Dutch Lady's Selfless Service Lights up Special Lives

Dutch Lady's Selfless Service Lights up Special Lives

Report & Pics: Chethan Padubidri
Daijiworld Media Network – Udupi (SP)

Udupi, Sep 2: Marthje (33), a citizen of Holland and resident of Amsterdam, is one of those rare people who follow their ideologies and principles, giving no importance to worldly possessions. She has left behind her parents, her close ones and her assets, for the sake of looking after the special children of the district.

Marthje has been serving the inmates of Manasa Residential School for Special Children in Japti, Kundapur taluk. She had visited this school as a member of a delegation of FSL, an NGO from Holland, on August 15, 2007. She was overtaken by a feeling of belongingness to the poor, the orphaned, the mentally and physically challenged children of the school, and since then, has never thought of going back to her country. She says she experiences bliss in the innocence, affection and love showered upon her by the children here, and that serving them makes her happy.

Marthje completed her four-year physiotherapy degree course when she was 24. Thereafter, she went to Indonesia, where she spent a year with physically challenged children in a slum area. After returning to her native country, she imparted physiotherapy counselling and training to hundreds of special children, and earned handsomely for this service. Marthje, who owned a flat, car and several other luxuries at Amsterdam, left everything behind after her heart melted at the sight of these poor, suffering children. Moreover, she was also attracted by Indian culture.

Marthje’s father, Jon Jave, had retired as a superintendent. After retirement, he got involved actively with UNICEF and other socials service organizations for a decade. Her mother, Birgitte, also was a social worker, and used to impart counselling and Yoga training to cancer patients there. The inspiration provided by her parents made Marthje sensitive to the problems of the people and encouraged her to get involved with helping the neglected children.

“Whenever my parents want to visit me, they come here, meet me, and go back. I can never think of leaving these children behind,” Marthje explains.

Marthje, during her three-year stay here, has learnt to speak Kannada fluently. In a programme held in Manipal on Wednesday September 1 for felicitating her, she took the local people by surprise by speaking in Kannada after the programme.

"My Heart has Melted"

“The poverty of these children, the fact that most of them have no parents, and the problems they are suffering from, have melted my heart. I can never go back to Holland, leaving behind these helpless children. Like my parents, I will dedicate my entire life to social service. For me, my assets back home have no value as compared to these children and my only aim in life is to brighten their lives,” Marthje said.

She also said that she would like to continue her stay here, if she is given visa, and spend her life in the service of these children. About her plans for marriage, Marthje says, “I do not know what is written in my fate. If ever I marry, my groom will be an Indian boy, as I plan to settle down in India.”


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    Mon, Sep 06 2010

    All the Best.

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  • magdaline lobo, moodubelle,udupi

    Mon, Sep 06 2010


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  • Alban D Souza, Udyavara\Mumbai\Doha Qatar

    Mon, Sep 06 2010

    Congratulations this courageous lady from abroad. She might have realised this is the vocation for her and call from God Almighty for the service of humanity. If she continues with this zeal and enthusiasm she may be in line with Great mother Theresa.It is better to encourage her and let Government give her visa soon. It is a great deed indeed!

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  • Precilla, shirva/dubai

    Mon, Sep 06 2010

    She is surely following the foot steps of Mother Theresa. Indian Government please have a look on her good deeds and provide the visa for her further stay. Hats off to you brave lady. May God bless you. Surely I want to visit you during my next vacation.

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  • Rolphy Almeida, Udupi/Bangalore

    Mon, Sep 06 2010

    You have a very big heart, may God Bless you in abundance.

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  • william d'souza, mangalore, dubai.

    Sun, Sep 05 2010

    Who is God? These are the examples of elements of God. I strongly feel, she is nothing less than God, for that matter her entire family. Supreme indeed.

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  • RICHARD Barboza, Mangalore/Dammam

    Sun, Sep 05 2010

    Thank u Daiji World & Chetan for putting up beautiful article. Hats off to Ms.Marthje for her selfless dedication towards the society and the special children. I am really touched by reading this article. I see another Mother Teresa in you. May the almighty shower his abundant blessings on you and the children

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  • steve, Sharjah

    Sun, Sep 05 2010

    I am little upset about the society and Daijiworld. I know a person who was born in India transformed his life and now dedicated to the unwanted and left humans of our society from small to big. He housed them nearby Kundapur, Yaswanthpura. This house is feeding more than 2000 orphans including babies, children young and adults, insane and sick. It is also taking responsibility in rehabilitation and reuniting them. I wonder, If a Indian-born, doing this service mean, many bring skeptic talk . No wonder the person has been rejected by ALL INDIAN local NGOs, and his own community he will still come out as a champion. Just like Jesus, The Bible says ”He came to see his own, but no one has accepted him”

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  • sugandhini d achar, kulali/mangalore

    Sun, Sep 05 2010

    Hats off you mam, being an Indian I am unable to do this work,but you did this. Let you live long and may God give courage to carry on your selfless service.

