Mangalore: Police Atrocity - V S Acharya Angry, SP Suspends Three Officers

Mangalore: Police Atrocity - V S Acharya Angry, SP Suspends Three Officers
Pics: Dayanand Kukkaje
Daijiworld Media Network- Mangalore (SR/AF)

Mangalore Jul 29: State home minister Dr V S Acharya on Thursday July 29 visited Shivaram Bhandary at the hospital where he is recuperating after being allegedly tortured by the Bantwal police.

Shivaram, an accused in the suicide case of Rajanna, a servant in Coastal Development Authority chairman Nagaraj Shetty's farm house, had been brought to Bantwal police station on Monday July 26 and beaten up badly. He was then admitted to the hospital in a critical condition.

Dr Acharya visited the hospital to console Shivaram's family and assured them that action would be initiated against the police officials who had tortured him and that Shivaram's medical expenses would be taken care of by the government. Expressing his anger over the incident which he termed 'inhuman' Acharya assured that it would never be repeated.

Meanwhile, superintendent of police Dr A Subrahmanyeshwar Rao suspended three police officials Sanjeeva Rai, Vijaya and Tharanath for torturing Bhandary.


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  • Taurian, Mangalore / London

    Sun, Aug 01 2010

    This is certainly a political drama by our so called politicians.Why the medical expenses are to be borne by the government? Why the taxpayer has to bear this for the madness of policeman? Why can't the culprits pay the medical bills?. Suspension of those monsters is just a eye wash. Why can't our HM think of terminating them with immediate effect forfeiting their all benefits. All Our policeman do deserve a fresh training for how to become a good human being( currently they are not)

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  • Tom Cat, Mangalore/ Saudi Arabia

    Sun, Aug 01 2010

    The home minister is ive in action supporting the saffron Aryan supremacy even hindus in DK are ignorant the designs of this facist party which supports Arayanism and DK is dravidan. Enough home minister your fall is imminent

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  • G.H.HANEEF, goodinabali hail

    Sun, Aug 01 2010

    There is no doubt that this is a doing of Nagraj Shetty and Government is shielding him, kick him out from Ministry.

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  • Clara Lewis, Kemmannu/Dubai

    Sat, Jul 31 2010

    Not a single person in the crowd comforting the crying lonely lady, left her all alone to cry, the bread earner of her house is in critical condition on the hospital bed. The pain, fear, insecurity, emotion and helplessness of Mr.Shivram Bhandry's family is difficult to imagine. Heart breaking scene.

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  • Harish Hegde, Kadri, Madras

    Sat, Jul 31 2010

    Harish is 100% right. Nagaraj is the real culprit. Cops are like pawns used by the politicains. This is the war between Achar & Palemar Company Vs Nagaraj.

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  • Nirmala, Mangalore

    Sat, Jul 31 2010

    You are right Mr.John Vas.Police men think they have power because of thier uniform.But they forget GOD is in control of every breath they take.

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  • Jacob, Bijai,Mangalore

    Sat, Jul 31 2010






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  • Patrick, Mangalore

    Fri, Jul 30 2010

    In contrast Compare this incident with the Neermarga episode. The cops with the able assistance of Seemanth Singh brow beat a complainant into submission while the injured is not only abandoned by Minister Acharya but also by his fellow christian, hindu, muslim neighbours.

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  • Pais, mangalore

    Fri, Jul 30 2010

    What nonsense is this..
    A state home minister spending the state money and time in such issues which should be handled if not by the law, the next level such as the taluk or the district administration... doesn't the HM have more pressing matters to attend to??

    We all know how efficient this home minister is??? Shame on him...

