Rahul's leadership credentials will be challenged: M L Fotedar

New Delhi, Oct 25 (PTI): A close aide of former Prime Minister late Indira Gandhi has come out in the open to question the leadership credentials of Congress vice president Rahul Gandhi and says it is only a matter of time when it will be challenged within the party along with that of his mother and party president Sonia Gandhi.

Rahul is a reluctant politician like his father Rajiv Gandhi and has his "limitations" as he has not been groomed for the job unlike his father whom Indira Gandhi herself groomed, says veteran Congress leader M L Fotedar in his yet to be released book "The Chinar Leaves".

Fotedar, who rose to become a Union Minister, also makes critical remarks about Sonia saying despite her many virtues, political management is not one of them and her obsession to promote Rahul further created problems in the party.

Amid a raging debate on when Rahul would take over the reins of Congress, Fotedar, in the HarperCollins publication, says Rahul had a "certain stubbornness" and his motivation to become a leader was "not very strong".

"Rahul Gandhi's leadership is unacceptable to the people of this country and Sonia Gandhi has her best years behind her. The party has no one to provide direction. It refuses to learn.

"It has made wrong choices while appointing opposition leaders in both Houses of Parliament. It has made wrong choices about how to deal with the challenges in the Assembly elections. In fact, there is nothing right which the party has done or is doing. It saddens me that the Nehru–Indira legacy has reached a cul-de-sac," he said.

He goes on to add that "Since Soniaji still is the unchallenged leader of the party, it should be her responsibility to reinvent the party. Blaming Rahul in a way is shifting the blame from the Congress president to someone who has yet to display his leadership skills.

"History is threatening to repeat itself. It is a matter of time before Soniaji's and Rahul's leadership is challenged from within the party. I will be observing closely how they stand up to this looming challenge, because Sonia is not Indira and Rahul is not Sanjay," the Congress leader said.

On Sonia, the former Nehru-Gandhi family loyalist said she will go down in history as the longest serving Congress president "even if not the most distinguished".

Fotedar said when Sonia took over as the party chief in 1998, the party was on the verge of disintegration and she helped to rebuild it from a position where its seats had come down to about 116.

The veteran Congressman, who is still a CWC member, said the supreme irony is that sixteen years later the party is again on the verge of collapse. "However, this time there is no saviour."

Fotedar's book also highlights how in contrast to Rajiv Gandhi, Rahul does not possess that kind of experience as his formative years were marred by seclusion owing to security concerns.

"Rahul needed more exposure and grinding to become ripe for the top job. Also, there was nobody to tutor or mentor Rahul. Sonia Gandhi is not Indira Gandhi and was herself dependent on so many people for what she should do," he said, adding that many of those who advised her were as ignorant as her on many issues.

"Rahul had a certain stubbornness and his motivation to become a leader was not very strong. People around Soniaji secretly did not wish him to succeed because they realized that if Rahul grew as a leader they would themselves become irrelevant.

"The dilemma before Soniaji was that on the one hand she could not do without her coterie while on the other hand she had an overriding desire to see her son succeed in politics," he said.

Fotedar also says there were too many vested interests all around and Sonia was reluctant to accept her responsibility for the decline of the Congress in the war of perceptions.

"Soniaji has many virtues but political management is not one of them. What she acquired over time she could not hold on to either because she lacked skills herself or those from whom she sought advice lacked them. The result was that the party started disintegrating.

"Her obsession to promote Rahul further created problems, with those close to her and those close to Rahul working at cross purposes. By the time the 2012 Assembly elections took place, the writing was on the wall: the Congress was on its way out in the 2014 parliamentary elections, if it did not take corrective steps," he said.

Fotedar said sycophants around the Congress president tried to create a perception that the increase in the number of seats for the party in previous elections was on account of the active participation of Rahul Gandhi in campaigning and his appeal as a youth icon.
"Soniaji allowed this perception to gain ground, thereby denying due credit to Dr Singh. It was abundantly clear that Soniaji had made up her mind to foist Rahul Gandhi on the party and the country and was waiting for the right time.

"In my judgement Rahul Gandhi had not been groomed for the job and was totally reluctant to take on the responsibility," the Congress elder said.

