Bangalore: Yeddyurappa Rules out Ban on Sri Rama Sene

Bangalore: Yeddyurappa Rules out Ban on Sri Rama Sene

Bangalore, Feb 4:
Karnataka Chief Minister B S Yeddyurappa today ruled out any ban on the Sri Rama Sene in the wake of the January 24 incident in a pub in Mangalore.

He said there was no question of banning Sri Rama Sene. 'There is no such proposal before the state government,' he told mediapersons before the pre-budget meeting with different heads of the Task Force to know about their demands and receive suggestions for better implementation of various welfare projects of the state government. Replying to a question about National Commission for Women (NCW) member Nirmala Venkatesh urging for setting up of a State Commission for Women and appointment of a Chairperson within 48 hours, he said, ''It is a suggestion, we would look into it and take a decision soon.'' Earlier, Ms Venkatesh, talking to mediapersons said she had met the Chief Minister and urged him for setting up of a State Commission for Women and appointment of a Chairperson within 48 hours.

Ms Venkatesh, who visited Mangalore in connection with the attack on women in a pub said she had submitted her report to Chairman Girija Vyas yesterday.

Daijiworld Follow-up:

  • ABVP's Demand - Watch Video - Click Here
  • Attack on Pub - Watch Video Click Here
  • Arrest of Prasad Attavar - Watch Video
  • Watch NDTV News Clip - Click Here
  • Arrest of Mutalik - Watch Video- Click Here

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    • Rolphy Almeida, Udupi/Bangalore

      Thu, Feb 05 2009

      Dear Mr. M. Bhat, PLEASE go to any charitable institution founded by Mother Theresa and survey yourself how many Muslims are being treated there. For that matter you may go to any Christian run hospitals to see all the patients regardless of religion are being treated equally and you will be surprised to know none of them are converted to Christianity. I believe you did not understand the actual issue here you are interested only in religious issues.

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    • Jenny, Udipi/Mangalore

      Thu, Feb 05 2009

      Mr. Bhat, You are writing as though one of the christian missionaries approached you for conversion and if you didnt convert then why didnt you convert. I am sure because whatever religion you are following, you love your religion and respect it and no matter what, you will not change it for anything correct.

      And if no missionaries approached you then dont write something that you have not experienced. Moreover any individual converting their religion for food or education or for a house, I sincerely think that individual does not respect any religion because the person is converting only for material things, and in this case the individual is to be blamed.

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    • abhishek, mulky

      Thu, Feb 05 2009

      Why blame pakistan for terrorism?? we have so many ghanzni/babar followers on this panel.

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    • Rohit Shetty, Mangalore, UAE

      Thu, Feb 05 2009

      Hello Mr. M. Bhat, Dont spoil the name of our religion by speaking of religion. Its now about the Sena who is hitting women, not any religion. Why do you speak about religion and try to divide this country of great culture and peace. Dont try to be a Britisher using " Divide and rule policy". And for your point : WHY HINDUS ARE ONLY AND ALWAYS TARGETED SINCE CENTURIES? what do you say about this : KALYAN SINGH: I WAS RESPONSIBLE FOR DEMOLITION OF BABRI. PLEASE DONT SPEAK ABOUT ANY RELIGION ON EVERY OCASSION. U HYPOCRITE.

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    • Abdul, Mangalore, Oman

      Thu, Feb 05 2009

      Mr M.Bhat, Mumbai. If you think, Christians doing charity for conversion, you are mistaken. You need to ask me for my story. I earn money today because I got free education from Christians. I respect them for that. My family 6 kids and we were very poor. Mother expired of sickness when last girl was 8 months.

      I am the eldest and only son. Nuns came to my house and our locality (hindus, muslim, christians)everyday to teach us english. My father was cobbler. I repaired umbrellas with him. Today I am surveyor. I send money to my aged dad and younger sisters. They NEVER asked me to convert. We understand each other religion well and respect it.

      My sisters also got free education. And my niece and nephews also study in christian institution. Why didnt they convert? You are poisoning peoples minds. Why there are so many christian hospitals and orphanages? and how many of them do you think are christians or converted.

