Mangaluru: Dacoity at Ulaibettu residence poses challenge to police

Daijiworld Media Network – Mangaluru (MS)

Mangaluru, Jun 27: City police are grappling with a significant challenge in cracking the dacoity that took place last Friday at the residence of Padmanabha Kotian, an entrepreneur and PWD contractor, in Ulaibettu Permanki, under the jurisdiction of the Mangaluru rural police station.

Various teams, led by the city’s CID, have been formed to investigate. However, they have been unable to track the dacoits' movements. Police are trying to trace the car used by the dacoits by verifying CCTV footage from the city and its outskirts. It is suspected that the dacoits planned the act systematically and may have used a rented car.

The police are confident that they will have a clearer picture within the next four days. However, they are under pressure as no substantial leads have been found even after six days since the incident.

The dacoits looted around Rs 9 lac in valuables, including Rs 1.5 lac in cash, after tying up Padmanabha Kotian's wife and son and stabbing the entrepreneur.






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