Mangalore: Mahendra Kumar Gets Bail - Released From Prison

Mangalore: Mahendra Kumar Gets Bail -  Released From Prison

Pics: Prajwal Ukkuda
Daijiworld Media Network - Mangalore (SP)

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Mangalore, Nov 1: Mahendra Kumar, ex-state convenor of Bajrang Dal, has succeeded in getting bail in all the cases booked against him in the state for inciting the attacks on Christian prayer centres. He was released from the city sub-jail before noon on Saturday November 1.

Kumar had already been granted bail in the cases filed against him in Dakshina Kannada and Udupi districts but he had opted not to go out on bail because of a body warrant issued against him by the Chikmagalur court. The court in Chikmagalur granted him bail in the case pending against him there, on Friday October 31. His advocate P P Hegde had said on Friday that Kumar would be released as soon as the Chikmagalur court order reaches the court here.

He was released on bail as soon as the said order reached here today. Hundreds of slongan-shouting fans  had gathered to welcome him with garlands. They burst crackers near the jail gate as Kumar came out of the prison.

On his release, Kumar said that he spent 42 days in the jail for the cause of Hinduism and the nation and that he had no regrets whatsoever for going to jail. He urged for the immediate enactment of anti-conversion law and anti-cow slaughter acts in Karnataka. He asked the police department to launch a strong anti-terrorist drive in the state and assured, that the Bajrang Dal will lend support for their operations.

"I am proud that the Hindus were with me during my days in incarceration. Everybody prayed for me while many conducted religious rituals for my release. Several families did not celebrate Diwali because I was inside the jail. Because of the good wishes of all these people, I succeeded in getting bail. I consider my stay in the jail as a part of the struggle for Hinduism and other values for which Bajrang Dal stands for," he declared.

Kumar asserted, that he would continue to be in the Bajrang Dal, which is an unmatched power of Hinduism and stay committed to the principles he has always stood for, besides fighting for protecting Hindutva. "Karnataka has always been considered to be a peaceful and serene place to live in. However terrorists are setting up bases here.  People should wake up to the risks posed to them. We must forget religious differences and fight in unison against terrorism," he added.

He also urged for the early arrest of the New Life organization leader Sangliana and authors and publishers of the controversial publication, 'Satya Darshini'. "When I was in jail, various stories were circulated against me. In fact, the inmates in the jail shed tears when I bid them good bye. I had grown very close to all the inmates there, including the Muslims. The Karnataka Forum for Dignity yesterday branded me as a terrorist. People now know who are patriots and who are terrorists. We have had deep introspection over the follies that are affecting Hinduism. We will next launch a determined action plan to do away with these defects," Mahendra Kumar said..

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  • M'lore: Mahendra Kumar Booked Under Goonda Act - Hindu Outfits Issue Warning
  • Mangalore: 'I Have Resigned for Welfare of Hindu Society' - Mahendra Kumar
  • VHP Asks Mahendra Kumar to Resign as Bajarang Dal State Convener
  • M’lore: Mahendra Kumar Still in Sub-jail - Chikmagalur Court Issues Arrest Warrant
  • Mangalore: Mahendra Kumar Arrested - Remanded to Judicial Custody

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    • Mr Ramesh Bhat, Hebri

      Wed, Nov 05 2008

      Dr Kiran Acharya, I agree that you are more educated than I am! Rules and regulations have remained ONLY in textbooks, like the 8th std text book which you have quoted. When your father (HM) and the BJP govt can manipulate anything and everything and make a mockery of democracy, is it not possible to have a hand in the judiciary system too?

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    • Dr Kiran Acharya, Udupi

      Tue, Nov 04 2008

      Mr Ramesh Bhat, Hebri. You have absolutely no idea of Democratic system. When you utter that the judiciary is in the hands of Home Minister- it shows your ignorance! (please read 8th standard civic science text book for details)

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    • Roshan, Mangaloere

      Mon, Nov 03 2008

      Kiran Acharya, ... dont you know that it is the duty of the police to protect the churches, temples and mosques? The entire india has already decided who is culprit in Karnataka. For people like you i will just tell you because you cannot judge the society. It is the Karnataka Govt and its wings like Bajaranga dala... AS an educated person, hope you will evaluate the whole incident from the very begining and will be able to judge who is the culprit!!!

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    • Ramesh Bhat, Hebri

      Mon, Nov 03 2008

      Dear Dr Kiran Acharya, 1. The judiciary is in the hands of your beloved dad and the ruthless govt. The minorities in Karnataka have lost faith in either of these! 2. The police have done their duty and that is why they are paid for. Also, the people guarding churches are not police in the true sense, but home guards in police dress! do you know this fact? Heard you were in the US for a while recently and if you were treated the same way as your govt has treated the minorities how would you have felt? I am sorry and feel terrible to be a true hindu.

