Dubai: Religious Harmony - Zafarullah Khan Leads the Way...

Dubai: Religious Harmony - Zafarullah Khan Leads the Way...

by Walter Nanadalike

Dubai, Apr 1:
It is ironic that this story must appear early morning on fool’s day,  April 1, 2009. But the fact remains that there is nothing to fool about here.  It is evident that  UAE is a place where every religion is shown respect , thanks to  vision and humanity of the rulers of this great Islamic nation.

Leaders of our communities  have taken positive advantage of this  generosity of great leaders of this country.  Zafarulla Khan, popularly known as 'Mandyada Gandu' in UAE, a thinker, entrepreneur and most importantly a simple human being  has taken a rare lead in the UAE to bring all community leaders together under one roof.  Without  giving a religious tint, he has conveyed the message of LOVE'  which is utmost, invisible to the human eye , but keeps  everyone united.

Khan  invited Jagadguru Sri Balagangadar Swamiji of the famous Adichunchanagiri Mutt from back home in Mandya and felicitated him on behalf of all communities hailing from Karnataka State on March 30, 2009. The beautiful event was attended by 40 noted community leaders from around UAE  who met in Jumeriah , Dubai.

"We often see people claim their identity as a  Muslim , Hindu, Christian ..etc, and  we also we see people identifying themselves as  Kannadigas, Keralites, Bengalis...etc but very few of us recognize ourselves  as 'Indians'.  Even outside India, we often see people's identity on the basis of their religion or region from where they come from. But I must say, I am very proud to say 'I am Indian' first and a  Kannadiga next...." said Zafarullah Khan who individually initiated this meet  to bring about more religious harmony among the expatriate communities of Karnataka  living here in UAE .

"I respect His Holiness Sri Swamiji a lot. People may be surprised as to why  a Muslim has invited  a  Hindu pontiff here and honored  him. But I have surrendered myself to him not for his religion but for the humanity. I have visited many JSS institutions in India which are run by Adchunchanagiri Mutt, headed by this very respected  Sri Balagangadhar Swamiji.  I have seen no religion there, I have seen only humanity and love .  This great personality who loves everyone, every student, every teacher, never imposes religion in his institutions.  He is responsible  for producing  millions of successful students from out of the institutions. He treats everyone equally, with no hate culture or bias. That is  the reason I have surrendered myself to his holiness with a  sense of great respect" said Khan.

This is indeed a rare gesture from Zafarullah Khan. His openness and secular stand  sends a strong  message to the people back home where we hear almost  every day,  division among society in the name of caste, creed and religion.

Far away from home, across the seven seas, in an Islamic state , it is indeed heartening to see the tolerant attitude of  the rulers of this country, blended with the  kind hearted fraternal love shown by Zafarullah Khan.

It was a momentous scene to see  Hindu, Muslim and Christian leaders get  together and honor the pontiff with Shawl, Fruits and Flowers. Such events have become scarce even in our own secular India !

This  gathering must send a strong message  to those  people in India who wait for  an opportunity to create trouble and disturb the peace. It has evoked a strong bond  between the people of all religions  living in UAE, hailing from Karnataka..

"It is love, and nothing else that  can win the hearts of people" said  the humble  Pontiff . Replying to the gathering , he expressed his happiness to see the people of Karnataka shedding  away their barriers of  religion ,  region and  language and doing well despite being far away from home in these  difficult times.

Sri Balagangadar Swamini is one of the  rare personalities from the Mutt who has never involved himself with politics  or  politicians ! Perhaps that could be the reason why he is regarded as one of the most respected religious pontiffs in the world.

The gathering was well attended by all community leaders from Karnataka, representing  associations like Karnataka Sangha Abu Dhabi, Karnataka Sangha Dubai, Billawa Balaga, Billawas NE, Tulu Koota, Mangalore Konkans, Daiji Dubai, Karnataka Sangha Sharjah, Bearys, Bhatkalees, Amchigele Samaz and many others.
Sarvotham Shetty, James Mendonca and Latif honored  the Swamiji. Ganesh Rai compered the event.

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  • Umesh B, Mandya

    Tue, Sep 14 2010

    Thanks to Mr.Zafarulla Khan for such a noble gesture. Indeed, India needs such people to promote religious harmony and spread peace among people.

