Media Release
Mangaluru, Feb 14: AJIET AAKAR 2K18, a two-day state level techno-cultural fest held at A J Institute of Engineering and Technology, here was inaugurated by Dr B H V Pai, assistant director of Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal.
He appreciated Dr A J Shetty for his contributory efforts in the field of education and social events.
Dr A J Shetty, president, Laxmi Memorial Education Trust (R) presided over the function. Addressing the gathering, he encouraged the students to actively participate in the two-day techno-cultural fest as it will help them to update their knowledge and to share their knowledge with others.

The presence of Prashant Shetty, vice president of Laxmi Memorial Education Trust (R) made the event more graceful.
Dr Shantharama Rai C, principal of AJIET welcomed the gathering.
Dr Akshatha Shetty, head, department of civil engineering briefed the gathering about the state level techno-cultural fest AAKAR 2K18.
To conclude, Dr Antony P J, head, department of computer science and engineering and chief co-ordinator of AJIET AAKAR 2018 proposed the vote of thanks.
Dr Shobhitha Shetty, assistant professor, department of engineering chemistry was master ceremony of the programme.