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    • Dr Kiran Acharya, Udupi

      Sun, Nov 02 2008

      1. Whether one is a culprit or not has to be decided by the judiciary- law of the land. Who are we to pass judgement on issues/ people?

      2. Remember that the very same police force, which was blamed and beaten by most of you- had to guard the churches day and night!

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    • Rajnikanth, Udupi/Qatar

      Sun, Nov 02 2008

      In our country certain Courts give wrong judgements fearing for their life & their families and certain Judges give orders after huge amount change hands. Shrinath Sheth even if there is a honourable Court there is no honourable Judge in most of the Courts in India and Culprits are always out freely roaming and doing their usual work & innocents are put behind bars. Rajesh is very happy his boss Mahendra is out of jail. Rajesh whatever happened on 14th September it had happened only after so called BD Leader Mahendra instructed his workers to do. You are saying why Mahendra is targetted.

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    • PRAKAS, Saudi Arabia

      Sun, Nov 02 2008

      Dear Dr. Acharya, Shet, Harish..... Do you justify what Mahendra & his boys did is right? What right they have to do this? If they have noticed something wrong & if they are very much interested in the welfare of the Public you have related authorities to handle the issues.

      No need for any goondas to take law into their hands. Then why you are blaming the ... Terrorists, blasts etc, they too have their own justification!!! If you agree to that you people are 100% right. It is the survival of the ........ Why do we need the Govt. (HM/CM/Police...) The way the things are happening, we are going back to the JUNGLE RAJ!!!!!!!! Unless people do what's right & not to do what's wrong......

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    • Rajesh, MANGALORE

      Sun, Nov 02 2008

      Finally he got justice. When hooligans who were involved in stone pelting on police and publishers of "New life" are not behind bars, it is not right to target only Mahendra Kumar.

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    • Santosh, Udupi / Bahrain

      Sun, Nov 02 2008

      Mr.Sydney D'Souza......Neither UK / USA will stop hiring Indians nor Gulf Countries will stop selling oil to India. Stop daydreaming. They don't mix business with other issues.

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    • Sydeny D'souza, Mangalore / Mumbai

      Sun, Nov 02 2008

      If the atrocities by BJP, RSS, VHP, Rama Sane continues on Muslim and Christians then Middle East should stop exporting OIL to INDIA and US & UK should stop outsourcing work to INDIA. Lets see how Advani and his team will respond.

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    • steven Ferrao, Pakshikere

      Sun, Nov 02 2008

      God need righteous prayers to cast out these evil acts from our society and from our nation. Can we stand in the GAP and pray for these evil agents please?

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    • Leenet, sharjah, sharjah

      Sun, Nov 02 2008

      Very good drama.....Looks like he had a good time in jail. Definitely, he must've come out of jail with lot more new violent plans. Anyway.. this was expected long back. not a surprise.

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    • Harish, Mangalore/Dubai

      Sun, Nov 02 2008

      Guys, why do you all presume and comment that he will be punished by your Gods? He will be judged by the God he believes in and he has done the best for his religion. Prayers of all Hindus except mahendra shetty are with him.

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    • Padmanabha Shenoy, Udupi /Dammam Saudi Arabia

      Sun, Nov 02 2008

      Dear Mahaendra Kumar, If by chance you are reading this I am glad that my message reached to you.... being a Hindu, I strongly condemn your anti religion activities. Bunch of youths around you are useless and they do not have any job that's why they are around you..Please do not start your anti social element again or we have to start some sort of agenda against you...

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    • Shrinath Shet, Udupi / Oman

      Sun, Nov 02 2008

      I agree with Dr.Kiran Acharya. The bail was granted by the honourable court the Judiciary, and he is released from the jail in accordance with the orders from the honourable courts. Those who like to give their fashionable statment on HM / CM should know this fact, and should not give such statements without knowing this actual fact which is a fact.

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    • Amit, Gangulli

      Sun, Nov 02 2008

      What a shame as if he fight for freedom of india.

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    • Ted, mangalore/USA

      Sun, Nov 02 2008

      Judgement day..coming soon...BEWARE

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    • karunakar, udupi

      Sun, Nov 02 2008

      Why there is no yeddi shobha and VS to recieve B D leader after doing great work . It looks like he is coming out from a temple not from jail .

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    • Hema Fern, Mumbai

      Sun, Nov 02 2008

      A sad day, religious bigotry is celebrated. Terrorism is supported by these actions, helpless have no other recourse?

