Mysore, Jun 20, DHNS: The Anti-Cow Slaughter Bill is yet to receive the official stamp, Governor H R Bhardwaj has said.
Speaking with media during his brief stay here en route to Bandipur National Park on Saturday, the Governor said Animal Husbandry Minister Revu Naik Belamagi has misled the people on the Bill and such act may lead to unrest in society.
The Government should not go ahead with important announcements without deciding over its pros and cons. The Governor said he is personally unhappy over the Bill that has been deliberated upon only in the Upper House. He said he would take a decision within the framework of the Constitution after the Bill reaches Raj Bhavan.
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shahnawaz kukkikatte, dubai/udupi
Sun, Jun 20 2010Lets all be honest at least this time. The Governor was earlier in favour of the anti cow slaughter bill. Now he might have changed his opinion due to coercion.
But the bill itself was discriminatory. No govt in the world pases any law that takes away the bread and butter of the people. This bill was nothing but politically motivated just to please one powerful section of the society igonring the welbeing and interest of the masses. Kerala too is hindu dominated state, but beef is freely available and consumed in that state. Are they not hindus? Why only kannadigas are real hindus and keralites are fake hindus? Why the sentiments of keralites are not hurt whilst beef is openly sold and conumed? I hope the bill may not se the sunshine and shall remain a bill and will not become law.
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ajith, mangalore
Sun, Jun 20 2010he is acting like congress sonias rubber stamp to please minority vote bank.
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Santhosh Bhandary, surathkal/Dubai
Sat, Jun 19 2010Thank God, atleast the governor has some common sense and sane thinking unlike our Yeddy and Acharya and their team of jokers. When elected leaders who are responsible to people become fanatics, lose reasoning and act mindless it ends up in disaster for all concerned.
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