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  • Navin Sinha, patna/mangalore

    Tue, Apr 07 2009

    Hat's of to Mr.Zafarullah Khan. you indeed done good job. people should come forward and respect each other's religion and not to take out flaws from it. God made man and man made religion. It was not God’s intention to create so many diverse religions. It was man who failed to understand God and created different religions though ultimately the end result or objective of all religions is to reach the Divine. It's same like school where we learn many many things. indeed we are first humanbeings, wants to live peacefully in this world.

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  • george,

    Mon, Apr 06 2009

    Dear abishek mulky, You are still like a frog in a well. Open you mind to see the good in the world. If you show love, things like jihadi and conversion will disappear from your mind. When one does not know the meaning of love, he is a looser. Then for such persons to win something in the world, they resort to venom spilling and poisoining the minds of the illiterate. . Remember love is the most important thing in life.

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  • Henry Lewis, Sastan/Kuwait

    Mon, Apr 06 2009

    I appreciate the religious Harmony by Zafarullah Khan it is very rare to find people with broad minded spirit to live with peacefully in this earth without any hatred to any community is a divine spirit.

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  • George Cruz, Mangalore/USA

    Mon, Apr 06 2009

    We need many more Zafarulla Khans in India. It makes good sense for minorities to develop goodwill towards the majority Hindu community rather than engaging in venomous and hatefull attitude. In the long run minority communities will lose and become even more isolated from the mainstream with venomous attitude. It is just like swimming against the powerful stream.

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  • Nithin , USa

    Sat, Apr 04 2009

    wonderful job khan saab.... Bottom line is there is something called humanity...if we see each and every matter in this world ( humans included) as god's creation and try to give respect to it will solve most of the problems of this universe

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  • Ravi Poojary, Dubai

    Sat, Apr 04 2009

    Very good news coverage, Thanks Daiji....Great gesture by Zafarullah Saheb & Sri Balagangadhara swamiji you are doing a great job by bringing people together of all religions but you missed to united both BILLAWAS who had came to meet you in this wonderfull evening.

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  • Sam, Mangalore

    Fri, Apr 03 2009

    Abhishek mulky here Mr.Khan is trying to stop communal, region and religion matters, where you are encouragin to do the against please think before saying anything, and you no need to worry about mathra dharma, if you are respects others mathra dharma.

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  • Ronald , Udupi

    Thu, Apr 02 2009

    Abhishek Mulky, Grave danger is fascist thinking! Love and harmony toward fellow human being solves all the problem, Why they do not teach this type of Communal Harmony language in RSS? & its extension BJP?

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  • Velyma, mangalore

    Thu, Apr 02 2009

    Hi all.This is a very nice and brilliant effort to unite all people of our country.It is equally sad that there are few of our friends who willingly give a communal colour to each issue that is broadcasted in the media and try to prove their point.I salute and appreciate the efforts that each one has input in activity, i would earnestly request "our brilliant an educated citizens of India"to stop giving a communal color to every other piece of information.If something/someone bother you please address it specifically and don't generalise.At the end of it the water that we drink, the food that we eat and the air that we breathe does not have caste/ religion.So people grow up, think mature and act.

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  • Bulsam, Mangalore

    Thu, Apr 02 2009

    Mr. Anand, keep it up! You have rightly said that a real human being has no differences towards cast, creed, color, religion, nationality. Let’s pray for this immense Love and Unity within us. Let us follow the path of great leaders like Gandhiji, Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan, Dr. Rajendra Prasad, Martin Luther King, Jawaharlal Nehru, Abdul Kalam Azad, Baba Amte, APJ Abdul Kalam etc. They respected all religions & the great religious leaders like Jagadguru Sri Balagangadar Swamiji.

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    Fri, Apr 03 2009


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  • Jane Celine, Mysore/UAE

    Thu, Apr 02 2009

    I worked for the BGS group and met Swamiji couple of times.He is so silent and peaceful in his movement. I appreciate Mr Zafarulla Khan for having selected Sri Sri Sri Balagangadharnath swamiji to convey the message of peace.

    Individually we all want peaceful life dont know why there is so much hatred and disharmony. We need to send a strong message to all the religious heads to spread only peace to keep us united in peace and not hatred.