      Conversion is political agenda. Christians have given selfless service. I also visit Calcuta, Nirmal Hriday of Mother Teresa. americans serving people about to die. What will convesion give?.Simply dont make up issues? I have good Hindu roommates and friends in Oman.I feel BJP and Co spoiling the Hindu religion. please think over. I have nothing against hindu or christian. Please dont spread hatred. I have first hand expeience. God bless.

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    • Naveen Sequeira, Mangalore

      Thu, Feb 05 2009

      Hi Wilma, In terms of development, one can see how BJP is handling the State!!!. Hope the BJP government don't turn Karnataka in to another Gujarat (Ghodra one). If this happens it will be a nightmare for minority people to live in Mangalore and Karnataka.

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    • Joachim Fernandes, US

      Thu, Feb 05 2009

      What does missionary activity have to with attacks on pubs? Missionaries are not establishing pubs.

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    • Jess, Mangalore

      Wed, Feb 04 2009

      Mr.M. Bhat, Why dont you Hindus start charity for your people? why dont your Hindus build their own school/colleges, why Hindus need Convent Schools? No one is asking Hindus to convert, and if someone with their own wish is converting catch them and ask. Charity we dont do only for Hindus, Mother Theresa never saw any religion and picked a person from the road/gutter, she treated every Human equally, being educated people talk/think like this i feel sad, like that many Christians have got married to Hindus and have converted to Hinduism i have someone in my family, so what should we say about it? We are in Independant India, and religion is man made, so as long as we dont harm anyone and care for every human equally, that will be the best religion. Please read your "Geeta Saar" and try to understand see how beautifully it explains. And let us all educated people live like educated and civilized people, lets not fight on religion and culture. Jai Hind

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    • satish, Bangalore

      Wed, Feb 04 2009

      I totally agree with M Bhat, Mumbai . well said.

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    • Cyril D'Cunha, Mangalore, UAE

      Wed, Feb 04 2009

      Dear Bhat, "Ask, you shall receive. Seek, you shall find. Knock, the door will be opened to you" Let your wisdom understand this. Those who Ask or Seek or Knocked have received the charity work of missionaries...

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    • Charles D'Mello, Pangala

      Wed, Feb 04 2009

      Many people feel that this is good descision by the Chief Minister !!!! In the next elections the real picture shall come out !! All the best !

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    • M.Bhat, Mumbai

      Wed, Feb 04 2009

      Can anybody reply? There are many Good Christians who believe that missionary work is directed at helping the poorest of the poorest! The manner in which this noble work is done makes many Hindus convert Christianity! The Sarchar Committee report that Government of India has accepted, states that Millions of Muslims in this country are the poorest of poor (poorer than the STs and the SCs), they lack economic power and suffer from poor medical / educational faculties.

      HOW COME THE MISSIONARAIES ARE NOT WORKING FOR THEIR (MUSLIMS) UPLIFTMENT? HOW COME THEY ARE NOT SETTING UP CHURCHES AND ORPHANAGES IN POOR MUSLIM AREAS? The answer to this question would be embarrassing to the Church in India! They may find it shameful to admit that missionary charity is a means to an end. They would also face severe consequences if they attempted to convert poor Muslims using charity as an excuse.

      The Hindus (as the community is most tolerant to anyone) are soft targets for conversions and that is why all this zeal for charity! WHY HINDUS ARE ONLY AND ALWAYS TARGETED SINCE CENTURIES?

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    • george dsouza, mangalore, mumbai

      Wed, Feb 04 2009

      One  point which comes to mind when we read this comments are how uneducated and divisive we are.Despite being highly qulaified and sitting in some plush MNC offices we still cannot see beyond our own religion.Majority of the views are biased and centred on religion . We the so called educated people are such a big hypocrites we blame uneducated people for all the evils in the society.We the educated people sitting in comforts of AC offices repsonsible for this rot in the society. We use our intelligence to manipulate the thoughts of uneducated people by sowing the seed of communal hatred,casteism and regionalism.We know we are not going to be  affected by it as we are sitting in middle east, USA and other western countries. We enjoy the comforts of the profession offered by these countries and then try to show our patriotism/love of our religion by writing comments of divisive politics. I am not writing this on belalf of any community though my name sounds the obvious.Wake up my friends rise above the narrow thinking and have the courage to raise your voice against any injustice irrespective of which community you belong to. I still believe we the middle class are not the future of these country, future lies with the downtrodden. Today we may manipulate them by our intelleigence but a day will come they realize our design and revolt for a change.

