Udupi: Vegetable prices soar as monsoon begins in coastal districts

Daijiworld Media Network – Udupi (MS)

Udupi, Jun 14: Vegetable prices have soared with the onset of the monsoon in the coastal districts. Tomatoes, which were sold at Rs 36 per kg, have shot up to Rs 60 per kg. Similarly, the price of onions has jumped from Rs 32 to Rs 40 per kg.

Sellers attribute the price hike to incessant rains in the regions where tomatoes and onions are grown, resulting in a short supply and higher prices.

The price of Mangaluru cucumbers, which was Rs 30 per kg last week, has increased to Rs 80 per kg. Carrots have risen from Rs 60 to Rs 80 per kg. However, beans, yam, and green chilies are comparatively cheaper in the market now.

Beans, which were sold at Rs 160 per kg last week, have come down to Rs 120 per kg. The price of green chilies has also decreased from Rs 160 to Rs 120 per kg. There is no change in the prices of ginger, ash gourd, okra, aubergine, and garlic.

The price of Shankerapura jasmine, which was Rs 220 per bunch on Wednesday, has gone up to Rs 300 per bunch on Thursday. However, the prices of other flowers remain stable. The prices of fruits have also remained stable compared to last week.




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  • G R PRABHUJI, Mangalore

    Sat, Jun 15 2024

    In India everyone having a chance to make money by hook or crook according to his status. Control only on Rickshaw walas not to increase the rates.

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  • Omar, Mysore

    Sat, Jun 15 2024

    Why automobile industry down that’s because youth use Uber is what our FM Nirdaya Raman said and For 🧅 🧅 onion price said “we don’t eat onion,not part of our diet” it’s used in Biryani and eaten by Muslims, Hindus and Not Andhbhakts 😂😂, For tomatoes 🍅 🍅 she said it’s primarily in ketchup, pizza , pasta and they are from Italy so 🧐🧐 Sonia Gandhi from Italy, why India’s Hunger Index is low: “Oh that’s because Muslims don’t eat in Fasting month” , New baby born to BJP leader family “Oh that’s the work of a Muslim” 😂😂😂, Hence proved inflation are due to Gandhi family and Muslims 🤪🤪🤪..For rest of vegetables, we need GodiServiceTax to take care of GodiMedia, Malwares and GobarPatras😎😎😎

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  • Pallavi, Mangalore

    Sat, Jun 15 2024

    Wowww.....supppaaar se duuuuppar your comment is !! Your comment looks more colourful and rangeele rangeele. Till now i was seeing the beauty of it and it prompted me to write a word of appreciation. You could have decorated still more. Now i am reading the contents...🤣🤣.

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  • Rudolf Rodrigues, Mumbai/Mangalore

    Sat, Jun 15 2024

    Middlemen are ruling the roost in this business whereas the farmer hardly gets the least for his Herculean efforts; no doubt many farmers have turned over to cultivation of different types of fruits which require little water and care like sapota, guava, pomogrenate, etc etc! Lack of coldchain logistics leads to maximum wastage of fast perishing veggies. Majority of local farmers who used to cultivate paddy & seasonal veggies have switched over en masse to the highly profitable areca!! In the ultimate analysis it's the poor and middle class who have to bear the brunt of the sky high inflation; hoteliers too are under severe stress! Media is busy talking of GDP, largest economy etc etc but never compares it with PCI, current inflation, current trade deficit etc etc to arrive at the correct figures which burden the majority of the population!! In this crossfire, it's the funeral of the common man!!

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  • Peter, mangalore

    Sat, Jun 15 2024

    prices keeps changing because of lack of cold storage. cold storage needs private investment. private investment will come , if laws are favourable. new laws are in farming is not bieng allowed by vested interests.

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  • Sense_shetty, Kudla

    Sat, Jun 15 2024

    When has the price not been soaring? During the summer, it rises due to the heat, and during the monsoon, it rises due to the rains. Inflation is increasing on all fronts, yet people seem content to pay more under Modiji. Meanwhile, the real poor man suffers, regardless of which party is in power. We need to reevaluate our benchmarks for becoming a developed nation. Our vision should focus on improving the lives of millions of poor Indians through the use of science, technology, and development that generates employment, rather than spreading hate and religious bigotry, which poses a genuine threat to progress.

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  • Nanditha Bhat, Mangalore

    Fri, Jun 14 2024

    Grow them in your front/backyard/terrace/balcony. Most of them can be self-sufficient in our rich soil. Lots of tips/guidance/help available all around, even in Google and our native blogspots, etc., etc. Self-sufficients never complain. Let us add, "Make in my Home" strengthening "Make in India"!!!

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  • Rudolf Rodrigues, Mumbai/Mangalore

    Sat, Jun 15 2024

    Very nice idea; all farmers will become jobless jacks😇

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