Puttur: Hijab - Students again go berserk, create problems for others

Daijiworld Media Network - Puttur (SP)

Puttur, Mar 22: Even though there is clear instruction against wearing of the Hijabs in educational institutions, students who were hell bent on attending the government first grade college with Hijabs on, created ruckus inside the college on Monday March 21.

When the BSc examination was about to begin, four girl students wearing the Hijab, forcibly entered the examination room. After the lecturer objected, one of the girl students removed her Hijab and appeared for the examination. The other three boycotted the examination, but along with some students who supported them, continued to shout slogans in the college premises, thus creating problems for the students appearing for the examination. The vice principal, in the absence of the principal, sought police protection after which the protesters gathered near the entry gate of the college.

Representational image

The examination being held for the students from April 6 is critical as it is the annual examination. But several students expressed anger at the fact that students belonging to a particular religion were trying to create an atmosphere of friction in the college. The police said they cannot do anything in the absence of written complaint. The principal is yet to file a written complaint, it is said.

In the government PU college at Uppinangady, it was said the day before that all the students would be attending the college without Hijabs but only a few girl students attended the college while the others remained absent.


On Monday, 18 girl students tried to appear for the preparatory examination at St Raymond’s PU College Vamanjoor Mangaluru with HIjabs on but the college administration refused permission.

When the principal asked the girls to appear for the examination without the Hijabs, the students refused, giving rise to a volatile situation for some time. The parents then came to the college and held talks with the principal in the presence of the police. The parents urged the concerned to allow their children to wear the Hijabs when appearing for the examination. As the principal refused, the girl students returned without appearing for the examination.





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  • Srinivas, Bangalore

    Wed, Mar 23 2022

    Its no longer about Hijab or not, it is now about respect for the High Court judgement. And it is possible that people may not agree with the judgement, that is fine, they can go and appeal and follow the due process of arguing their point-of-view, but till the time it is settled via the prescribed process we should abide by the law. Please.

    DisAgree [2] Agree [9] Reply Report Abuse

  • Harold Dcunha;, Mangalore, India.

    Wed, Mar 23 2022

    It seems Karnataka government wan to keep this hijab issue burning for their political advantage. If the government want to educate girls,, then the best way could have been for this 2021-22 academic year. they could have conducted exam for ladies in a separate room, with lady as lecturer as a exam supervisor. Next academic year, from the beginning of year, the dress code of conduct can be put to practice.

    DisAgree [19] Agree [4] Reply Report Abuse

  • Prem Prasad, Mangalore

    Wed, Mar 23 2022

    @Ahmed, Suppose Dowry and Polygamy are banned Islamic population will reduce instantly.

    DisAgree Agree [13] Reply Report Abuse

  • Mahesh, Udupi

    Wed, Mar 23 2022

    Dear friend don't spoil your carrier because of this issue .

    DisAgree [1] Agree [9] Reply Report Abuse

  • Nightingale, Mumbai

    Tue, Mar 22 2022

    Oh! why are they giving fodder for Karnataka files?

    DisAgree Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rajesh B Shetty, Udupi

    Tue, Mar 22 2022

    They r not serious about education, just wish to create trouble, disharmony to others.

    DisAgree [5] Agree [65] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ruben Pinto, Mangalore/Australia

    Tue, Mar 22 2022

    Is easier to copy during exams in hijab?

    DisAgree [6] Agree [60] Reply Report Abuse

  • John, Mangalore

    Tue, Mar 22 2022

    Karnataka literacy is going south, soon will be behind chattisgarh

    DisAgree [3] Agree [20] Reply Report Abuse

  • Jossey Saldanha, Raheja Waterfront

    Tue, Mar 22 2022

    Why carry your problems to School / Colleges ...

    DisAgree [8] Agree [94] Reply Report Abuse

  • Melroy C.F.Fernandes, Mangalore

    Tue, Mar 22 2022

    All forms of fundamentalism and beliefs in dogmatic ideologies are the same irrespective of their colour and form. ------

    DisAgree [1] Agree [61] Reply Report Abuse

  • John Tauro, M'lore

    Tue, Mar 22 2022

    It’s high time prominent moderate community leaders must convince these radicalised stubborn students about the importance of education and their future. They should understand that college life is hardly five years. Once they complete education they will have whole life to wear hijab or burkha.

    DisAgree [6] Agree [93] Reply Report Abuse

  • Vishal, Mangalore

    Tue, Mar 22 2022

    These agitating students should be asked to read what the great Saudi scholar Muhammad Al Arifi stated . Everything will be allright as they know where they stand,

    DisAgree [3] Agree [56] Reply Report Abuse

  • Dylan, Mangalore

    Tue, Mar 22 2022

    Once a problem always a problem. Great problem.

