Mangalore: Divine Call Centre Mulky to be Closed Temporarily from May 22

Mangalore: Divine Call Centre Mulky to be Closed Temporarily from May 22

Daijiworld Media Network - Mangalore (GA)

Mangalore, May 22: The Divine Call Centre, Mulky which has been attracting devotees in large numbers eversince it was established by Fr Jerry Sequeira SVD, on October 1, 2004, will now be closed temporarily beginning from Friday May 22.

Speaking to Daijiworld, Divine Call Centre director Fr Cyprian Lewis SVD said that till further announcement is made, Divine Call Centre will be closed.  "This is only a temporary arrangement and the centre will be opened in the coming days. But we will keep devotees informed in this regard," concluded Fr Cyprian.

Though he did not give exact reasons behind closing the retreat centre temporarily, sources said that it might have to do something with the administration.

Divine Call Centre has been the source of spiritual rejuvenation in the region for the last five years. People from all walks of life have been thronging the centre to avail the spiritual benefits through retreats, Sacrament of Reconciliation and the Eucharist. The day-long retreats, five-day retreats which have been going on unceasingly at the centre have been instrumental in forming and reforming several lives over the years.


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  • Disha Rita Furtado, Mangalore, cascia

    Sat, May 30 2009

    dear william days not far, you too will visit one day this holy place and you will understand the value of these places iam sure.

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  • Francis,Agnes & Priyanka, Mangalore/Dubai

    Thu, May 28 2009

    Dear Fr.Jerry When we first came to Mulki. you were just lying the foundation. At that time , we came to you with our hearts broken for the loss of our son and when we showed our son prashanth''s photo, it was from your mouth which came the words " I have got an Angel and I always intercede to them".And on Oct 1st, 2004 you released our son''s first cassette (Anja Sovem). So,Father Jerry do not worry , whatever it may be, we all there with you and our son Angel Prashant Darrel will intercede on your behalf and you are there in our daily prayers. We pray the DCC will reopen soon. God Bless Fr.Jerry

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  • Richard Lobo, Shirva/Bangalore

    Wed, May 27 2009

    I never been to this centre in Mulky but I heard of the glory of this place. I feel this is God''s will and god wants Fr. Jerry to create many more Devine call Centers like this in various locations and lead the people towards Wisdom.

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  • Felix Castelino, ThomasDsouza

    Mon, May 25 2009

    Every priest should remember thay he have made an oath while he was made a Priest. He should obey the superior, and thus he will show other people an example that he is the follower of Jesus Christ. Just preaching has no value if you do not practice whatever you preach.

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  • francis p. n., mangalore

    Sun, May 24 2009

    When I attended one day retreat on 9.5.09 I found something was amiss and this has resulted in cloSing of the DCC temporarily is regretful. Jesus warning his disciples said -the enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy. Let the faithful not judge anybody and cause division amongst us. Wehave to see the problem with divine wisdom and not thru human eyes. We need to reflecT the following from the Bible which I recently read in "Divine Voice" from Potta. Do not find fault before you investigate (Sir 11:7) Respect those who labour among you, and have charge of you in the Lord (1 Thess 5:12) The Lord forbid that I should do this thing to my Lord, the Lord''s anointed, to raise my hands against him for he is the Lord''s anointed (1 Samuel 24:6) You also join in helping us by your prayers (II Cor 1:11) The need of the hour is to use the powerful weapon -sincere prayers- for enrichment of which we have been visiting DCC. Let us pray for God''s grace to those who need forgiveness and to those who need to forgive their brothers. God bless all those who labour for the Lord''s glory at DCC.

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  • Melwyn Pereira, Mangalore/Sharjah

    Mon, May 25 2009

    Its rather unfortunate that Divine Call centre is closed. It brought solace to a lot of suffering families. William from Mangalore had commented "Why we need retreat centres when we have beautiful churches" - The answer my friend is "treat yourself like a car - for your day to day requirements of fuel/oil you go to the petrol station but when there is a breakdown these petrol stations wont be of much use - you need to visit a garage -

    Like wise for your day to day spiritual needs you go to church but when you have a crisis in life these retreat centres help you to bring your life on track" I have been touched and transformed at one of these retreat centre and I pray that DCC opens up at the earliest with God''s Divine intervention.

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  • Agnel, Bulkunje/NZ

    Sun, May 24 2009

    What is happening at the Divine Call Centre at Mulky? Has the DCC stopped any devotee entering the premesis for prayer or has it just stopped conducting retreats for the timebeing? What is the truth and why is the fuss all about Fr.Jerry''s transfer? We all know that Fr. Jerry established the DCC with the support and the generosity of the faithfull and also with the support of his congregation. Fr. Jerry belongs to The SVD congregaion and as member he has an obligation to obey his superiors and follow the rules and regulations of his congregation. Forgiveness and exceptance is certan if the repentance is sincere. Arrogance and disobedience does not suite to a true desciple of Christ. we pray for all the priests at the DCC and the reopening of the centre as early as possible.

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  • denis muscat, muscat

    Sun, May 24 2009

    great shocking news! god is with us

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  • Francis, Moodabidri/Dubai

    Sun, May 24 2009

    Unfortunate !! no comments..........