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    • Dr Kiran Acharya, Udupi

      Sun, Nov 02 2008

      All those ranting on HM/ CM please note: the bail was granted by the honourable courts- the Judiciary! and he is released from the jail in accordance with the orders from the honourable courts. Of late it has become a fashion to comment without knowing the facts.

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    • Rocky D’Souza, Ottawa, Canada

      Sun, Nov 02 2008

      Welcome Mahender Kumar its time to change your attitude for your personal and political gains though I am a Christen I grew up with a bunch of Hindu friends occasionally visited temples and participated in Hindu rituals lived in peace and harmony until you set our peace loving neighbourhood on fire by differentiating Hindus and Christians for the first time in Mangalore & entire Karnataka History for your personal & political gains claming hero over cold blood shed in the name of religion which is criminal code of conduct.

      If you want to be a political leader be a real man use diplomatic means of politics not religion. I hereby appeal to be a real leader not a terrorist. I have pledged Naga Devi a ritual to change the way of your thinking of christians. Let the God bless you and make a good human being.

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    • Canute Pinto , Mangalore/Dubai

      Sun, Nov 02 2008

      Every thing starts with the seed. The seed you sow that same fruit you harvest. You can escape jail or even punishment by your terror sponsoring government but you can not escape from the hands of the Living God. Only time is the matter. It is like a time bomb, this temporary little joy will turn into mourning in a little while. Is anyone prospered by practicing hate? Even Hitler who practiced terror ended up in suicide. There is only way to escape! Repent and turn back to God.

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    • Lancelot N. Tauro, Manglore - Doha qatar

      Sat, Nov 01 2008

      Mahendranna welcome back, have a good life with family members and join your parents in coffee plantaions business, donot bend to any crooked (kokke) natured people to carry on destructive activities.

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    • Ronald, Udupi

      Sun, Nov 02 2008

      I agree with one of the readers that this man has put Mangaloreans into shame. Do not give him water, deport him to Koppa, save Mangalore. Let him complete his high School in Kopppa so that he can improve his life a little bit. There are more educated and civilised people in Mangalore. This man's services are not worthy for Mangalore.

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    • Rahul Shetty, Udupi

      Sun, Nov 02 2008

      Mahendra Kumar deserves a heroic welcome. He is now our hero of India. In the past many freedom fighter also were critisized by so many but when India became Independent the same heroes and freedom fighters is remembered. So we welcome our new hero Mahendra Kumar. May God Bless you Mahedra Kumar.

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    • Jayankumar Swaraj, Mangalore

      Sat, Nov 01 2008

      Welcome Back Mahendra Kumar and we are glad that you are amongst us now. You were made a scape goat due to the pressure from the minority community. Hope the majority hindus learn how to react atleast now on. 

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    • Adrian, dubai

      Sat, Nov 01 2008

      The way these people have gathered to welcome him even Vishwanathan Anand may not have recieved such a welcome

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    • Agnes, Udupi/Qatar

      Sat, Nov 01 2008

      It was like Mahendra has climbed Mount Everest and come back. His suporters are happy bursting Fire Crackers as its a big festival for them or as if he has become a Champion of some Game. Shame on this Mahendra Kumar and is supporters. Now they can do more crimes as the Leader is out. So now the show will start once again. God knows which place when ? Shame on CM & Home Minister. 

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    • mahendra shetty, mangalore

      Sat, Nov 01 2008

      I do not know why everyone is surprised about this news. Michel Lobo writes: So far, not even a single bajarangi is dealt severely by the State BJP government and the Police. What a senseless hope by Lobo. There is no such thing as bajrangi. They are same as BJP. So, do not expect any action by BJP. It is impossible. But more action is expected on minorities. BJP will not stop or will not hesitate to carry out this on minorities.

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    • raj, mangalore

      Sat, Nov 01 2008

      it is not fair that the main people behind the release of the book which is the actual cause for the riots r not caught!!

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    • Ibrahim, U A E

      Sat, Nov 01 2008

      Temporary escape to poor thing, didn't realize that there is a permanant justice system one has to face and no false witness, no bench of lawyers...One and destination

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    • Vijay Dsilva, mangalore

      Sat, Nov 01 2008

      Congrats! on your release, now you can go out and unleash terror again. It like setting a man-eater free, go and preach hatred. Utter nonsense, what is happening in India? People fighting about religion, fighting about states, fighting about languages, fighting about land,............. God when will this hatred, internal fighting and bloodshed stop!

