life in this manner. do some good thig in life so your children remember you in future. There is no dearth of diots like you here.

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  • A.S.Mathew, U.S.A.

    Tue, Oct 12 2010

    Now the CM is getting a second
    chance to prove to the whole world,
    whether he has a solid majority
    to rule the State or not.

    The voting must be conducted through paper ballot, and all the elected representatives must be
    present to cast their votes of
    confidence in the ministry.
    So, for the time being, this political drama can be
    put into rest.

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  • Vijay, UDUPI/USA

    Tue, Oct 12 2010

    There should be a new law. These MLAs shouldn’t be able to change the party or go against the party till they finishes 5 years term. For the sake of people of Karnataka, people like Deve Gowda and his sons should stay away from politics now onwards.They have done enough damage to the state already.

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  • R D'Mello, Mangalore

    Tue, Oct 12 2010

    @ Mr.M.Bhat

    All I told you was to show respect to the Governor and mind your abusive language in this comment section. Your initial comment was unacceptable, and has no place in any civilized society. Even a small child will be able to tell you this. If you have not realized till now, then I pity you.

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  • Louis D'Souza, Udupi/Kuwait

    Tue, Oct 12 2010

    @Vijay Shetty,Governor wont go but BSY will go soon. Cheer up man Guv is a kind man he gave one more chance for BSY. I replied ur comment, but luckily they did not posted it.

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  • Harold D'cunha, Mangalore, India

    Tue, Oct 12 2010

    Ek Macchar sab ko ezzda banatha hai.
    Sonia has united the Congress party which had deficit of leadership. Today the whole Congress party is behind her. Definitely this is not acceptable to her detarctors and foes. But her simplicity has always paid her rich dividend and great respect within the Country. Donot be prejuidice but closely watch her life style and one will understand her good quality which generally politicians lacks.

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  • Jossey Saldanha, Kemmennu

    Tue, Oct 12 2010

    Mr. Yedurappa, On the 14th how many more guys are you going to disqualify ?

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  • M.Bhat, Mumbai

    Tue, Oct 12 2010

    R D'Mello, Mangalore Ronald udupi, Santu, Jerry

    Can you write something original about the news and express your opinion? It seems you read whats others write and and pass silly coments. Try to read the news and understand, then write some thing logical. As said by you - Why are you so frustrated? Learn your manners sir...._ this perfectly applies to you as well to others here.

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  • Peter Pereira, Pune

    Tue, Oct 12 2010

    Well done Governor sir. Give them a chance again to win decently. They are really desperate and have lost their minds. Good luck Yeddy.

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  • Jessie, Mangalore, Oman

    Tue, Oct 12 2010

    It is real disaster! Ever since Yedi led BJP Govt has come to power, Karnataka state has spoilt its reputation in general & M’lore in particular! BJP has murdered the religion by attacking churches/targeted innocent people, tortured the womenhood,by publicly hitting them, bribe/looting the public wealth & property, corruption! what more? & now, what a shame? at whose cost? the whole drama involves money is being spent,collected through various taxes from the public. They spend this money staying in star hotels,bribe the candidates, speakers & this Yedi is a real culprit, a man who does not have any ethics in his life!! He cannot manage his own family affairs, what & how will he manage the whole State affair sincerely ?

    He is really a KALA DABBA for the state to murder the religion,& specially peace, a total corrupt Govt. By this, am not saying Congress / JDs is great! All these parties are corrupts. They have selfish & money minded motives. But in the history of Karnataka, this is the 1st leader who murdered/tortured the name of M'lore city & Karnataka state! Please let the state & the people of this state live in peace & harmony, by imposing President’s Rule… we don’t want any party to come to power. all are hunger for money & fame. poor people are struggle for their livlihood & these politicians play around the emotions of the poor public & enjoy royally! very sad! Please do not pass your one-sided bias comments… God pl bless,prote & save poor/innocent people..

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  • john anthony, mangalore / qatar

    Tue, Oct 12 2010

    I am always happy about one thing.... the CM in his ardent desire to keep his chair is always found praying and conducting poojas. I am sure the Gods above are happy that they have at least one mortal human completely on their side. Keep it going

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  • anis ahmed, mangalore/dubai/agc

    Tue, Oct 12 2010

    great decision... BJP can't fool again like last time

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  • Prashanth Poojary, Karkala/ Abu Dhabi

    Tue, Oct 12 2010

    Mr M.Bhat dont say that people of karnataka should teach a lesson to Congress.We saw all parties faces including your Great!Honest!and clean handed! BJP too.

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  • Wilson Dsouza, Paladka

    Tue, Oct 12 2010

    Governor might have thought yesterday's drama as rehearsal. So he is expecting final on Oct 14. Nice Mr. Yeddy got a chance to rehearse.