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  • Joseph, Doha, Qatar

    Sun, Sep 05 2010

    Dear Daijiworld, million thanks for this beautiful article .... she indeed is a beacon of inspiration to the poor .... also particularly to your colleague Mr. Chethan Padubidri for his professional write-up ... In a precis - would have been better, if Chethan / you could provide us with the contacts of Miss Marthje i.e. her email id, her cell / tel no. to enable readers like us to meet this great lady. Difficult to believe that despite hailing from an affluent family, she has left her everything behind to serve the ''most unfortunate ones''. Truly - a living example for us to emulate.

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  • Janette D'souza, Mangalore/Abu Dhabi

    Sat, Sep 04 2010

    Dear readers, please read what Mohan, Mangalore has commented. This is what exactly what Jesus meant when he commissioned each one of us, his followers, to preach the Good News to the ends of the earth. By our example people should know who we are rather than taking the Bible under our arms, knocking on door to door and telling them about our religion. To learn more about our religion, those who are interested can always approach the proper authorities. Let us learn something out of this noble lady's noble deeds. Great work Ms.Marthje. With loads of good wishes and prayers - Janette

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  • Neville, Bangalore/Kuwait

    Sat, Sep 04 2010

    Your noble cause, care and concern for the children is simply great. I wish the Govt of India Grants you the visa to continue your work. Hope you get a good husband who will match your needs and provide you with with the full support. God will certainly reward you for your noble sacrifice for humanity. In today's world, Humanity has lost value and persons like you will set an example, to the citizens and the people of India. God Bless you Abundantly.

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  • Flora Pinto, Mangalore - Qatar

    Sat, Sep 04 2010

    When Jesus heard this, he said to him, "You still lack one thing. Sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me." Mathew 19.21

    Marthije You have done exactly what Jesus preached - You have already made a place for your self.

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  • mohsin, moodbidri/dubai

    Sat, Sep 04 2010

    Nice article for inspiration,many salutes to this lady for her noble work.Very few people on earth do exist of thsi nature, God bless her with good health and will power to continue thsi good deed.

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  • John Pinto, Chickmagalur/ Doha

    Sat, Sep 04 2010

    If we had many like Mother Theresa , Ms. Marthje, we would not have poverty and misery in our counrty. Thank you Ms Marthje for you great works. God bless you and give you the strength to carry out good works for the sake of Humanity.

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  • Bulsam, Mangalore

    Fri, Sep 03 2010

    After sometime the selfish materialistic world is hollow and boring with constant inner craving for more. Whereas the selfless, simplicity and helping others are long lasting and blossoms one’s inner satisfaction. Marthje found that in the inmates of Manasa Residential School for Special Children in Japti, Kundapur taluk. May God bless you, Marthje and we love you.

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  • Richard, Shirva/Dubai

    Fri, Sep 03 2010

    I only afraid of politicians comments regarding this selfless lady.God give her the strength and courage to continue her mission.Praying for her mission

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  • Mohan, mangalore

    Fri, Sep 03 2010

    What is wirtten in Bible I do not know but one thing know there is surely the things are written will never find in other books. Because the deeds of the followers of the Jesus Christ are differnt than others.

    I'm deeply touched by Marthje love for Indians. This is the time for Hindu brothers and sisters to stand with Christians.

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  • Mohamed Hisham, Mangalore / Jeddah

    Fri, Sep 03 2010

    Very impressive social work by this young lady .This dedication by a foreigner is to set an example for our Indian brothers & sisters irrespective of caste & religon to join hands help the poor & mentally disabled in our country ......

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  • Naynath, Mangalore/Mumbai

    Fri, Sep 03 2010

    You are right..Juliana..Let's march towards the goal in reality..help the needy around us , whatever we have to offer.."Tan - Man-Dhan."

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  • philip j pereira, mangalore

    Fri, Sep 03 2010

    Persons like Merthje r not regularly born. They are exclusive only born to serve. Hats of to this lady, and for her courage. Dear Merthje, if u r in Mangalore, we would like to meet you at our Lions Office. you can contact me at 9845304152.God bless you, your family and your humanitarian work which shall never end. Bye

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  • Yathish Kumar, Attavar/Dubai

    Fri, Sep 03 2010

    Ms MARTHJE, You are a gift from GOD to this beautiful country and you have all the charecters of MOTHER TERESSA, hope this country INDIA will accept you as our citizen in the place of MOTHER TERESSA