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  • Muzaffar Ali, Manglore - Riyadh

    Fri, Jul 30 2010

    Dear Dr PRakash Harischandra
    Could you please explain what is the use of soft spoken and supporting criminals since independence,
    i don't remember any of this politician of udupi either Mr Acharya or Mr Fernandce have done any progress work to either DK or udupi
    This shows mere poiltics gain tactics nothing else
    let them concentrate on progrrss work like making facilites for proper water storage and proper bridges , roads like how other ministers see thier constituency for all sort of facilities

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  • Eulalia D'Souza, Bijai / Mangalore

    Fri, Jul 30 2010

    Interesting to know is that V S Acharya is angry on this one isolated case and police men suspended? There has to be a black sheep some where in this case, who has instructed police personnel to carry on this kind of brutal action. Who and why has this happended is what we should check. When we have Police officials like Mr. Seemanth Kumar / SP Dr. A S Rao / Mr. Hosur, things will fall in place I am sure. Is it because a politician is involved that this case has interested and angered V S Acharya? Where are these ministers when many such attrocities take place, on innocent people, on a day to day basis, if not by police, in some manner or the other?

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  • Johnson, Udupi / Dubai

    Fri, Jul 30 2010

    Dear Mr.Acharya! Stop your political gimics! This has been happening past so many years and will be still continuing especially on the non-influential poor people who cannot afford to give bribes to your big tummy police officials!!! you politicains know that people's memory is short lived which you take for your advantage! Let's see what action would be taken by you after this so called suspension of police officials! I am sure nothing will be done!!

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  • Ronnie, M'lore

    Fri, Jul 30 2010

    Kevin/Sydney, I fully agree with you except for one thing. First and formost these three barbaric cops should be subjected to similar torture so that they too experience that physical pain and the mental torture what Shivram is going through. And yes, then the rest of it can follow as to what you've suggested..

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    Fri, Jul 30 2010

    This is too much third degree torture by DK police.Shame on you criminal police of Bantwal police station. As late night news was emerged from hospital his two kidney was in danger after elctric shock was given to the organ?

    Who is behind in this case? An ex minister of Bantwal????I wonder whether still police of Karnataka applying such a inhuman,barbaric third degree tortures applies to undertrials???


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  • Ronald, Mangalore/Dubai

    Thu, Jul 29 2010

    There is no doubt that this is a doing of Nagraj Shetty and Government is shielding him.

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  • praveen, udupi

    Thu, Jul 29 2010

    Just taking care of medical bill is not sufficient Mr Acharya. Rich people like you can pay the bill in a whisker and close the matter.Look the condition of the person in the bed.He has been made unable to work in the future.If you are a Home Minister who cares for the people first put Mr Nagaraj Shetty behind the bars and bring out the truth.Poor people do not need your visit just for sympathy.The families of the victims are crying with pain deep in their heart.what sincere help can you extend to them apart from paying the bill. The family needs more action than paying off the bills.Please help this poor poor family and see that justice is done with 15 days.Take stringent action against these police who know nothing else than beating people. Why dont u impose a penalty of Rs 10 lakh on all the three poliece constable and give to the victim.....

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  • Kevin Mascarenhas, Mangalore/Sydney

    Thu, Jul 29 2010

    Its a pity Indian Police have still to get the kind of training that will help them deal with people.
    Suspension plus penalty and education is what should be the requirement. Suspension with loss of pay for a period of six months, penalty of paying for the medical expenses of the victim till full recovery, and the concerned officials should have to attend classes in how to deal with people.
    On successful completion of the course they should then be given another chance. If they fail to abide then sacking is the best alternative with penalties.

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  • Joe Gonsalves, Mangalore - U.S.A.

    Thu, Jul 29 2010

    Most of the Police Officers known to me have all along been practical and humane in their dealings with public and I am sorry to learn that in this particular case the law enforcement branch took the law in their own hands. However with senior Police Officials like Mr. Gopal Hasur, Mr.Seemanth Singh and Dr. A. S. Rao, one can be sure that that JUSTICE WILL BE DONE to all irrespective of their contacts and status.

    Joe Gonsalves

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  • Dr PRakash Harischandra, Los Angeles / Mangalore

    Thu, Jul 29 2010

    Dr Acharya Is a well qualified and soft spoken person,who works more and talks less. I am sure he is atleast better than half dozen Minsiters at state we had since independence. He is approachable and speaks with some common sense or integrity at press conferences , Not like sriamulu, Siddaramaih , REvanna, Dk SHivakumar. these are cheap charge sheeters who became politicians. I feel ashamed at your bigotry. All parties have skeletons up their cupboards , so respect the individual and criticize the post.
    the saying goes "the king is dead, long live the king"

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  • Lawrence, USA

    Thu, Jul 29 2010

    We must stop the culture of beating and torturing the civilians at any cost. We need to form a civilian watchdog group and see that the accused police officers are brought to justice to the full extent of law.