    DisAgree Agree [56] Reply Report Abuse

  • Flavian, Mangalore/Kuwait

    Tue, Mar 22 2022

    @ Rems, Mangaluru - Boss to whom you have pointed out (majority or minority) There is no much differnce.

    DisAgree [10] Agree [2] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ahmed, Mangalore

    Tue, Mar 22 2022

    A country can not progress when people, especially young and educated are busy discussing about the dress and food habits of others in the society. Hatred against each others created by dirty politicians has killed our society. Feel very sad.

    DisAgree [70] Agree [48] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rita, Germany

    Tue, Mar 22 2022

    Ahmed mangalore ,here the problem created not by politicians but own community girls.Why didnt they appear to the exams right in time and coming late and creating problems as others are in ?Such ones entry should be refused when not ready to move with community .

    DisAgree [5] Agree [43] Reply Report Abuse

  • Ahmed, Mangalore

    Tue, Mar 22 2022

    Try to understand the polarisation game plan of politicians. Hijab, Namaz, love jihad, cow , loud speaker, pakistan, ISIS, Kashmir files - all these issues are created before the elections for polarisation of society so that they can get the support of 80 % population. Nobody will think about Inflation, jobs, Roads or Healthcare when they are kept busy in issues related to religion.

    DisAgree [38] Agree [5] Reply Report Abuse

  • Alwyn, Canada

    Wed, Mar 23 2022

    Ahmed I am not trying play politics here but the issues are even we face in Europe and North America. Don’t fight for religions cloths in public spaces. In order to keep everyone in good harmony respect the society or schools or surrounding and live with it. If anyone loves to wear whatever wear at home or worship places. Very simple look at Saudi they still dictate non muslims to wear their uniforms in public spaces. Thank god in India we have freedom to practice our faith freely without fear. Yes some form of intruption are there but it is manageable . It s not like religious police checks on us what god we worship and put behind bars with bleshamy law. Pray for peace and harmony than fight for religions or cloths. These students should be consulted and counseling held. They create problems which is causing honest other students distracted and fear in colleges

    DisAgree [2] Agree [9] Report Abuse

  • steve, udupi

    Wed, Mar 23 2022

    @Ahmed Answer for your question is the reduce population

    DisAgree [2] Agree [5] Report Abuse

  • L Pais, Mangalore

    Tue, Mar 22 2022

    This is gone too far . Please sit at home or attend classes in such schools where your attire is permitted. Please dont be a nuisance to other children. Let them study.

    DisAgree [10] Agree [121] Reply Report Abuse

  • Kedhar, Mangaluru

    Tue, Mar 22 2022

    Now it is easier for him in Gujarat and Karnataka.

    DisAgree [38] Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse

  • Muhammed, ------

    Tue, Mar 22 2022

    how it affects Hijabi girls and their education

    DisAgree [47] Agree [8] Reply Report Abuse

  • rakesh, udupi

    Tue, Mar 22 2022

    It doesn't affect till they choose either of them and continue with life as it comes. But they might regret some day for what they are doing.

    DisAgree [1] Agree [34] Reply Report Abuse

  • Brian, Mlore

    Tue, Mar 22 2022

    Savages won't understand from Civilised. They will only understand and listen if another Savage talks sense

    DisAgree [9] Agree [55] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rems, Mangaluru

    Tue, Mar 22 2022

    Religious brainwashing. This serves as a warning to all religions. If you allow fundamentalists to gain authority and allow them spread fear, it will result in your children shunning education for the sake of religion.

    DisAgree [8] Agree [74] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rao, Udupi

    Tue, Mar 22 2022

    Students themselves are responsible for their future. They have to take a decision what they want. In future they should not repent.

    DisAgree [5] Agree [65] Reply Report Abuse

  • Bala, Kudla

    Tue, Mar 22 2022

    No.. Other forces misguiding these people.

    DisAgree [3] Agree [28] Reply Report Abuse

  • Joel, Mangalore

    Tue, Mar 22 2022

    People who care about their future will write their exam anyway. These people came to college just to create problems for others.

    DisAgree [12] Agree [119] Reply Report Abuse

  • Rahul, Mangalore

    Tue, Mar 22 2022

    Neither hijab nor shawl is goin to give u good future… only good grades will help u getting jobs .. end this animosity

    DisAgree [8] Agree [109] Reply Report Abuse

  • Sunil Kumar, Mangalore

    Tue, Mar 22 2022

    Whole world is pareshan with this community

    DisAgree [40] Agree [152] Reply Report Abuse

  • Moshu, Mangalore

    Tue, Mar 22 2022

    Other saints han? Kuch bhi :D .... Even World wars, Russia Ukrain war, Iraq war, Ayodhya, Gujarat genocide, Sikh genocide, Muzaffar nagar masscre, Bhagalpur masscre, Samjhota express, Malegaon, Mecca masjid blasts, lynchings are happened due to this community han?

