Udupi: Birth centenary of Servant of God Fr Alfred held at St Peter’s Church, Barkur

Media Release

Udupi, May 26: Being the birth centenary year of the servant of God Fr Alfred Roche the faithful of St Peter’s Church Barkur celebrated a thanksgiving mass in honor of the servant of God at Barkur St Peter’s Church on Saturday, May 25. Holy priest Fr Alfred Roche was born on April 3, 1924 at Pandeshwara Kudru a small island, belonging to St Peter’s Church, Barkur, in the Diocese of Mangalore (presently Diocese of Udupi).

Fr Ronald Miranda the parish priest of St Peter’s Church presided over the holy eucharistic celebration. Fr Joachim D Souza OFM Cap preached the word of god .


Capuchin priests from various friaries viz., Fr Lenson Lobo, Fr Ravi Rajesh Serrao, Fr Roshan Menezes, Fr John Fernandes and Fr Rohan Lobo were present on the occasion.

A great number of people from Barkur attended the mass.

After the mass all the people gathered at his birth place wherein a monument was built by the ward members in honor of the servant of God Fr Alfred Roche. It was inaugurated by the contemporaries of the servant of God and blessed by the parish priest Fr Ronald Miranda. Little children of the ward gave a glorious opening for the function by a prayer dance. After that a small stage program was arranged.  Margaret DSouza welcomed the dignitaries. Prakash gave an introductory talk about the monument and the collective efforts that were put together to realize the beautiful work.

Fr Rohan Lobo expressed his gratitude to all the benefactors and donors.

Roshan Menezes the episcopal vicar for Religious expressed his fond memories that he had with Fr Alfred Roche.

Joseph Fernandes compared the program and Jenifer Martis gave the vote of thanks.




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  • Cliffy, Mangalore

    Sun, May 26 2024

    Glad to see Birth Centenary celebration of Servant of God Fr. Alfred Roche. He was born and baptised in Barkur parish. Fr. Roche pray for us.

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