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    • Zude, Mumbai

      Wed, Feb 04 2009

      It is time that an organization should be formed to bash such miscreants like Sri Ramsena who are publicly beating our sisters. Do not depend on the politicians who will beg with you after every five years. Ours is a democratic country and our culture is diversified and not what this foolish people are propagating. We are taught to love and respect our brothers and sisters and not create such unrest like the Sri Ram or Bajrang dal hooligans are doing.

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    • shahnawaz kukkikatte, udupi/dubai

      Wed, Feb 04 2009

      Very unfortunate. If Yediyurappa bans Ramasene, I am sure he shall be banned by BJP and Sangh parivar. Keep going Ramasene!!

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    • Prem, Mangalore

      Wed, Feb 04 2009

      Banning an organization is  not a solution for the problem. If he bans Ram sena, all the activists will join bajaranga dal. We have to create awareness with people to respect each other and live peacefully in  society. Mainly respecting each others religions. ITS EASY TO DIVIDE AND RULE BUT DIFFICULT TO UNITE ALL.

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    • James Miranda, Bahrain

      Wed, Feb 04 2009

      Dear CM Yediyurappa, Use your wisdom, those who raise the sword perish with the same sword.  Dont use Goondas to remain in power! It wont last for long. God save you

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    • Francis, Mangalore/Dubai

      Wed, Feb 04 2009

      Can anyone forward these emails to Mr Yediyurappa's personal email address please. Can we have a reply from him.

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    • Rolphy Almeida, Udupi

      Wed, Feb 04 2009

      This was expected from our CM, as it was there in their agenda. It shows their negligence for women and human rights. Why the central government is delaying to put their act together and be tough on human right violation. If this is the case, then the day is not very far, that every Mangalorian would carry a weapon while venturing out of his house. This government will be held responsible for any such mess.

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    • brijesh, Mangalore

      Wed, Feb 04 2009

      It is not a easy task to ban a group which is in action. Its not so easy as we do comment here. only person sitting in that position like CM would realise the risk or difficulty.

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      Wed, Feb 04 2009


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    • Abdul Haneef, Mlore

      Wed, Feb 04 2009

      Good decision by CM... a good answer to the pressurizing tactics imposed by center, esp Renuka Chowdhry... Congress in handling the independent organizations like Women Welfare, EC like their party subsidiary using for their election benifits.. Good message CM.. You sent a strong message to this unethical congress...

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    • haneef, mangalore

      Wed, Feb 04 2009

      Yes mr abdul hameed mh you are right,

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    • Jerome, Mangalore

      Wed, Feb 04 2009

       Illegal pubs are also seen only in India wherein young girl students want to booze and dance.

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    • anil, bahrain

      Wed, Feb 04 2009

      CM, you are a  HERO. Good decision

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    • hafeez , mangalore

      Wed, Feb 04 2009

      Thank you  Khan. I like your comment .Keep it up

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    • Suraj, Mangalore

      Wed, Feb 04 2009

      Congratulations to CM. This is the right decession. We need them to take care of our culture and safeguard our society. In fact we should introduce more Senas to take care of different issues. Like Sita Sena for women, Lava-Kusha Sena for kids, Laxman Sena for brothers and so on.

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    • nagesh nayak, bangalore

      Wed, Feb 04 2009

      Namaste jess.India will be prosperous on its own. We don't need any research .

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    • Khan.mohd, mangalore

      Wed, Feb 04 2009

      Thank you CM you showed us what you are and what you are upto.  You made us to think next time when we vote .  Now we came to know how far we are safe in your govt.

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    • ruchir agarwal, mangalore

      Wed, Feb 04 2009

      This happens only in india!!

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    • Jess, Mangalore

      Wed, Feb 04 2009

      Namaste CM, instead of supporting these gundas for gundagiri acts pls read the following and accordingly tell your gundas to act on these points. London, June 19 (ANI): Goldman Sachs Group Inc., the worlds largest investment bank, has outlined 10 things for India to improve upon, in order to achieve its potential and grow 40 times by 2050.

