Belgaum: Student gang-raped, killed, 'Maratha' etched on body
Belgaum, Apr 28 (TNN): A 20-year-old college student was gang-raped and murdered at Sulebhavi village, 20 km from here, on Friday. The girl's half-naked body was found in a farm on the outskirts of the village the next morning.
Police sources said the rapists had smashed her face with a stone and written "Maratha" on her body in Devanagari script before fleeing the place.
Sources said the victim was kidnapped on Friday evening when she was returning home after writing an examination in Belgaum. She was a student of the Government Degree College here.
The girl's father identified the body on the basis of her clothes and footwear. Her family members waited for her till Friday evening and looked for her all night. They filed a police complaint on Saturday.
Police superintendent Sandeep Patil and deputy commissioner Munish Moudgil visited the spot. Police have formed three teams to nab the culprits, the SP said. Moudgil called it a most heinous incident, and said the accused deserve to be hanged.
Hundreds of residents and college students blocked the road near the village bus stand. They withdrew the roadblock after an assurance from the SP and DC.
This is the second gang rape and murder of a college student in Belgaum district in the past three months. A pre-university student was gang-raped and killed in Athani in January. The rapists had burnt the body after killing her. Police are yet to arrest them.
Comment on this article
Sachin, Mumbai
Mon, Apr 29 2013This has absolutely NOTHING to do with Marathi versus Kannadas
The people who committed this are not even humans let alone be associated with any ethnicity.
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Kiran, Mukka
Mon, Apr 29 2013OOOOffff! Fed up of reading the rape & murder stories everyday! Oh God.. save our country. Why cannt these insane people think of their own mother, sisters & daughter when they try to rape an innocent girls? This is high time to the government to amend the penal code. First cut the culprit's private part & hang him to death in the public.
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Bollu, Mangalore
Mon, Apr 29 2013culprit identified as b/f of victim..and to divert attention written 'Maratha' on leg..!!
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A. S. Mathew, U.S.A.
Mon, Apr 29 2013Until these animals are fully treated like wild animals, this problem would be getting wild every day. Indeed, there is not even a single day without this horrifying news of rape and killing.
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Alwyn Maxim, Mangalore/UAE
Sun, Apr 28 2013Everyday there is something or other happening to women in our beloved country, Will this ever stop ? until n unless there is a strict n speedy law, it will keep on increase With a inefficient cops, slow judicial process, Conked up legal system, the commoner is not safe. Identify the culprit n take the information n finish them with-in no time, so the situation will improve. Really sad to read and hear, My heart goes out to the little angel, May God give her parents the strength to bear this lose, Let her Soul Rest in Peace.Amen
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Indian, Bangalore / Jordan
Sun, Apr 28 2013@jesse, mangalore Kuwait
Yes jesse yes you are right even I am fed of reading daily news of rap and rap TV channels, News Papers and social networks no changes always the same … God Please save the world.
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Hary, Kudla/Dubai
Sun, Apr 28 2013I fully Agree with Prabhu.
How can one know if it is LOVE or LUST?
All I can say is " PREVENTION is better than CURE", Teach your kids/daughters/sisters to be safe always and never to trust any stranger.
Never fall for SWEET TALKS.
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Sun, Apr 28 2013Commute death penalty or stoning to death for rapists.They will not budge for any thing less than that.
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Hary, Kudla/Dubai
Sun, Apr 28 2013One has to send SHIVERS in to the pathetic animals. Question is how to do it? Death sentence after 10 years is not going to help. They would hardly know about the LAW. These days you find many people who are ready to die.
If the rapist is identified, people should not request the authority to take action. (Let them take their own sweet time) Instead people should go to the Rapist House, their parents, brothers, uncles all of them should be dragged to street. Call them to press conference, let them know what their son/nephew/uncle/chaha has done.
May be this after effect on his immediate family would create some fear. This is just a thought.
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Sulthan, Mang/Dxb
Sun, Apr 28 2013Why there is no death sentence, for rapist, some polticians say crime will not reduce if u give death sentence, i dont care crime reduces or not, but these rapist should hang till death.
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Ravi Bhaskar Shenava, MANGALORE
Sun, Apr 28 2013People should not get confused between the words - MARATHA and MARATHI.