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    • Praveen, Udupi

      Sat, Nov 01 2008

      Dual celebration for the people of Karnataka. One is Rajotsava and second Mahendra Utsava. Mahendra Utsava is given greater prominence than rajotsava. Releasing a criminal on the day of Rajotsava shows how shameful this Govt is. This Govt has no values....Sooner this Govt falls the better for the people of Karnataka.

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    • Eric Coelho, Mangalore/Ajman

      Sat, Nov 01 2008

      Has The Roaring Tiger become a Tamed Tiger after spending so many days in Jail. I doubt. A Leader who sits Behind and orders his Followers to attack anybody is not fit to Lead. It is happening all over the world and we have to accept the Fact. There are many issues which needs to be addressed in this Country as it is Ruled by Bad Politicians who have given Birth to VArious Organisations like ABVP, NSUI, VHP, BD etc etc only for their Selfish Needs and not to serve the People. The Supreme Court had rightly said "Even God cannot Save this Country". Every Day I put on the News or Read the Newspapers the first thing we read is Violence but Violence and nothing but Violence in any form.

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    • Vijay, Udupi

      Sat, Nov 01 2008

      See, finally what was the outcome !?

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    • Pascal, Udupi/Qatar

      Sat, Nov 01 2008

      We are having a very good Home Minister & CM. Everything was a drama to show Christians that they did something. Mahendra Kumar was given VIP treatment inside with all facilities. Now where is Goonda Act ? For whom this is now ?

      Catholics did a big mitake by bringing this BJP to power. God knows now what else is stored for us ? Its hardly 5 months of rule and we had to bear all this. I think by 5 years all the Catholics in Karnataka has to go EXILE. Shame on our BJP Govt.

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    • zahir khalife, Abu Dhabi

      Sat, Nov 01 2008

      Mahendra you are not Hero you are a big zero in public mind ,please change your attitude and strat normal life .

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      Sat, Nov 01 2008


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    • Maxim, Mulky

      Sat, Nov 01 2008

      Few days back there was a statement from BJP State government that Mahendra Kumar will be Booked under Goonda Act and now this guy is out on bail. What a Drama!! Yeddy and Acharya can you please answer why this sudden change??? RSS,VHP,Bajrang Dal pressure???. Yeddy , Acharay you guys are disgrace to kannadigas.

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    • Vishwanath, Mangalore

      Sat, Nov 01 2008

      I doubt he is a Mangalorean.No managlorean will ever do such acts as he has done.Shame on him.Better he be sent to his own state to create all problems to disturb the peace in the state.

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    • PRAKASH, Saudi Arabia

      Sat, Nov 01 2008

      This man has put all Mangaloreans to shame, he has disturbed the peace in the region. No doubt he too may have some followers, he too may contest the next election!!! It's all because of the blessings from our HM,CM & Police. Now it's time for the public to decide what they want?

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    • Henry, Dubai

      Sat, Nov 01 2008

      Indian jails are much better than any other jails of the world. One can judge by looking at Mahendra Kumar.

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    • Roshan Madtha, Mangalore

      Sat, Nov 01 2008

      May the God Bless him I believe he has Learnt a lot about Hindu Community he is true Hindu Leader but made a Balee ka Bakra

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    • Donald, udupi

      Sat, Nov 01 2008

      I think royal treatment got over. and govt is running out of money in order to meet his royal treatment. Moreover while entering the jail he was wearing same dress and today also same.. seems like didnt take bath till date.....

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    • Rahul, Mangalore, Dubai

      Sat, Nov 01 2008

      THANKYOU Mr.VS Acharya for giving the minorities so much of security. I think we have one of the best administered state in the whole country, it is such a shame that people like VS, Mahendra Kumar, Mutaliq are ruling our state. I have muslim friends for so many years but because of these actrocities on muslims, they think that I am also a fascist person and I feel ashamed to call myself an HINDU. I wish I was also given a chance to REVERT and lead a better life. Thanks to Daiji for this coverage.

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    • Carol, Mangalore

      Sat, Nov 01 2008

      He is acting like he has won International award or beauty peagent. Shame on you Mahendrakumar and your followers who shamelessly gathered outside d jail to welcome you. Stop this cowardly act of attacking Churches and God's places.Please learn some human values and teach some values to your followers.

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    • paul d`souza, balakunje

      Sat, Nov 01 2008

      mahedra kumar has greeted with garlands & with welcome as if he is going to space. dogs tail never be straightened. better time for him to change & repent.

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    • Thanzeel, Kuwait

      Sat, Nov 01 2008

      Nothing Surprise. The present Karnataka government need many of such evils to attack many more, as the Lok sabha election is nearby. The safron party is very much believe in getting the votes by religious Goondaism.