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  • Deepak Shenoy, mangalore-bangalore

    Tue, Oct 12 2010

    Our dear NAGESH nayak mamu is angry.I feel sorry for him.I hope BJP comes back again for his sake

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  • Norbert, Nashik

    Tue, Oct 12 2010

    Dear friends, stop taking sides, just look around you, you will come to know what these so called netas done to our state. All they wanted to mint money from their term as politician. Good business. Did you vote last time, If yes then only we have the right to speak about them.

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  • Satish Kunder, Mangalore/Kuwait

    Tue, Oct 12 2010

    Yesterday’s incidents in Assembly are a shame in the history of Karnataka. It is difficult to believe the speaker as he was able to give the head count of 106 against 0. Now today BJP is telling they have 105 MLAs with them. Then how he counted one more MLA and how can we believe this speaker? Is it a mistake by speaker or he did not conduct the house as it to be conducted.

    I can understand the frustration of BJP supporters here but unfortunately BJP had not done their home work correctly even in manufacturing the majority. BJP party says they are the champions of Indian culture but surely some of the low grade comments do not reflect Indian Culture.

    The decision of Governor seems to have disturbed BJP calculations of getting sympathy of people and hence they are confused at the moment.

    Cool down guys. Wait for Highcourt judgement and if it is in BJP’s favour then you may win the trust vote again.

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  • manna iliyas Bahrain, udupi

    Tue, Oct 12 2010


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  • alex, mangalore

    Tue, Oct 12 2010



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  • Ronald D, Udupi

    Tue, Oct 12 2010

    Mr. M Bhat it it clear for every one to see confidence vote was illegitimate. People can understand who is the constitutional experts for murder of democracy

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  • hemanth, France/mangalore

    Tue, Oct 12 2010

    Deshpremi, Mumbai

    WELL SAID.....Any one having brain can undersatnd how much Loyality he has to Italy...

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  • nr, mangalore/mumbai

    Tue, Oct 12 2010

    This is the reason why India is called a weak democracy. 1. The law has too many loopholes. 2. The politicians have too much power (so much that they forget their responsibilities). 3. There is no more integrity left ( The excuse is if i don't amass wealth, somebody else will. Then how will I win the next election.) All the above factors are make our political system perfect for a third country like China, Pak, USA to always exploit our system/country. Little do these political players know that for Indai to be really free (both internally and externally) we need strong people with integrity who love our country. This being hard, the solution lies in Privatizing all sectors with the govt. not having any say in all matters involving money. All huge money matters should be made transparent (Not carry money in Gunny bags). I am very disappointed with what is happening with my beloved country. I hope there is a mass awakening one day and the youth will change our lawless political system. I hope this will be an India which will be loved by one and all where development of the people is goal and the individual. Sounds too idealistic but without the top striving to be ideal there really is no hope.

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  • Chetan.S, Mangalore,India

    Tue, Oct 12 2010

    I hope the NAXALITIES are seeing all this and do something good for change.

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  • Alex, Melbourne

    Tue, Oct 12 2010

    Dear Santhu It must be a spelling mistake on the certificate then. I suppose it should be LOW nd not LAW? please check, from the charecter it doesnt sound to be what u said. by the way santhu anna certificate and master degrees doesnt help much when ethics and integrity is not built in.

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  • Manoj, Udupi

    Tue, Oct 12 2010

    Governor does not have any right to dictate how a vote of confidence must be taken in the assmebly. Its only the perogative of the speaker. Governor should resign & retire if he has any shame left He doesn't know how to count also ,He counted 120 MLAs yesterday when 105 1Speaker was with BJP side out of 224) Well said M Bhat.

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  • naveen., mangalore

    Tue, Oct 12 2010

    Why BJP follower frustrated 2nd floor test ? if Yeddy have enough majority no need to worry. it seems BJP did some thing wrong previously and now they scared 2nd floor test hahahah………and stop blaming Congress and Governor

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  • nagesh nayak, bangalore

    Tue, Oct 12 2010


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  • Jerry, Mangalore

    Tue, Oct 12 2010

    Mustafa Ullala, Do you still think that Yedrappa deserves any respect, after seeing yesterday's episode? These rebels say that they have lost confidence in Yedrappa, who is nothing less than Hitler of Karnataka BJP, and he has proved it yesterday by summoning Shankar Bidari inside.

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  • Vijay Shetty Gulvady, Dubai

    Tue, Oct 12 2010

    This old man has lost the control on himself. Day b4 yesterday he trie to stop the speaker doing his job, yesterday recommended for President's rule and today asked the government to prove majority. I think this is the right time to kick out this monkey branded Governor. I am sure the people of Karnataka will soon do it, I am just waiting to see him going home.