Because the word Maratha denotes a Caste and the word Marathi denotes a Language.
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George D'Souza, Mangalore
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Lingappa, Kuppepadavu/ Dublin
Sun, Apr 28 2013Everyday there is something or other happening to women in our beloved country, Will this ever stop. With a spineless Govt, selfish politicians, Corrupt leaders, inefficient cops, slow judicial process, Conked up legal system, the commonner is not safe. My heart goes out to the little angel, May God give her parents the strength to bear this loss.
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Krishna Kant, Mangalore/Moodbidri
Sun, Apr 28 2013Yesterday someone had commented saying that these people are sick people, infact these people are not sick they just want to show that they are Man they can do whatever they like... someone has to decide to put an end to this most heinous act.
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Umesh Salian, Uppala / Dubai
Sun, Apr 28 2013Now.. these incidents spreads throughtout India..waht is happening.. Is there any end to this..... State and Centre should pass the stringent law to hang these culprits
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Sun, Apr 28 2013Just because the Murderers wrote the word "Maratha" it does not mean that Maratha caste people have done this. Any One can write this because 90% of Belgaum people including Kannadigas, Urdu people and Goan Konkanis, know how to read and write Marathi/Devanagari. I had my School & college education in Belgaum.
This may be a ploy to mislead & divert the attention of Police towards certain community to gain political mileage during election in this sensitive border area.
It is also possible that the victim belonged to Maratha Caste and the Murderers had some grudge against Marathas.
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Sun, Apr 28 2013I fully agree that the gang rapists must be hanged,but at the same time we have to see from the other angle also.These girls make friendship with boys without knowing the past history.This love is called as LOVE at 1st sight.These boys make the friendship only to enjoy.but when the girl went with boy means with some good intention.but she will come to know only when a gang of friends joins this boy.Can't help it.
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Allen, Mangalore
Sun, Apr 28 2013But this incident does not look like a love affair. News says name 'Maratha' was itched on the body, points to Marathi, Kannadiga rivalry that is present in Belgaum.
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Sun, Apr 28 2013Marathi - Kannadiga rivalry will not go to the extent of raping an under-aged girl, as I know very well. Language rivalry is confined to only election time and rest of the time Kannada-Marathi relation is cordial.
This may be caste rivalry which is very vicious in Sulebhavi area. Mainly the rivalry between Kurubas - Valmiki Nayaks - Maratha Kshatriyas & other OBC is very acute.
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justice, managlore
Sun, Apr 28 2013ANIMALS are better then us.
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simple, Bangalore
Sun, Apr 28 2013Dinesh Poojary sir, B'lore
Your comments on Sonia's speech yesterday: quote
First go back & look at the increasing rape cases in Delhi & then u can talk about Karnataka.
Today one more girl raped in Delhi.
That comment came too early I guess? The above News says it differently. That rape, gang rape took place in Karnataka it says.
How it can happen in Karnataka when Law & order is PERFECT under BJP?
From the inception of BJP Govt. in Karnataka, Various incidents of goondaism\rapes\harassment of innocents etc. has been going on and continue unabated. It is always the habit of BJP to blames someone else for their shortcomings.
Pointing finger at someone else who is not at all in charge of the state was uncalled for.
Now tell me who has to go where after the above incident?
Sometimes too much education\knowledge may even make them illiterate....that happens when there is hatred in one's mind towards the fellow being...!!!
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ST, Mangalore/Qatar
Sun, Apr 28 2013Simple this is not the time for your comment!!!
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Tom Cat , Mangalore/ saudi arabia
Sun, Apr 28 2013Perfect answer simple
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Jude, Mangalore Dubai
Sun, Apr 28 2013Each state should form a special force of dedicated police officers who will not turn corrupt or rogue and give them the task of tracking down and liquidating acid throwers and rapists in their respective states. If this is done, I am sure this kind of nonsense will immediately end.I don't see any other solution.Rape & murder today has become a kind of achievement and every goon and deranged moron wants to add rape & murder to his profile and we are only sitting helplessly and watching. Filth and scum take over our lives.