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  • abhishek, mulky

    Thu, Apr 02 2009

    Hi Ravi..Nobody is forced to join RSS & joining RSS is the not the only way to serve your motherland.There are different means & millions of people are doing it in their own way.There can be no better option than Army. But our secularism is ruined by vote-bank & appeasement politics.

    The so called "secular" leaders hesitate to take any tough measures fearing their vote banks & for being secular the only criteria is to abuse hindus.Even our army was not spared of this & the previous govt did a headcount on religious lines.

    Hindus are born seculars & they need not be preached about it.Never are any hindus taught that their dharma is superior than others.Then what is the reason for these jehads & crusades for the last 1200 years?? Already we have lost vast areas of our country owing to appeasement politics.

    Our army would fight the enemies at the border & also the terrorists with the weapons.But who will fight the evils of jehad & conversion being spread in society,which if not checked would break the backbone of our civilization?? Think about the purpose of the organisation before branding it communal.

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  • Nammi Munaveer Bairikatte, al- jubail

    Thu, Apr 02 2009

    you have weldone Zafrullah without political tint ..thank u daiji for huge coverage..

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  • Ravi, Mumbai

    Thu, Apr 02 2009

    First of all, let me remind Abhishek, Mulkhy that he is absolutely wrong. If you love your country why join the RSS?You can join the Armed forces. My dad was in the Army and let me tell you that I and my family abhor all anti-national things just the way you and all people who love their country do.

    But we hate communal politics where one is told to kill in the name of religion. For stopping conversion, the government of the country has to toughen laws and take action and not the RSS and other organisations

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  • abhishek, mulky

    Thu, Apr 02 2009

    Hi Ronald & olwin...India is not just a piece of land.Its the old sanatana dharma that holds our country together.It has sheltered all faiths for centuries.India has a special status in the world owing to its spirituality & culture.Thats the reason our country is truly secular in word & spirit...But the two main evils confronting this age old dharma are jehad & conversion.Its the duty of all us,who are in someway or the other related to this dharma to come forward & oppose these evils,rather then deny the very existence of these.

    Denial would further strengthen these evils. Our mathrbhumi & mathrdharma are closely bonded & any attempt to seperate them should be opposed.I donot mind your aggrevated comments because you are ignorant of the grave danger we are in,for no fault of ours.

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  • Hussain .K.H, Sakleshpur/ Brunei

    Thu, Apr 02 2009

    Very good news coverage, Thanks Daiji,,, one common message to all Indians, where ever we may be ( abroad or in India) we should be proud our native country,, All Indians ,Irrespective of cast should have a feeling of national patriotism and respect to their religion,,,,

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  • olwin pereira, canada

    Thu, Apr 02 2009

    Abhishek, mulky - RSS welcomes each & everyone who is a bahartiya, the only qualification needed is he/she should love their motherland & mathra dharma.If all "indians" do this then there would be no place for conversion, jehad,terrorism & untouchability...jai Hind... Do you know what you are talking about ?? what is the mathra dharma of Indians?

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    Wed, Apr 01 2009

    Dear Zafrulla Khan Saheb, you really did a wonderful job. It shows your true love.

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  • Ronald , Udupi

    Wed, Apr 01 2009

    Abhishek Mulky, do not impose conditions to be an Indian! Read the article well and be good! Your attitude of Dhal me Kala is not for the good of any society nor any harmony. Learn and wake up!

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  • A.D'Cunha Shenoy, Mangaluru

    Wed, Apr 01 2009

    Food for thought for all Indians. While micro level identies and languages are quite important for traditions and culture, it is utmost important, national identity is the key for unification and oneness within India or outside of India. We are Indians first, but unfortunately many of us identify ourselves at micro level. Even in UAE or somewhere else we have several organisations of identity while all of us are Indians first and every one of us must hold ourselves to the national pride. I wish we had great Indians like Mr. Khan.

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  • Dr.Anand & Geeta N Pereira, Sakleshpur

    Wed, Apr 01 2009

    The message is loud and clear. We need to speak the language of love deep down from our hearts and goodness will automatically follow. Thank you Walter Nandalike for providing us with sensitive insights.