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    • Santosh, Udupi / Bahrain

      Sat, Nov 01 2008

      He looks more fresh & energetic than when he was arrested. No wonder he got royal treatment in the cooler also.

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    • john d'souza, bangalore

      Sat, Nov 01 2008

      he looks very fresh and neatly dressed. it looks like he has been given royal treatment while staying in the jail. one more favour from bjp led government. "only god can save us"

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    • bhaskar, mangalore

      Sat, Nov 01 2008

      Brainless politicians & jobless youths. No more comments

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    • Ashraf KM Kuwait, D.K.

      Sat, Nov 01 2008

      No Surprise! We expected this already and the drama will continue as usual. His followers are now ready to continue their anti social activity and we can anticipate more attacks, threats, anti social elements, assaults etc.

      Again, no risk neither for him nor his foolish followers. They will be released even though if they murder 1000s of innocents. It is possible in India because of dirty politics. I request this Mahendra & his followers to work or stay in Middle East in any where and continue their normal things.

      I am sure they will be treated with very respect in front of 1000s of public at right time! Rule of Law is inevitable and just hang them up for good! Please let the people leave with peaceful manner. O GOD punish them with incurable illness and eliminate all these criminals to clean up entire environment

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    • clarence miranda, mangalore

      Sat, Nov 01 2008

      I do not know why this  person is given so much of importance. I hope he goes back to his family occupation to work in coffee plantation and a earn a decent living and respect from all.

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    • Satish, Udupi / Dubai

      Sat, Nov 01 2008

      Congratts! Great news.

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    • Joseph F. Gonsalves , Bannur Puttur/Mangalore

      Sat, Nov 01 2008

      Mr. Mahendra Kumar the chief Convener of Karnataka State Bajrang Dal orchestrated attacks on churches all over Karnataka which is a well-known fact to every Tom Dickens Harry. This organizations chief who is in Delhi denied that they are not involved in church attacks. Similarly VHP also denied that they are also not involved in church attacks.

      Reporters asked with Mr. Ashok Singhal that Mr. Mahendra Kumar in the media agreed/accepted he orchestrated the attacks what do you say? In reply VHP leader in Delhi told his words were twisted/misinterpreted by the media. See how the following evil worked. Mr. Mahendra Kumar was used and incited by the evil at the same time evil provoked him to agree/accept the attacks. If he was not accepting police would not have arrested him.

      Because of agreeing/accepting church attacks RSS removed him from the position he held. People are proud of what they are doing but they do not know those works are from the evil. The evil is still adamant. Now he got bail on conditions. Hope he will adhere to the law enforcement code of conduct.

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    • Michael Lobo, Mangalore

      Sat, Nov 01 2008

      Oh God. This criminal is let free again ? Getting royal treatment for doing some great work ? His followers are worshiping him and bursting crackers, appears so funny. Just not acceptable to a civilized person. This can happen only in India. He is politician in the making. He has qualified the political exam and minimum requirement, that of committing the crime of spoiling the harmony in Karnataka ( more deadly !) and coming out safely from jail.

      I won't be surprised to see all cases against him getting droppped and d innocent ! This is after all Indian law, Indian court, Indian judges and their crime-friendly judgments. This kind of judgments will surely encourage the criminals and anti-social elements to operate freely and commit the same crimes once again. If Bajarangi Mahendra can be released based on arguments put-forth in the court, the same arguments will hold good for terrorists who are jailed inside and they too have right to come out and operate freely. Luckily there is a perfect balance in the society.

      A person like Mahendra who is leading a flock of uneducated and misguided youths flaunting their muscles, is dreaming big to become famous and powerful person, using communal, biased and division politics, is surely going to harm the society and future India in more than one way. He doesn't have vision in the first place and electing leaders of Mahendra type is going to be lethal decision. So far, not even a single bajarangi is dealt severely by the State BJP government and the Police. This goes on to show the collapse of true democracy and dangers to fundamental freedoms enshrined to each individual universally.

      Many people wouldn't be able to analyse this kind of situations and politics over a long period. Therefore we need to educate each and every citizen. An enlightened citizen only can think independently and he doesn't need any kind of guidance from the corrupt leaders. Let us not wait for more generations to educate every child in India. The longer time it takes, the more dangerous the situation will be. Innocents on ground level are bound to suffer even without knowing the actual reasons. Only a couple of people are playing cards and huge number of people will have to suffer.

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    • william d'souza, Dubai.

      Sat, Nov 01 2008

      '' DRAMA OF SANGH PARIVAR '' You have won Mr. V.S.

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