Kasargod: Young man back home from abroad dies in bike accident

Steephan Kayyar

Daijiworld Media Network - Kasargod

Kasargod, Jun 25: A young man who returned from abroad two days ago died in a bike accident on Monday night at Arikkadi on the National Highway.

The deceased has been identified as Ajith Shetty (31) from Kumble's Bambrana Ujar.

Ajith, who was employed in Qatar, returned to his hometown on June 21.

On June 23, a baby shower ceremony for his wife was held. On Monday night, while returning from Kumble market after purchasing items, he met with an accident near Arikkadi when his bike collided with a road divider. Despite being rushed to Kumbla hospital, Ajith succumbed to his injuries on the way to a hospital in Mangaluru.

The Kumble police have registered a case regarding the incident.




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