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simple, Bangalore
Sun, Apr 28 2013Jude
There can never be a dedicated police force as long as Politician have influence over them. When Politician, their kith & kin, friends etc are involved, police are helpless in taking action.
Even if these type of people are apprehended, our judicial system will give them bail and then the case will be forgotten.
Until stringent law against politicians found using their influence over the police is established and practiced, things will not improve.
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Jude, Mangalore Dubai
Sun, Apr 28 2013What you want will never happen in India because we are a democracy and only in democracies you will get corrupt people who get elected irrespective of parties. The only only choice is to elect the best among the worst. But in the US back in the 30's and 40's in many states honest police and other law enforcement officials themselves took upon many notorious criminals and gangs and liquidated many of them. They worked outside the law to do this and succeeded.
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Suresh, Karambar
Sun, Apr 28 2013Super comment Jesse Government itself is a rapist and rape public. Present Govt or Past govt that doesnt matter for common people they have to bring strong law.
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Valerian Dsouza, Udupi/Mumbai
Sun, Apr 28 2013Most heinous crime.
Slowly Delhi's atmosphere arriving here.
Fear of law or punishment didn't deter crime.
Education didn't deter crime.
Value and moral based education and peace should be practiced at all levels as deterrent.
Identity of People reporting crime should be legally kept secret for quick reporting.
Trial and punishment should be carried out in lightening speed.
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nyayakkagi, mangalore
Sun, Apr 28 2013after watching these instant rape n murder cases in india,i strongly doubts whether these rapists having some organization like any other....
A smoker supports n helps another smoker,likewise a drunker/thief/robber so n so..
don't you feel that there is a team of rape in india which takes every other day a operatoin???
when n where is the end??? implement middle east countries law on rapists...
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Bollu, Mangalore
Sun, Apr 28 2013What's now happening in handiwork of external force. Earlier they become successful to spread 'plague' all over. There intention is nothing to spoil name of our country by one or another. People's attention will automatically divert from main issue...which needed badly in our country. If one's inner conflict started withing states..they can able to focus on there goal to de-stabilise our country. More of rape cases occured rapidly from last six months..where in each case 6-8 persons are involved. Even case of Belgaum is nothing but conspiracy..fight between Karnataka and Mahrashtra. Beware..before it's too late..!!
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Stany D'sa, Balehonnur/Dubai
Sun, Apr 28 2013SP & DC are responsibile to arrest the criminals at earliest and they are savages, deserve to die by hanging. Shameless guys who happen to be Marathas.Kick them out from Belgaum.
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Stephen, Mangalore
Sun, Apr 28 2013Animals behave better than human beings...
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Sachidanand Shetty, Mundkur/Dubai
Sun, Apr 28 2013Only solution for this kind of problem is, “Shoot at Sight”. Indentify the true culprit, set them free and shoot to kill is the only mantra can control the problem like this
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jesse, mangalore kuwait
Sun, Apr 28 2013O my god! If Saudi law implimented in the constitution of india I believe this type of crimes will b reduced to zero.and the country where I live they take finger prints of each and every person no matter he is a citizen of Kuwait or expatriate. So it is very easy for them to catch any criminal based on finger prints. Our govt. in india is doing I'd cards every year. Y they don't take and make compulsory for finger prints for each and every person above 15 years of age? Government itself is a rapist, rape public . How they can bring new laws. If they bring new laws from where they get bribe?
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Ronnie, Mangalore
Sun, Apr 28 2013Very good suggestion first remove democracy from india. then we can impliment saudi law.because all minsters are culprits they will not allow strong law
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Kaizer, Mangalore
Sun, Apr 28 2013Dear Josse,
How can you implement saudi law in INDIA coz for Majority INDIANS this law is brutal.Delhi alone has witnessed 363 rape case this year.Why govt Hinders to take stringent action against criminals, it is not about passing anti rape bills, the law has to be implemented, hundreds of bills have been passed in INDIA but nothing has come into existence.
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Rihan, DXB
Sun, Apr 28 2013That is why Shariya law is effective and will help to cut down such rubbish activities..
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S.M. Nawaz Kukkikatte, udupi
Mon, Apr 29 2013Well said, Ronnie, Mangalor
here am remembering renukacharya..
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