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    Fri, Sep 03 2010


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  • Leena Martis, Mangalore

    Fri, Sep 03 2010

    U had done a great job God bless you

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  • Leena Martis, Mangalore

    Fri, Sep 03 2010

    U had done a great job God bless u

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  • juze vas svd, uppinkote/indore MP

    Fri, Sep 03 2010

    Exceptionally selfless
    congrats Marthej
    you have shown like St. Francis of Assisi what selfless love and dispossessons of possession means
    in our country we are eager for name and fame but your selfless service will be recorded in the book of life.
    fr. juze vaz svd

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  • Lavin Noronha, Paladka/Bahrain

    Fri, Sep 03 2010

    After reading Mr. Shanwaz and ad shenoy’s comments unknowingly my eyes were filled. I feel too low to comment on this noble lady. I will truly try my best to emulate this great persona in what ever ways I can. Thank you Ms. MARTHJE. May god bless u abundantly.

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  • Ronald, Mangalore

    Fri, Sep 03 2010

    Dear Marthje,

    I have no words to praise your work. We go abroad to earn money and for luxurious life. You have given up luxurious life for the sake of poor children in India. May you shine like a star. May god bless you dear.

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  • Frederick Pinto, Shirva

    Fri, Sep 03 2010

    Selfless services is one of the most important to give to other peoples than to give to yourself. Ms. Marthji this article teaches a good lesson on how not only to be successful in peopels of society but to also be successful in your pesonal life as well. Such service to others can be offered in numerous, unlimited ways to direct physical help and suport. God is love and this love has to be shared. Dank je wel(Thank you)

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  • Lewis JM, Udipi/Dubai

    Fri, Sep 03 2010

    Miss Marthije, its great to know your intentions and vision. You are a symbol of humanity. May people take note of this and move forward to help those in need. May Almighty keep her healthy and strong for ever in her selfless love towards human beings.

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  • madav nayak, udipi

    Fri, Sep 03 2010

    I feel very low as a human to make a comment on such a wonderful heart.

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  • Prakas, Kundapura/KSA

    Fri, Sep 03 2010

    Namaskra Ms Marthje. May the God bless you, keep you healthy & happy to carry on with your noble social work in our area.

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  • santana, dubai/goa

    Fri, Sep 03 2010

    Indeed a selfless service. This is what God wants from all humanity. We welcome you.

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  • Rj Avinash, 92.7Bigfm, Udupi/Kundapur/Mangalore

    Fri, Sep 03 2010

    Miss Marthje..really impressed after reading the article. Want to meet you and have a long chat. Would love to join hands in the noble cause... Coming soon to see you...Thanks Chethan for the lovely article and appreciate your effort in recognising this lady..

    Avinash :)

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  • Venance A.J.Crasta, Udyavara / Bangalore

    Fri, Sep 03 2010

    Great Work. Congrats. May the Good Lord Bless You in all your work. All should support this lady who left everything to serve the poor.

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  • juliana braggs(d souza)omz, mayyadi (omzoor) Ghatkopar

    Fri, Sep 03 2010

    good to see and read so comments on the article. sh............wait a minute........ can all who commented and the one who read the article look within themselves(ourselves) and answer a simple question? Can I become a good samaritan like Ms. Marthje. Why can't we follow the footsteps of Mother Theresa or Ms. Marthje and try to help our own people who are suffering may be with poverty or mental disability?............ hope no one is hurt by this question.

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    Thu, Sep 02 2010


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    Thu, Sep 02 2010

    It is really nice to see you Miss Marthije , some people they have desires to serve the people but they couldn't able to do for cetrain reason, but you really made us all to learn a lesson and example from ur kind heart .

    thank you marthije and all the best for ur work and god bless you.we are here to encourage you with our kind love and welcome and appreciate you selfless services to this poor children .we thank you and ask the god to bless you and ur family abundantly with his eternal love and mercy on your future aspects of life.
    god bless you

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  • Ronald D.F.D'Souza, Bondel/Mangalore/Bahrain

    Thu, Sep 02 2010

    My sincere greetings to Ms .Marthje of Holland for your sincere work to the children of Kundhapur. A lady has come to our place as NGO and now she is so much impressed about our culture and that too a christian lady helping our community. We must learn a lot from her charity, specially of communal people

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    Thu, Sep 02 2010

    It is really nice to see you Miss Marthije , some people they have desires to serve the people but they couldn't able to do for cetrain reason, but you really made us all to learn a lesson and example from ur kind heart .

    thank you marthije and all the best for ur work and god bless you.we are here to encourage you with our kind love and welcome and appreciate you selfless services to this poor children .we thank you and ask the god to bless you and ur family abundantly with his eternal love and mercy on your future aspects of life.
    god bless you

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  • A.S.Mathew, U.S.A.

