Mangaluru, Apr 2: To mark the silver jubilee celebrations of Lakshmananda Multipurpose Cooperative Society, a newly constructed building at a cost of Rs 8 crore was inaugurated on its premises on Sunday, April 2 in Morgans Gate here.
After the inauguration, Mangaluru City Mayor Jayanand Anchan said, ''Lakshmananda Multipurpose Cooperative Society which started off with a few stockholders has now reached a great milestone by financially uplifting the needy by providing for loans. Lakshmananda Multipurpose Cooperative Society also took a historic step by providing loans to auto drivers for their empowerment."

Former MLA J R Lobo said, "The Lakshmananda Multipurpose Cooperative Society which was formed with a few depositors now has completed a successful 25 years. This is a great contribution of Lakshmananda Multipurpose Cooperative Society to the society. We should remember the contribution of people who strived for the growth of the bank. Let this bank celebrate 100 years in future."
He also added that the cooperative movement in the country was started in 1994. The intention of the cooperative movement was to empower the poor. Now this has successfully reached the common man.
Orthopaedic surgeon and pro-Chancellor of NITTE university Dr Shantharam Shetty said, "A small community by establishing Lakshmananda Multipurpose Cooperative Society has proved how we can contribute to the society. This should become a role model to other communities too. Lakshmananda Multipurpose Cooperative Society has reached the downtrodden by economically stabilising them by providing loans."
President of SCDCC M N Rajendra Kumar said that it was easy to establish any institution but running an institution was not so easy. The bank to uplift the weaker section had provided for loans to more than 3,000 auto drivers.Though there are nationalised banks the cooperative banks have reached the common man. Due to the unpleasant approach of the nationalised banks the number of nationalised banks are decreasing.
He also handed over a cheque for Rs 5 lacs to the Lakshmananda Multipurpose Cooperative Society.
Lakshmananda Multipurpose Cooperative Society faliciated Rajendra Kumar on the occasion.
President of Lakshmananda Multipurpose Cooperative Society and former minister Krishna J Palemar said, "Cooperative sector reached the common people, weaker sections in the society and helped them to become financially stable. There are five branches of Lakshmananda Multipurpose Cooperative Society. In the coming days five more branches will come up. This will provide employment opportunities."
Dignitaries were felicitated on the occasion.
Vice-president of Lakshmananda Multipurpose Cooperative Society K Dinesh Rao welcomed. CEO of Lakshmananda Multipurpose Cooperative Society Shivaprasad P A, corporator P S Banumathi and others were present.
J Krishnanada Rao thanked. Journalist Manohar Prasad compered the programme.