Fotedar, who has been sidelined by the party ever since Rajiv Gandhi's death after he was repeatedly ignored even for a Rajya Sabha berth, said in the book that he did not fit in with the new scheme of things of Sonia as she feared that he was not a sychophant and will not hesitate to tell the truth.

"Maybe she had strong apprehensions that I would not approve Rahul's candidacy for the prime minister's post largely because of his limitations and mainly because Indiraji had clearly indicated that Priyanka was to be her political heir eventually," he said.

The Congress leader also hit out at his detractors saying he was never going to be part of Sonia's preferred list of advisers, who, he said, were there due to her patronage rather than for their contributions to party.


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  • Willie Menda, Bangalore

    Mon, Oct 26 2015

    No other alternative but to tolerate Feku for now. Known devil is better than unknown angel.

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  • Joseph F. Gonsalves, Bannur, Puttur / Mangalore

    Mon, Oct 26 2015

    Did anybody hear daijiworld news:
    Jairam Ramesh saying 60 and above will have to take retirement.



    DisAgree [26] Agree [12] Reply Report Abuse

  • Sudhakar, Kallianpur

    Mon, Oct 26 2015

    Sonia Gandhig nanala padinaaji varshana?

    DisAgree [4] Agree [15] Reply Report Abuse

  • Joseph F. Gonsalves, Bannur, Puttur / Mangalore

    Mon, Oct 26 2015

    Dear Sudhakar, Kallianpur,

    She will be retiring in 2016 from the President Post. And will not be contesting.



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  • Ramesh S, mangalore

    Mon, Oct 26 2015

    ..soon your Joker VP can be seen visiting GOSHALA, seeking blessing..no other way to revive Congress..UPA ex-defense minister drowsy ANTONY said this immediately after LS wash out..Now, DIGGY also advised..take their advise seriously, otherwise this time COW will ruin Congress..But take decision wisely, they tried with BHP to counter VHP..who knows to counter COW, they will come up with DONKEY..

    DisAgree [5] Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse

  • Harold D'cunha, Mangalore, India

    Mon, Oct 26 2015

    Ramesh S, mangalore
    Your wise comments speak about yourself. Good going.

    DisAgree [3] Agree [5] Reply Report Abuse

  • Flavian , Mangaluru/Kuwait

    Mon, Oct 26 2015

    Komosh - Shatruji is a good choice.
    Congress should work out a strategy and play their cards at appropriate time. If Modi can be a bombastic Shatru is not less. (Reel & Real life)

    DisAgree [9] Agree [4] Reply Report Abuse

  • santhosh, Mangaluru

    Mon, Oct 26 2015

    Good topic for Bakths and slaves to fight

    DisAgree [7] Agree [5] Reply Report Abuse

  • Albert, Mangalore

    Mon, Oct 26 2015

    Pappu can not rule saaala!!

    DisAgree [7] Agree [21] Reply Report Abuse

  • Hussain, Abudhabi

    Mon, Oct 26 2015

    Why not lure Sanjay's son VARUN GANDHI to Congress and rebuild the regime...???!!

    DisAgree [20] Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse

  • Sachidanand Shetty, Mundkur/Dubai

    Mon, Oct 26 2015

    At last someone from within their own Party realized that Pappu is good for nothing including his few followers too!!!

    DisAgree [7] Agree [22] Reply Report Abuse

  • Declan, Mumbai

    Mon, Oct 26 2015

    Said this all along in previous comments that Rahul is a reluctant politician but that seems to be slowly changing now but changing too slowly. Rahul must have the guts and the courage to make a very firm decision if he wants to or does not want to be a politician and a leader. The reasons for his immaturity as a politician is not what many people think that he has a low IQ. No, I believe he has a good brain but it is just that he has very little interest in becoming a leader which is why the desire to learn fast and improve seem lacking.
    It appears that Sonia and some senior Congress men want him to be there which is why he is there.
    I feel confident that if and when Rahul decides that he definitely wants to be a politician and a leader that you will see improvements and a confident man with passion and self belief, ready to become a leader but if he keeps delaying that decision then the party may just drift or who knows some new person may just push him aside and take control. He is young so he has time on his side but given the present situation he needs to improve quick.