    Thu, Sep 02 2010

    God bless her noble call to be
    in India to care for the poor.
    She may be another Mother Teresa
    some day.

    In our younger days, life is very
    exciting, but as we get old, the
    lure of materialism will be
    in a diminishing return, and
    spirituality will be in an upward
    trend. When we look back in our life,
    and see the picture of ourselves,
    and we may be feeling totally
    ashamed of our purposeless life.

    What we can do for the suffering
    humanity is what it takes to have a
    purpose driven life.

    The joy of life in serving the poor
    is beyond any explanation.

    Let us all learn somehing great
    from this selfless lady, and take
    part in the march of serving
    somebody who may come across us.

    Mr. Shahnawaz Kukkikatte, Mr. Adsehnoy etc, I have
    read your highly respectful
    comments about the services of the
    Christian minority in India. To
    you and all other great people
    who do sincerel appreciate the
    selfless work of the Christian
    community my I salute you all.

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  • conrad franks, Mangalore/Arizona

    Thu, Sep 02 2010

    God bless u Marthje for the work u do. It's a great priveledge to learn about you and see that God works through you. Anyway we will pray for you and hope to meet u in person some day. I see very few ppl like u.

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  • Antony T. D' Souza, Karkala / Qatar

    Thu, Sep 02 2010

    Your selfless service has made humanity proud. Love for humanity is easy to talk about but hard to render. Humanity has no religion but a Service to God will never go into controversy. Which comes first, Religion or Service ? It should be Service as you have shown around. We wish you a happy stay here with your open choice for a life partner.

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  • Victor D almeida, Moodubelle/Bahrain

    Thu, Sep 02 2010

    God Bless you Marthje for your kind work one day you will be awarded for your humanity work by the poor people and also from our almighty God. Thanks.

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  • Clara Lewis, Kemmannu/Dubai

    Thu, Sep 02 2010

    Great selfless service to poor and needy children by Miss Marthje, God bless you, and give good health and courage to carry on your selfless service.

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  • Vasanthkumar Hegde, Udupi/Riyadh

    Thu, Sep 02 2010

    All the best to you. Very few people are there in this world like you. May god give you all the support and facilities to support/serve those children.

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  • adshenoy, mangloor

    Thu, Sep 02 2010

    Correction to my previous write up.Reference to "Danish" should be Dutch. Regrets for the mix up.

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  • Chetan.S, Mangalore,India

    Thu, Sep 02 2010

    Hats off to Ms.Marthje for her selfless dedication towards betterment of poor ppl.there is no boundary for helping each other.

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  • Ninette, Mangalore

    Thu, Sep 02 2010

    Hats off to Marthje. It is rare to come across persons who give selflessly. God bless her for bringing some light in the lives of these children.

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  • John Vas, Kulshekar/Dubai

    Thu, Sep 02 2010

    God Bless you mam and give you all the strength & support to carry on your mission in India. All the best in your social work for the downtrodden.

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  • adshenoy, mangloor

    Thu, Sep 02 2010

    Ms. Marthje,

    Hats off to you and your courage and conviction to come to a land that is full of faith and devotion. A mystical land woven with fabric of richness, love and poverty among the masses.
    You have chosen India leaving aside material things when thousands of Indians choose other countries to live and settle in materialism.
    Your love for social work is true. Your sacrifice indeed is devine. Perhaps you will grow in the footsteps of Mother Theresa. I wish you and your mission that is impossible for many for Indians you have made it possible being a danish. I must say you are a true Indian and a true Danish.
    May you become the richness for the poor, may you be the parent for the orphans, may you be the eyes, ears, the legs, the arms and strength for the challenged.
    May God bless you and your work.

    A big Namaskara to you Ms Marthje.

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  • Suresh Heggade, Nairobi

    Thu, Sep 02 2010

    People should emulate from her. Congrats Marthje. Let you long live.

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  • MLasrado, Mangalore/Canada

    Thu, Sep 02 2010

    Congratulations to Marthje
    God Bless you for yur enormous decision to look after theese cahildren Unimaginalble to think of a foreigner settling in Kundapur Taluk The good Lord bless your efforts and grant your wishes

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  • santhosh suvarna, mangalore/cote d' ivoire

    Thu, Sep 02 2010


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  • shahnawaz kukkikatte, dubai/udupi

    Thu, Sep 02 2010

    Humanity matters. Now right wings should not shout that she came here to convert. Mother Theresa too was a foreigner and christian by faith. Its sad that humanity in India is limited to ones faith only.

    All our leaders must tke lessons from this lady who sacrificed everything for the sake of poor.

    I only say with all certainity that only christians do inter community service and they serve all sections of the society. Truth is bitter but its a fact one can deny. Long live my christian brethern...

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