      According to Goldman Sachs global research report on Ten Things for India to Achieve its 2050 Potential, the worlds second fastest growing economy has the potential to even outgrow the US economy by 2050 provided it pays attention to the following ten fields: (1) improve governance (2) raise educational achievement (3) increase quality and quantity of universities (4) control inflation (5) introduce a credible fiscal policy (6) liberalize financial markets (7) increase trade with neighbours (8) increase agricultural productivity (9) improve infrastructure and (10) improve environmental quality.

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    • Roland,

      Tue, Feb 03 2009

      Vishal D'Souza, Mangalore/Bangalore, Obviously a good decision for you and your party. Ram Sena are your vote bank.IF you ban them you guys will never come to power again in Karnataka.

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    • Abdul, uppinangady/doha

      Tue, Feb 03 2009

      CM doesn't have guts to ban on Sri Rama Sena, becuz they are the vote agent of BJP. If the attack was done by some otehr party like KFD, SIMI , etc. immediately he would have banned these organizations.

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    • Ashraf Sullia Kuwait, Sullia

      Tue, Feb 03 2009

      Guys, CM needs peaceful life! How can he stop same attitude people belongs to same gang?

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    • Abdul Hameed M H, Mangalore/Dammam

      Tue, Feb 03 2009

      How can you ban an organisation when it is nourished by you and becomes part of your main body?.BJP needs Ramasene, RSS, Bajrangdal, VHP, ABVP for its vote bank politics. If banning SIMI is a wise dicission why not other more communal outfits like Ramasene?

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    • Rohit Shetty, Mangalore, UAE

      Tue, Feb 03 2009

      Our honourable CM will not ban this sena as - There is no such proposal before the state government, but I am sure tomorrow he will ban the pub culture as - Hindu Yuva Sena Demands an End to Pub Culture. Vahrevah - Our honourable CM - Zindabad.

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    • Clive, Mumbai/ Kuwait

      Tue, Feb 03 2009

      Sri Ram Sena is an organisation supported by the BJP. Let all those people who are against this organisation give a befitting reply to the BJP when the elections come. BSY is just a soft leader he does not have any power. The real power belongs to his masters sitting in Delhi Advani & Rajnath Singh

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      Tue, Feb 03 2009

      A good decision by CM

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    • rahul , mangalore

      Tue, Feb 03 2009

      What else could anyone expect from Yeddi. Can a sheperd ban his herd from creating trouble.

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    • Naveen Rai, Mumbai

      Wed, Feb 04 2009

      As Paramananda rightly points out banning Rama Sene will be ineffective as they will regroup and come in some other name. . The best way to dealwith  them is punish them  and see that the people involved in attacks are put behind bars for a certain period of time.

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    • mayola gonsalves, mangalore/U.S.

      Wed, Feb 04 2009

      The roads are pathetic, water shortage, government officials and police wont act unless you bribe them, power shortage, unemployment crisis and all these fools can fight about it celebrating valentine's day, indian culture, pub culture. YOU CANNOT FORCE YOUR IDEAS ON OTHERS. YOU HAVE TO LIVE BY EXAMPLE. Beating up people, using religion as an excuse will never work. Yediyurappa, banning this group will not help either. Please divert your  attention to more serious problems facing India. We went to pubs, and we came out alive, with our culture intact. If you raised your children well, they will know how to behave anywhere they go.

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    • bilal, Karkala/riyadh

      Tue, Feb 03 2009

      BJP and Ramasena is same as USA and Israel what one can expect.

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    • Alwyn, Mangalore,Mumbai

      Tue, Feb 03 2009

      Yeddyruppa might join soon ramasena after his retirement.That's why He didn't ban Ramsena.

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    • Hasan, Mangalore

      Tue, Feb 03 2009

      congratulation Mr.Chief succeeded in your Ravan Sena Bachao Project

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    • Shreedhar Shenoy, Mangalore

      Tue, Feb 03 2009

      For CM, votebank is more important than banning Sene. If he Bans, from where will he get votes. It is a real political issue. Dont forget, he is also part of Sene by one or other way!!! Well done. SS

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    • Prakash Leema, Bhatkal / UAE

      Tue, Feb 03 2009

      There are lots of things to do in our India. Still in some places we do not have electricity, no proper roads , no good education to poor children etc etc. Why can’t these Hindu outfits are not taking care of such improvement work. Dear brothers lets work for making our India to shine

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    • Praveen, UAE

      Tue, Feb 03 2009

      CM doesn't want to ban Rama Sene as well as doesn't want to punish the culprits. What does he actually want then? He wants these organizations support right? Mr.CM, punish those who take law in their hands., if not you are not worthy to continue in the position.