    Finally, it would be silly to tolerate the present leadership just because there is no ready alternative. Finding a new worthy leader could take time but new people must be tried out (even within the BJP if still in power) till a good leader emerges rather than just tolerating with someone who does not accept every section of Indian society to be Indian. That is not what a good leader should be. It will only further divide a nation.

    DisAgree [17] Agree [6] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ramesh S, mangalore

    Mon, Oct 26 2015

    Potedar, clearly said RAHUL was not groomed well..some senior chamchas of Congress dont want him to succeed which will sideline them in the party..All the way he was pampered,he was out of the country whenever there is serious discussion in parliament, no one advised him about importance of Budget..RAHUL wanted to canvas seriously for DELHI election, but seniors Congis misled him and AJAY MAKEN was made party leader instead of energetic ARVINDER LOVELY..When Congress got a ZERO, they laughed at VP..senior leaders not allowed him to take responsibility..now its too late to bring PRITANKA and VP already reduced to a joker by his partymen..

    DisAgree [4] Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse

  • Roshan, Mangaluru

    Mon, Oct 26 2015

    For congress Gandhi fly is a vital link to survive and prosper. It is both an asset and liability. BJP consistently tried to discredit Gandhi's to push the liability factor higher. How much substance is in their allegations is for everyone to see.

    Rahul is a reluctant politician and secondly, he does not carry the vocal cords that todays young generation loves to hear and follow. Naturally therefore, he have to compete for leadership with his credentials.

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  • Gurukripa, Moodbodri

    Mon, Oct 26 2015

    Let rahul go to vanvas for 14 years.
    Congress collapsed totally.

    DisAgree [10] Agree [15] Reply Report Abuse

  • Declan, Mumbai

    Mon, Oct 26 2015

    No problem if modi also goes along with him.
    NDA/BJP (if still in power) should find a better leader - someone just like former PM Shri Atalji.

    DisAgree [16] Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse

  • Arun Ashok, UDUPI

    Mon, Oct 26 2015

    I want Rahul, because i dont want to see Congress party in comming years for the sake of this country and my Children

    DisAgree [12] Agree [15] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jafer, Ullal

    Mon, Oct 26 2015

    Now a days Gandhi family lead Congress party became burden to whole country and its survival as a liberal,secular,democratic country.It is best time to dissolve the whole party to make way to start with new political environment with fresh mind of thoughts.

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  • Vishal D Souza, Mangalore

    Mon, Oct 26 2015

    M L Fotedar is a RSS agent??

    I think Sikulars sorry Seculars will target Modi now.....

    More Writers, Scholars, intellectuals going to protest & return their awards for intolerant M L Fotedar.
    They question Modi's silence on this issue.
    They brand M L Fotedar a "COMMUNAL".

    DisAgree [5] Agree [17] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rosario Fernandes, Kallianpur

    Sun, Oct 25 2015

    Congress is finished, this is universally accepted. This is because of scams & lack of leadership. BJP will never win in the 2019 election. This is because of falls promises, arrogance, communal politics and Hindutwa agenda. Modiji thinks he can obtain graduate degree without going through primary, secondary steps. This is nothing but fooling the innocent people.
    The point is, no Congress, no BJP, what will happen to our country.?

    DisAgree [8] Agree [9] Reply Report Abuse

  • Krish, Dubai

    Sun, Oct 25 2015

    Dear Mr. Fotedar,
    Every one know that Mr. RG not fit for PM candidate. Even he know himself too.
    But one thing i dont understand that how come Indiaraji wanted Priyanka should be leader?
    Indian National Congress is not her family party. Or she thought 8NC is family party of gandhi family.

    Congress lost in country by record margin just because Mr. RG.

    But they are not ready yo accept the defeat even back to bavk loss.

    If they are didnt change their stand in next election offcource we can see congress mukth bharat in 2020.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [4] Reply Report Abuse

  • DON, Udupi

    Sun, Oct 25 2015

    Chidu or Shahsi Taroor can be next prime ministerial candidate for the next election. Rahul has to prove from ministerial level.