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  • Santhu, Kudlaa / WA

    Tue, Oct 12 2010

    Mr. M. Bhat - Mumbai - Just FYI The Hon. Governor of Karnataka, apart from his other credentials, has a DOCTRATE in LAW and is a Senior Advocate of the Supreme Court - Obviously he is aware of all his actions which are in line with the Constituion. Just because things dont fit into your scheme of things / your ideology - please desist from using derogatory language in this forum. It only reflects your class.

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  • Praveen, Udupi

    Tue, Oct 12 2010

    Jai Governer Sab....Jai Italy...

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  • Kumar, Udupi/Dubai

    Tue, Oct 12 2010

    It is worth even spending 10-15 crorer to win as an MLA. Later in return you can get atleast 25-30 crores by just changing the party as and when required.. what a money minting business!!!

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  • Sharuk, Delhi

    Tue, Oct 12 2010

    Sympathy Fvrs BJP............ Next vote. only BJP MLAs will be there.

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  • mustafa, ullala

    Tue, Oct 12 2010

    R D'Mello, Mangalore, do you think that this edit governor deserves any respect still

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  • nagesh nayak, bangalore

    Tue, Oct 12 2010

    hi, Deshpremi, Mumbai , 100% CORRECT.


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  • H.Kumar, Mumbai

    Tue, Oct 12 2010

    This is the good decision to proof the Real strength of the Ruling party but only Eligible MLA allowed to enter the Floor. The yesterday's drama happened only due to the rebels who are not supposed to enter the floor and Congress and JDS has to be penalised for this.

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  • kumar, udupi/dubai

    Tue, Oct 12 2010

    ಎಲ್ಲಾ ರಾಜ್ಯಕ್ಕೂ ಭಾರಧ್ವಜ 纐ತಹ ರಾಜ್ಯಪಾಲರನ್ನು ನೇಮಿಸಿದರೆ ವಿರೋಧ ಪಕ್ಷಗಳ ಅಗತ್ಯವೇ ಇಲ್ಲ. ಈ ಮುದುಕನನ್ನು ಕರ್ನಾಟಕದ罶ದ ಬೇಗ ವಾಪಸ್ಸು ಕರೆಯಿಸಿಕೊಳ್ಳಬೇಕು ಇಲ್ಲಾ ವಿರೋಧ ಪಕ್ಷಗಳ ನಾಯಕ ಸಿದ್ದರಾಮಯ್ಯನನ್ನು ಮನೆಗೆ ಕಳುಹಿಸಿ ಇವನನ್ನೇ ಆ ಸ್ಥಾನಕ್ಕೆ ಆಯ್ಕೆ ಮಾಡುವ ಕೆಲಸವನ್ನು ಕ罬ಗ್ರೆಸ್ ಮಾಡಬೇಕು.

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  • nagesh nayak, bangalore

    Tue, Oct 12 2010






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  • Roshan, Mangalore

    Tue, Oct 12 2010

    Governor has given back to CM with same coin. Consistant efforts were made by BJP to discredit him. BJP wants a person who sides by them for all kind of corruption, criminal activities and so on. People are not fools to know the truth, they can see by themself as media is bringing the real picture clearly to their homes. The previous vote of confidence is a sham - everyone knows it. Lucky for CM, he has given another chance to prove. When he has the majority, he should welcome it. I am sure he will accept the advise - as CM says he has numbers.

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  • ronald, dubai

    Tue, Oct 12 2010

    yes its a good decision , because BJP got yesterday the trust vote on the basis of VOICE VOTING METHOD, Which is condemnable during high profile issue LIKE TRUST VOTE OF A government. I was watching all actions from last thre days , some of MLAs not even aware about Speekers sound, Speeker Bopayya was thinking he is soo smart to cheet opposition in by taking all decisions in hurry . Can you guess friends yesterdays voting was done on the basis of VOICE..
    How can this possible in high profile issue like trust vote..

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  • anil, mangalore

    Tue, Oct 12 2010

    Last time you disqualified 16MLA’s to overcome floor test, this time what you you will do Mr. Yeddi? Pa Pa Yeddi? Better you take retirement from politics ……..

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  • R.T.SHETTY, mangalore

    Tue, Oct 12 2010


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  • Alfred Vincent Monis, Bantakal,Kingdom of Bahrain

    Tue, Oct 12 2010

    This Congress Agent is fit to be opposition leader.

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  • Deshpremi, Mumbai

    Tue, Oct 12 2010

    Generally Police say if somebody says onething now and says different he is a Thief and they beat him up to bring out the truth .I dont know what to call this governer .First he said Speaker should not disqaulify any MLA s before Confidence vote Then he changed the statemnet said the 5 Independentants should not havebeen disqualified .Now first he said Suspend the Government Now he says One more Confidence Vote .Amazing Loyality to Italy

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  • R D'Mello, Mangalore

    Tue, Oct 12 2010

    Mr. M.Bhat

    Show respect to the Governor of Karnataka! Your language reflects the kind of person you are and more so, the kind of people you support.