    DisAgree [116] Agree [31] Reply Report Abuse

  • prinson, Mangalore

    Tue, Mar 22 2022

    majority started by your people only to be honest

    DisAgree [12] Agree [64] Reply Report Abuse

  • Manohar, Mangalore

    Tue, Mar 22 2022

    Debar these hijab students from college. They're free to go anywhere other then colleges.

    DisAgree [15] Agree [135] Reply Report Abuse

  • Abu Faisal, KSA

    Tue, Mar 22 2022

    debar to Sangpariwar community also ..bcoz Bharatiyon k liye Saffron color bohot bada khatra hai.

    DisAgree [79] Agree [26] Reply Report Abuse

  • Monty Dotor, Mangalore

    Tue, Mar 22 2022

    Hijab files....

    DisAgree [5] Agree [74] Reply Report Abuse

  • Moshu, Mangaluru

    Tue, Mar 22 2022

    Yet the question remained unanswered as of date, what hijab has harmed now which has not done for generations before?

    DisAgree [133] Agree [34] Reply Report Abuse

  • Prakash.A, Mlore

    Tue, Mar 22 2022

    If fringe elements stop girls from going to school without hijab, Muslim community themselves will get divided.

    DisAgree [9] Agree [83] Reply Report Abuse

  • Nelson, Mangalore

    Tue, Mar 22 2022

    Its what the Hijab represents that worry us. Violence, hate of non believers, Medievalism

    DisAgree [11] Agree [70] Reply Report Abuse

  • Moshu, Mangaluru

    Tue, Mar 22 2022

    All happening in few months han? Kuch bhi :).. Show some marurity while posting comments.

    DisAgree [47] Agree [14] Reply Report Abuse

  • Moshu, Mangaluru

    Tue, Mar 22 2022

    All these worry happening only after in few months? Display maturity.

    DisAgree [41] Agree [10] Reply Report Abuse

  • John Tauro, M'lore

    Tue, Mar 22 2022

    Of course hijab has not harmed anybody. Important question is where was it (in schools and colleges) during the 1980s and 90s? How it cropped up gradually after 2010 (starting with St. Agnes College) and now all of a sudden in the middle of the academic year, when exams are approaching?

    DisAgree [5] Agree [63] Reply Report Abuse

  • Nelson, Mangalore

    Tue, Mar 22 2022

    Yes thats true. We never saw these black gowns tqo decades ago. They have become more and more radicalised. Its scary and the world needs to take action and stop the proliferation of this dangerous evil.

    DisAgree [3] Agree [47] Reply Report Abuse

  • ters, mangalore

    Tue, Mar 22 2022

    moshu..even girls shown what exactly they want.. they gave verdict in UP election.. here also you can make them fearful and force them..but internally they also want enjoy equal freedom of other girls..

    DisAgree Agree [29] Reply Report Abuse

  • Don, Mangalore

    Tue, Mar 22 2022

    Moshu, Wearing of Hijab for both men and woman is to show the world that you are Sharia compliant. Sharia has created division, strife and mayhem around the world. Please ask yourself what is the relationship between Muslims and the rest of humanity (i.e Jews, Christians, Hindus, Buddhist, Jains, Sikhs, Zoroastrians, Atheist, etc. etc.) and you will have the answer to your questions.

    DisAgree Agree [18] Reply Report Abuse

  • Subhas, Udupi

    Tue, Mar 22 2022

    Simple thing appear exams without hijaab in the class rooms. It's utmost duty of parents to pursue girl students to obey rules of college administration. If not one year will be wasted who not appeared for exams or will decide if wish college administration deport them in short notice. It's upto now for them to decide whether religion is important or education to support there family latter.

    DisAgree [7] Agree [95] Reply Report Abuse

  • Nelson, Mangalore

    Tue, Mar 22 2022

    When will we learn about what we are dealing with here? Thr world needs a 'Final Solution' from this nuisance that plagues civil society.

    DisAgree [8] Agree [75] Reply Report Abuse

  • Cynthia, Dk

    Tue, Mar 22 2022

    Students also not serious about their studies...just look at them..Just little time, they have to sit for the exams....Why parents too adamant and negligent?

    DisAgree [18] Agree [134] Reply Report Abuse

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