    DisAgree [6] Agree [19] Reply Report Abuse

  • Shrunga, Mangalore

    Mon, Oct 26 2015

    Rahul needs to prove at all levels from mental growth until talking properly on a subject. He lacks concentration even when he talks to kids!

    Who Shashi Tharoor? Who has complimented Modi of being a good PM?

    DisAgree [5] Agree [3] Reply Report Abuse

  • Valerian D'souza, Udupi / Mumbai

    Sun, Oct 25 2015

    Very true. Congress is without able leader.
    Secular third front is disgruntled force.
    That's the reason, with all its drawbacks and sky rocking inflation, since there is no credible alternative, BJP is still getting votes.

    DisAgree [5] Agree [19] Reply Report Abuse

  • Bollu, Mangalore

    Sun, Oct 25 2015

    This is called 60 plus effect.Have patience.Everyone shines in life.Now the trend is in favour of FEKUs and illusionists.The real persons will have their time waiting.

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  • Joseph F. Gonsalves, Bannur, Puttur / Mangalore

    Sun, Oct 25 2015

    All the above 60 years are becoming the agents of RSS chaddi Chaaiwaala.

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  • Vasanth, Udupi/Doha

    Mon, Oct 26 2015

    Joseph, are you saying that finally they are maturing?

    DisAgree [4] Agree [9] Reply Report Abuse

  • Joseph F. Gonsalves, Bannur, Puttur / Mangalore

    Mon, Oct 26 2015

    Dear Vasanth, Udupi/Doha,


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  • Peter, Bangalore

    Sun, Oct 25 2015

    True ..There is lack of leadership in central congress.

    DisAgree [5] Agree [33] Reply Report Abuse

  • Swamy, Mangalore

    Sun, Oct 25 2015

    Mr Fotedar your opinions are welcome and your suggestions are noted. We welcome these honest opinions and constructive critism. Unlike other political parties who are so arrogant and go to the extent of sheltering universal fugitives and defending their corrupt ministers. Mr Fotedar change in leadership will come for sure and both you and Rahul Gandhi be still serving the party.

    DisAgree [10] Agree [17] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jossey Saldanha, Mumbai

    Sun, Oct 25 2015

    India is suffering because of this Incompetent PAPPU ...

    DisAgree [13] Agree [32] Reply Report Abuse

  • Vinod Climes, Mumbai

    Mon, Oct 26 2015

    Jossey, Pappu is imitating Feku. Talking useless tjings. Pappu has becoem Feku & Feku has become Pappu. Role reversed. Kick both of them out. . Let new generation of leaders like Tharoor take over. No Dynastic heir please. Congress should choose leaders on Merritt.

    DisAgree [9] Agree [6] Reply Report Abuse

  • Declan, Mumbai

    Mon, Oct 26 2015

    Dear Vinod,
    Agree that the Congress party should choose leaders based on merit and not on dynastic connections. However, this should not mean that if one is part of the dynasty it automatically renders him/her ineligible to be chosen as leader. One can still have the merit to be chosen as a leader even though one is part of the dynasty. Just needed to clarify this matter. Also, I am not necessarily saying that this situation is applicable to Rahul (though it may be applicable to Priyanka).

    DisAgree [4] Agree [7] Reply Report Abuse

  • Vinod Climes, Mumbai

    Mon, Oct 26 2015

    Fully agree. But there is no dearth of leade3rs in Congress. They should be given a free hand

    DisAgree [1] Agree [6] Report Abuse

  • Janapriya, Iddya

    Mon, Oct 26 2015

    Let Tharoor get marry 4,5 girls & later diclar they suicide No.2, suicide No3, suicide No.4.

    DisAgree [3] Agree [5] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jossey Saldanha, Mumbai

    Mon, Oct 26 2015

    Vinod, agreed I will kick Pappu and you kick Feku ...

    DisAgree [1] Agree [3] Reply Report Abuse

  • j.anata, Mangaluru / Bengaluru

    Sun, Oct 25 2015

    Blind & irrelevant Dongi supporters on this forum will challenge M L Fotedar now

    DisAgree [22] Agree [45] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jossey Saldanha, Mumbai

    Mon, Oct 26 2015

    j.anata, now you know why we call all of you blind bhakts ...

    DisAgree [15] Agree [11] Reply Report Abuse

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