    If the you and your BJP has done nothing wrong, then there is nothing to fear. Come out clean. Why are you so frustrated?

    Learn your manners sir....

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  • Asif, Mangalore

    Tue, Oct 12 2010

    It is sad to see people post remarks using foul languages it shows how we lack in education.

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  • ahmed, kundapur

    Tue, Oct 12 2010

    Mr. Bhat
    Karnataka has became "KAR - NATAK" Since BJP has came to power. Reddy brothers has started horse trading and murdered democracy. And how speaker d majority on voice counting when shouting was fighting was going on between MLAs in house VERY STRANGE!!!!!

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  • Suchit, Manglore - Dubai

    Tue, Oct 12 2010

    It is hightime the people of Karnataka start boycotting this useless governor. How can he make a judgement on the character of an elected government, like a leader of opposition. If he really want to make such statements, let him stand for election on congress ticket, win the election in Karnataka and then make a value judgement.

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  • Tina, Mumbai - Dubai

    Tue, Oct 12 2010

    My Yeddi governor barks again you have became Sita Mata, return you have to prove her purity by doing Agni Pareeksha.SURE THIS TIME YOU WILL VANISH IN SOIL GOD PROTECT YOU

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  • Jerry, Mangalore

    Tue, Oct 12 2010

    M. Bhat Mumbai, cool down. Hold your temper for some more time. Let the honorable high court come out with its judgement

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    Tue, Oct 12 2010

    NO JAI HO....

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  • shahnawaz kukkikatte, dubai/udupi

    Tue, Oct 12 2010

    Excellent and golden opportunity for these 16 disqualified MLAs and other MLAs to make money.

    I want to become MLA. Even in Gulf if we work day and night, we cant make big money. Politics is the only way to get easy and big money. Would any body vote for me as an independance candidate?????

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  • mahendra shetty, mumbai,dubai

    Tue, Oct 12 2010

    This Agent of Congress made Democracy like mockery.Yesterday he submitted report to center for President rule without approaching BJP.Yesterday he counted head of Opposition MLA s including him (total 120)and send the report to President.This agent made Indian Govt Shame,may be now he and JD s and Congress made new strategy to topple peoople Elected BJP Govt.Shame on you Agent.BJP first of all reject this invitation and ask the Center to change this Govt Agent.How come he suddenly decided to give second chance to BJP to prove Majority???May be Italian Amma gave new Tantra.

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  • Tony Pinto, Manglore - Mumbai

    Tue, Oct 12 2010

    What kind of Governor is this? First he asks imposition of president rule and next day something like prove majority.We hope he would be called-off soon. No one can trust a man like this governor who has set wrong precedence in the past as law minister and being rough from last 2 years with BJP govt in Karnataka, even he speak against SPEAKER which is not as per LAW he should act as a Governor not like a AGENT.

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  • Satish Kunder, Mangalore/Kuwait

    Tue, Oct 12 2010

    This is the matured decision.

    Whoever has the majority let them rule the state.

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  • M.Bhat, Mumbai

    Tue, Oct 12 2010

    Since this congress agent Governer has not elicited requisite support from congress high command and constitutional experts for murder of democracy, this second chance nataka is enacted by him to avoid becoming a street dog from a domesticated dog and to save his skin from any serious action. Let the government protest his action and show no confidence in him. People of karnataka should teach lesson congress if election are held now.

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  • Dave, Mangalore

    Tue, Oct 12 2010

    Good chance to rewrite history for Yeddi-nobody gets this chnace a second time. I request Yeddi not to go to tmeples again, or conduct black magic, mantra tantra again-either win cleanly or vactae the chair to some one elese within your own party more deserving & with clean slate & win accolades from all those people who are baying for your blood right now. May Democracy Win this time.

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  • Asif, Mangalore

    Tue, Oct 12 2010

    Excellent decision, No more accusing one another and making a mockery of our constitution and state let the CM and BJP prove there majority fair and square and if they get the majority then it will a shame for Congress and JD(S) and if they lose then it will be shame for the CM and BJP and I hope there will be no more horse trading as the rate for the support will jump up two times (lucky MLA`s).

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  • Asif, Mangalore

    Tue, Oct 12 2010

    Excellent decision, No more accusing one another and making a mockery of our constitution and state let the CM and BJP prove there majority fair and square and if they get the majority then it will a shame for Congress and JD(S) and if they lose then it will be shame for the CM and BJP and I hope there will be no more horse trading as the rate for the support will jump up two times (lucky MLA`s).

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