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  • John Vas, Kulshekar/Mangalore

    Thu, Jul 29 2010

    Police Dept. needs to be cleaned thoroughly from Karnataka to Gujarat. As long as God fathers are supporting them this will continue. Why can't court punish them in such a way so that these so called POLY Dept. will not dare to touch any innocent person with their sticks. Beware Police Personnel you are accountable to God every second of life in what you are doing. You are given salary to safeguard individual and that is the oath you have taken and not to do rowdism with the help of your clean uniform. Beware God is watching you people more closely then before..

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  • Harish , Mangalore

    Thu, Jul 29 2010

    Nagraj Shetty should be suspended instead of the poor cops who are just reeling under pressure from the minister. Nagraj shetty has been previously known to use pressure tactics and influencing local law enforcment personnel. The cops are just scapegoats...

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  • Anand, Karkala/Dubai

    Thu, Jul 29 2010

    Shivaram Bandary is already accused in the suicide case of Rajanna. Police have to torture the accused unless and until he reveals the truth. Unnecessarily nobody will harm anybody if somebody supports this kind of act everybody will follow the route of Shivarama. There is nothing worth our Home Minister shows his generosity in this case. Why government has to bear the medical expenses of him? There also politics!!!!!!

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  • Sequeira Roshan, Mangalore/AUH

    Thu, Jul 29 2010

    Dear Readers,

    All of us should understand of agony of respected home minister on this issue, because the departed person was working for one of his fellow partymen.  Same agony was exhibited by him when Ragupathi Bhats wife commmited suicide.
    But when the disrict poli  indiscriminately beat elders, women during peacefull protest aginst christan worship places he remained mum.'  He also said these are minor incidents and no casuallities

    What a efficent home minister we have.
    long live Democracy

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  • john, mangalore

    Thu, Jul 29 2010

    Dear respected Home Minister,
    why the expenses on Government tax payers, because it was the mistake of your home ministry police. whether the police has an authority to torture. where is the human right commission. the police officer torture this person to be tortured in the public and he has to be hanged. be sure we are democracy and we are not under the rule of British.

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  • A.S.Mathew, U.S.A.

    Thu, Jul 29 2010

    The British police used to kick
    our forefathers like strayed dogs.
    The Indian police has simply followed the same system of beating the
    people (any doubting person)
    like worthless and defenseless

    We can't see this culture of
    outright torture of people in
    any western country. If this
    victim was a well known person in
    any field, the police will not
    dare to touch him. This hooliganism of hurting other
    people will have to be addressed.
    "nobody is guilty until proven
    guilty" but in the Indian police
    system " everybody is guilty until
    proven innocent". How these
    police can beat other people for the mere fun of beating a crying
    person? They need a good jail
    term with some good dose of the
    same "beating treatment".

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  • shenoy, mangalore

    Thu, Jul 29 2010

    Why dont the media never publish the truth that he was tortured on mr nagraj shetty direction to police

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  • Bulsam, Mangalore

    Thu, Jul 29 2010

    Mr. Acharya was very interested in this case bacause he was tortured by police to please Ex. Minister Mr. Nagaraj Shetty. This kind of police officials are not only dangerious to the department but also to the society at large. Like in Gujarat, the higher court should intervene in such cases and punish those rogue police officials.

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    Thu, Jul 29 2010

    Suspension is not the ultimate justice. Corrupt police officers should be terminated from their duties for life. These police officers right from the constable to IPS TOP level officers have become criminals in uniform as they are mingling with criminals.

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  • Jagdish k, naringana

    Thu, Jul 29 2010

    Ella handa kelsa sir.Criminals kanmunde hodru parvagilla.

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