New Delhi, Jul 31 (IANS): Ahead of Eid, the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) has released a video showing the inhuman treatment meted out to goats which scream while being slaughtered with blunt knives.
The video shot in Alwar in Rajasthan shows the practice in the goat-milk and-meat trade.
"The video shows goats being stuffed in gunny bags and hanging like a luggage bag on two-wheelers. Goats were pinned down and castrated without pain relief, left to suffer from painful conditions without adequate veterinary care," said Nikunj Sharma, Associate Director, PETA.

According to PETA, the video has been released before Eid to show people how goats suffer and also to urge people to go vegan.
PETA has written to Minister of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries Giriraj Singh to ensure that castration is performed only with anaesthesia, arrange inspections of facilities where animals are killed, and enforce animal transport and slaughter laws.
So far they have not got a response from the Minister, PETA said.
"From castrating goats without pain relief to denying kids milk to slitting conscious goats' throats, the practices of using these animals for milk and killing them are rife with cruelty," said PETA India Legal Associate Amir Nabi.
"PETA India is calling on the government to crack down on these flagrant forms of abuse - and urging kind people everywhere to spare animal suffering by going vegan and celebrating festivals by distributing clothing and fruit to the poor or through other kind actions, rather than hurting animals."
The footage released by PETA India shows goats suffering from infected udders, one with a maggot-infested wound and another with a fractured leg.
Several goats were confined in crowded pens and tethered with ropes so short that the animals could barely move. Sticks were forced into baby goats' mouths so that they couldn't drink their mothers' milk, which is sold for human consumption instead.
Most goats in the region end up being killed at unlicensed meat shops or sent on gruelling journeys in the scorching heat to faraway slaughter houses.