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    • Yatheem, UAE

      Tue, Feb 03 2009

      You are right , yeddy , Innocent Rama sene should not be banned , but SIMI , whose live terror actions we watch daily in the media should be banned immediately!!!

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    • Vyshak, Udupi/Bangalore

      Tue, Feb 03 2009

      This is so typical of our beloved CM. I could see someone commenting about north indians coming to mangalore and spoiling mangalore culture. I just want ask people of mangalore want the city to get developed but they dont want migrant population coming into mangalore. The higher rentals or the escalating property prices are because of migrants coming into mangalore. So its not right to say north indians coming into mangalore is spoiling mangalore. In that case we have so many managaloreans in mumbai or gulf....

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    • Arun d'souza, Abu dhabi / bangalore

      Tue, Feb 03 2009

      Excellent statement Mr. George cruze, better check your memory lane, this same BJP govts minister escorted 4 dreaded terrorits like a shameless body guard and went to kandahar. If Rama sena is indeed safe gaurding our culture then let them first beat up eve teasers in public, close the toddy snad arrack shops, stop dowry practice. I advise them to the word Rama, as they are misusing the great Rama.

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    • ronald, mumbai

      Tue, Feb 03 2009

      well we knew that this statement was to come, even the dumbest person would know that the CM would not have the guts to ban any thing or part affliated to the VHP or BD.

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    • Elias, Dubai

      Wed, Feb 04 2009

      Dear Friends Rama Sena is headed by Mr. CM and managed by Mr. Pramod. So he cannot ban this group

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    • Moosa , Mangalore

      Wed, Feb 04 2009

      I think Yeddi is not so foolish to dig his own grave.

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    • Bharathi, Mangalore

      Wed, Feb 04 2009

      Ram sena is not a terrorist group, these organizations are required to alert these young ones.Mangalore culture is westernised because of all North Indian coming down to pursue their education, most of the girls including richer class from Mangalore spending their time in pub. This is usual in Mangalore.

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    • Don, udupi

      Wed, Feb 04 2009

      How can he ban an orgnisation wherein he is invovled. 

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    • Navin, Mangalore

      Wed, Feb 04 2009

      The people of Karnataka must come out in protest against this government, who not only is incapable of protecting women, but also supporting the perpetrators. They've lost all moral grounds to remain in power. Dont know why the opposition isn't raising concerns over this issue.

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    • Paramananda, India

      Wed, Feb 04 2009

      Is ban a solution? They will regroup as some other sene . They are sick people. Not only their families, the entire nation would be grateful to Mr. Yediyurappa if he puts a stop to this cancer.

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    • Suman, Mangalore

      Wed, Feb 04 2009

      I totally agree with Santosh. Yedurappa is not a strong leader. He is afraid  that he may lose his CM position as the Rama sene has warned the Govt that it will not support if it bans the sene. We just have to pray that this time we elect and chose a good govt

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    • Wilma Rodrigues, Mangalore

      Wed, Feb 04 2009

      Govt should look after the development of the state instead of capitalising on the useless issues. Also the opposition should cooperate with the government in all aspects pertaining development. It all seems the opposition parties are creating havoc to the BJP government by raising issues one after another by thinking they are going to lose power in the state as like in Gujrat. BJP should capitalise on development just like Gujarat, should compete with Gujarat in development.

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    • George Cruz, Mangalore

      Wed, Feb 04 2009

      This is an excellent decision by the CM. We need all these groups to prevent assault on the Indian culture by various anti-indian forces. If BJP party were in power they wouldn't have let Pakistan go free for the terrorist activities committed by the ruthless murderers. The current UPA government is incompetent and corrupt.

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    • Vishal D'Souza, Mangalore / Bangalore

      Wed, Feb 04 2009

      A good decision by CM.

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    • Rajesh Kumar, Padubidri/Dubai

      Wed, Feb 04 2009

      This is good decision from CM. thanks to CM. ….

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    • Santosh Rodrigues, Mangalore / Sydney

      Wed, Feb 04 2009

      This was expected of the CM. How could he possibly ban the organisation that supports BJP. The weak suffer in ignomony.

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