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  • abhishek, mulky

    Wed, Apr 01 2009

    Sri Balagangadhara swamiji was also the chief guest & the main speaker in the closiing ceremony of samarasatha sangama( RSS gathering) held in b'lore few yeas back. Now will the few pseudo-seculars immediately brand him communal?? Few minorities who just abuse RSS & sangh parivar for everything, should come out of their ignorance & look at the way the largest social organisation in the world functions..RSS welcomes each & everyone who is a bahartiya, the only qualification needed is he/she should be love their motherland & mathr dharma.If all "indians" do this then there would be no place for conversion,jehad,terrorism & untouchability...jai Hind...

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  • Naveen Shetty, Mangalore

    Wed, Apr 01 2009

    Dear George Borromeo (Angelore), you need to come out of your shell to see the large picture rather than confirming your self between 4 walls.

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  • Melwin Pinto , Mangalore

    Wed, Apr 01 2009

    Please forward this story to as many as possible.!! We are primarily human beings. let us see goodness and Godliness in each other. Janaab Zafferullah Khan you have shown us the way. I will follow your example!!!

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  • george borromeo, angelore, mangalore

    Wed, Apr 01 2009

    "I am Indian" is the word normaly i heard from few nitty gritty Armed Forces Officers mostly from Coorg, whenever i had conversed with.Their crypt reply embarassed me as i had introduced myself as Mangalorean.Abroad you can call yourself as Indian to your foreign counter part.But when you meet another Indian,generally you introduce yourself as from Karnataka.When you meet a person from Karnataka, normally you introduce yourself as from Mangalore(short for D.K),When Mangaloreans meet, you come down to area specific, like udupi, bantwal,belthangady or on more inquisision you may tell kankanady, pangla,santhe katte,more and more micro level.This is the concept of acquaintancing comfort level.Same way languages, Kannadiga is generalised and broken in to micro level as District level Kannada,For eg.D.K.& Udupi Kannadiga's are sub devided into Konkans,GSB's,Tulu,Coorgi's,etc,.Konkani is sub devided into Saraswath, goud saraswath,Bhatkali,Karwar, Kasargod.Same way in religion we go down to minute micro level. like christian is sub devided in to R.C, Protestant, Malakkara, Jacobite,syrian.Protestent sub devided in to C.S.I, Pentecost, Beleiver,New Life etc,. It is very easy to say That we have call our self as INDIAN.But it is difficult to come out from our comfort level,clinging or impresing the other person attitude.even in this article Zafarulla Khan, you have mentioned as Mandyada Gandu.Because you wanted to present him in a proper natural way.However it is a noble cause,Uniting under one umbrella that is Love and Humanity.

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  • Anand Kumar, Mangalore/Dubai

    Wed, Apr 01 2009

    What a lovely message to the people of all community. I hope atleast SRS/BJ/RSS/terrorists will see this message and photographs. I hope they will atleast think about the living nature with peaceful way. I hope they will unite together and live peacefully within all community. To come up with the above peace sure all the community leaders shown in the above photos should advise their own community (people) trouble makers those who gone for a wrong ways, than only it will success their work. Wish you good luck. Keep it up. Do it more for peace.

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  • Bulsam, Mangalore

    Wed, Apr 01 2009

    Give respect & take respect or be good to others & they will be good to you that is the basic of all religion. The real Swami or Moulvi or Priest knows this truth and those who don’t practice are dangerous pseudo religious leaders.

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  • Suchit Kumar, Mumbai / Dubai

    Wed, Apr 01 2009

    Great gesture by Zafarullah Saheb., I was fortunate to be part of this event and get an opportunity to witness the spirit of UNITY and listen to Swamiji and also seek his blessing. Thanks Zafarullah Saheb..! I would like to inform the readers that whenever you are with Zafarullah Khan and if his mobile rings....then the tune you will listen is "Sare Jahan Se Acha". God Bless You

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  • abbacha, thalapady/bahrain

    Wed, Apr 01 2009

    this report remind me the famous pyara.... hindu muslim kraistarellarigonde bharatha mandira..... thank you zafar , daiji...