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  • Suraj Mascarenhas, Shankarapura/Canada

    Sun, May 24 2009

    Dear all readers, I am completely in dark & confusion what went wrong all of a sudden and what is the fuss all about. - One of the comments reads, “whoever one among you has committed no sin may throw the first stone at him…, May God forgive all those who hurt you dear Fr.Jerry…” Can somebody come forward either from the Clergy or from the Congregation, and reveal what exactly has occurred at DCC Mulki? - Another Comment reads, “Dear Fr.Jerry, we are all with you, we are ready to fight for you no matter how much it cost….” Fighting in what sense? Fighting against Superior’s Transfer Order? Alternatively, fighting against the truth? Before firing a shot at the air, one should very well know that the DCC was established by Fr.Jerry but build by numerous generous donors who sponsored/donated from their hard-earned sacrifices. Then is it not fare to hold Fr.Jerry accountable for what is going on? I know that Fr.Jerry is innocent but unless he proves it, a common faithful like me start loosing faith in our Religious Body. Eggs cannot remain un-broken forever. They either hatch or rot. We need to know the reason how it broken.

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  • Carmine, Bajpe/Kuwait

    Sun, May 24 2009

    Jesus''s words- "Who ever one among you has committed no sin may throw the first stone at her/him." dear Fr. Jerry God is with you at this time of distress & we promise our unceasing prayer support to bear this situation so that God may grant you Grace to forgive all those who have hurt you. Ceds family

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    Sun, May 24 2009

    Dear Fr. jerry, we are with you in prayers. you will look and see how the wicked are punished. henry Misquith, Mangalore/Bahrain.

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  • John Paul, Mangalore

    Sun, May 24 2009

    Dear Fr.Provincial SVD, Faithful need to know the TRUTH. Before anyone POINTS FINGER on the Institution / Congregation.It''s important to conduct a full fledge inquiry. Let the TRUTH COME OUT !!

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  • Stany S Fernandes, Malpe / Vasai

    Sun, May 24 2009

    Fr. Jerry we are with you in prayers. as bible says mark 13:13 everyone will hate you because of me but whoever holds till the end will be saved. Myself transformed thru this charismatic prayer last 13 years ago. Devil started working in all the churches because of lack of prayers. let us all unitedly pray to strengthen our priest/nuns in their respective congregation.

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  • Anil & Janet Cutinho, Mulky/Jubail,KSA

    Sun, May 24 2009

    Dear Fr. Jerry, No weapon that has been made to be used against you will succeed. You will have an answer for anyone who accuses you. This is the inheritance of the LORD''s servants. Their victory comes from me," s the LORD (Isaiah 54:17) There are few words one can say at a time like this. When you stand on the Word, you stand in a position where God helps you.

    You know deep inside of you that He will pick you up when you''re down. No weapon that is thrown towards you shall prosper. Almost every servant of God has been through this at the hand of those they counted as their brethren. We pray that God will uplift your spirit and carry you through this time of distress.

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  • Victoria & Goldwin Soares, Muscat, Kalmady

    Sun, May 24 2009

    Really worried after reading this article. I had attended the 5 days retreat twice, once along with my family at the Divine Call Centre and all of us had a wonderful experience. The word of god is preached so clearly and you really feel the power of the Holy Spirit working there. Fr. Jerry, Fr. Abraham, Fr. Cyprian and Fr. Walty are powerful preachers working really very hard to impart the spiritual wisdom. Praying that the DCC may reopen very soon and that many people may be blessed and touched by the lord through this centre. Victoria & Goldwin Soares, Kalmady /Muscat

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  • george , mangalure

    Sun, May 24 2009

    Dear Freinds, without knowing the proper reasons how you will support Fr. Jerry Sequeira? First let us know the actaul cause of this. For prayer there is no need of seperate place, one can pray from anywhere - GOD IS EVERYWHERE. God doesn''t need any palace or 5 star facilities for his stay.

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  • rudolf fernandes, rome -italy

    Sun, May 24 2009

    dear Fr. Jerry we are with you. We are ready to fight for you no matter how much it cost. We need you in DCC

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  • Joe n Cleta Colaco, Mulki, Kuwait

    Sun, May 24 2009

    Our prayers are with Fr. Jerry and we wish to see DCC open soon.

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  • Sunil, Mangalore

    Sun, May 24 2009

    It seems like present adminstration failed to satisfy peoples need. Handover this centre to mangalore Diocese, atleast they are good in administration.

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  • Wilson D''Souza, Paladka

    Sun, May 24 2009

    Thanks Mangalorean Christians. You are capable of closing anything. First our own news paper "Janavahini" and now our own famour Mulki retreat centre. When devil is well within us, why blame fundamentalists or extrimists? Sad to know that our religious people are also not learning from history and involved in leg-pulling...