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  • Robert George, Mumbai/Australia

    Wed, Apr 01 2009

    It’s a rare gesture on the part of a Muslim to invite a leader of another religion into a predominantly Muslim nation. It ought to stir the imagination of many how religion fades into insignificance when brotherhood of humanity comes into play. Hats off to Zafarulla Khan!

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  • vignesh prabhu, mangalore

    Wed, Apr 01 2009

    This is very very rare to see ....awesome...

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  • Naveen Shetty, Mangalore

    Wed, Apr 01 2009

    Quote ''It is love, and nothing else that can win the hearts of people" said the humble Pontiff. We Indian's should not only learn to recognize as Indian's but also as 'humans' first irrespective of the nationality or religion to be called as world citizens. This is must both at home (India) and abroad.

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  • Jayant A. Shetty, Dubai

    Wed, Apr 01 2009

    It is a memorable evening in my life to get belssing from Swamiji. Thanks to Janab Zafrulla Khan for arranging & inviting for such a grand occasion.You are doing a great job by bringing people together of all religions

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  • A.R.Ibrahim, Jeddah KSA

    Wed, Apr 01 2009

    This article cherished fond memories of our school days, those days we shared good and bad days with our friends of all community. No one was talking about religion till the politicians started divide and rule policy.

    Thanks to Swamji for taking all the efforts to educate our youth as one family, thanks to Walter for beautiful media coverage and nice article and Zafar Bhai for recognizing and honouring Swamji. Well done to shake our memories of good old days.

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    Wed, Apr 01 2009

    HATS OFF TO YOU ZAFARULLAH KHAN,ON YOUR NOBLE GESTURE. YOU HAVE PROVED THAT... “Our most basic common link is, we all inhabit this small planet. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish a peaceful existence. And we are all mortal.” WE SALUTE YOU....

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  • Fredrick Correa, Nairobi, Kenya

    Wed, Apr 01 2009

    One of the best events to happen this year!

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  • Anand, Kinnigoli/Dubai

    Wed, Apr 01 2009

    Dear Zafrulla Khan Saheb, you  really  did a  wonderful job. It shows your true love, a real human being has no cast,creed,color,religion,nationality.  Lets pray for this immense Love and Unity within us.

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  • ibrahim karnad, Dubai

    Wed, Apr 01 2009

    Janab Zafrullah Khan,you have shown the true path of Islam. Treat all mankind as human beings and  not by his caste. This gives a good message from UAE to the people of India where they are fighting among  themselves in the name of religion. I hope the elderly leaders who have attended the meeting will send the same message to their brothers in India. Great work done by you Janab Zafrullha Khan. Your message be a Indian and be a Kannadiga, is an eye opener to all of us.

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  • K.Shenoy, dubai/India

    Tue, Mar 31 2009

    You are right back in India every one have enough time to do all these things,where has here it is different we think all are one concept. Kind Regards, K.Shenoy

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    Tue, Mar 31 2009

    before we educate indians about religious tolerance we should educate so called leaders of india likes of advanis, modis,uma bharats,varuns etc. these great leaders spoiled the very beautiful indian soceity by by spilling communal venom all over, only to get chair under their seat.

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  • Daya Kirodian, Mangalore/Dubai

    Wed, Apr 01 2009

    Thanks to Zafrulla Khan Saheb for inviting me to this wonderful evening. It was a memorable evening where I got an oportunity to be part of the ceremony and get blessings from Swamiji. I have personally felt the respect Mr Zafrulla Khan got to Swamiji. As Mr Walter mentioned it was a surpise to see a muslim taking the  initiative to honour Swamiji, but it was the love and respect which breaks the religion barricades. We all wish to see the same atmosphere back  home. As usual beautiful article by Walter and good pic coverage by Ramcy. God bless Mr Zafrulla Khan with good health and more prosperity and serve the society.

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  • Shareef Moideen, Mangalore/ Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

    Wed, Apr 01 2009

    ...but very few of us recognize ourselves as 'Indians'. Even outside India. This quote from Zafarullah Khan has to be noted, we Indians have start to fight each other in the name of the religion, we don't appreciate each other's good work if he does not belong to his/her own religion. This has to be stopped, appreciate each other for the good work. In this context, Zafarullah Khan is a true Indian, Kannadagia, Secular & a Muslim.

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