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  • Simon Miranda, KiremBahrain

    Sun, May 24 2009

    You are right, Vinay. Someone has to hit the nail, otherwise the salvation process isnt complete.I dont know about blind faith, or what you mean by it. But to find substance and meaning to what we profess requires soul searching and action thereof.I honestly do not know why DCC is closed, it could very well be inappropriate management and conduct or hindutva pressure, I dont know. I have seen Fr. Jerry working like a laborer years ago, when just curiosity led me there.I have heard him preaching there and it was hard to take it in at times. But nevertheless, it has contributed to my own soul searching, trying to find Jesus within.As I am writing this, I beleive, it is He who motivates to share my thoughts. I wish I can say with conviction I love Jesus and He in turn agrees with it. Moderation in lifestyle is not being passive in our faith observance and defending it.God Bless

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  • William, Mangalore

    Sun, May 24 2009

    At least few agree with my point of view. Minority can be right at times dear Vinay. Whatever the reason for such things, prayer they say is the communication between god and the self. And each one of us should evolve ways to communicate with god. Mass hysteria is not a way to communicate with god. Agressive preaching does not help. Most of the Vedeo hymns that the centre releases donot take you to the devotional world.The casting ability of its makers cannot be under estimated. But in any case what can be of glory to The Almighty than each one of us carrying on the task with delegence, devotion and desire. When we do our mission asigned to us there would not be any turmoil in the society. Let us stop being obcessed with relegion that these agressive preachers propogate. Please donot forget, there is well organised economics behind these preaching centres. It is wrong to say Jesus was also criticises for his revolutionary thinking and ultimatley paid it with his death on cross. But let alone death, tell me any of these preachers doing selfless sacrifice for the downtrodden. God does not live in the glorified church buildings but in the fellow beings. As per the kannada news daily, it is said that whole problem is because of the preacher getting transfered. If he is not willing to go where is superiors ask him to, what sacrfice he is preaching and what do those people who are with him to support have to say about this? Please let us not waste our time in these retreats but rather work selflessly for our country. If greed goes, life itself will be paradise. Paradise Jesus himself taught. All these prolems are because of greed. Arent they?

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  • Felix, Bombay(Australia)

    Sun, May 24 2009

    Fr. Jerry we are with you. We are ready to fight for you no matter how much it cost. We need you in DCC

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  • Louiza Pais , Mangalore/Toronto, Canada

    Sun, May 24 2009

    I have been to this church in 2007. Beautiful church and you cannot enter it with your sandals or shoes. I really felt the holiness in that church. Lets all pray for our priests so that they will have special grace from God during this age of satan''s attack. Satan is definitely roaming like a roaring lion to devour the best and the holy. Praise God. Thank you Jesus. Blessed be your holy name.

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  • Divine Call Centre, Mangalore/Kuwait

    Sun, May 24 2009

    "Whichever one of you has committed no sin may throw the first stone at her/him." Fr. Jerry God is with you. We are with you with prayers that God may grant you Grace to forgive all those that have hurt you. God bless you. Jessy & Francis

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  • George Cruz, Managalore/USA

    Sat, May 23 2009

    I agree with Mr.William, Mangalore. We have churches and why we need Divine Centers??? By the way what they do in these Divine Centers??? Too much of relegion could be the root cause of troubles (re insugence of BJP) in DK and Karnataska,

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  • Francis, Niddodi / Sharjah

    Sat, May 23 2009

    Fr. Jerry Sequiera is innocent.We are with you Fr. Praise the Lord.

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  • Richard Rodrigues, kinnigoly/Dubai

    Sat, May 23 2009

    Very sorry to know that Divine centre is closed, very sad i could not found any exact reson for the above said action.I shocked by reading Disha Ritas the topic is about closing of centre and u have written something else.Daiji have prooved in many cases "transparent". i request in this issue also to be complete transparent. i request Centre management to show minimum gurds to reopen the centre as soon as possible under some responsible priest.

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  • Charles D''Mello, Pangala

    Sat, May 23 2009

    Anything and everything in moderation is good and too much is too bad. This applies to prayers also.

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  • Tony, Mangalore

    Sat, May 23 2009

    Whatever is happening in D.C.C. is as per the plan of God. Let us focus on what our God want from us. Our heart is where our treasure is..!. Let us ask God to give us the grace to understand his plans for his people. Harvest is plenty but labourers are few !Let us all pray to God to give us plenty of labourers in this modern world of fashion & technology to help us to walk in the foot prints of Lord Jesus.

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  • vincent flavia, paladka abudhabi

    Sat, May 23 2009

    praise the Lord. dear Fr, Jerry , Let anyone be against you Fr. we are with you. When our Lord is with us, who can stand against us! We are really sad and worried by reading this article. we pray for u for reopening the DCC and start retreat with Fr.Jerry.DCC without Fr.Jerry is lamp without oil. thank you. from vincent flavia. paladka.

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  • Ronald, Mangalore/Dubai

    Sat, May 23 2009

    Whatever it may be the reason our Authorities should not have closed the DCC,suppose tomorrow thee would be any internal issue within relegious leaders that means they will close the Churches as well? So we ordinary layman/without shepherd do not have any right to praise and worship when we need!? Only we people have give donation when they ask for to build any institution and they have full right to closedown without spending single penny from their pocket, please see some alternative,closing down is not solution but it is easy but bad example for others!

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  • anita, kundapur

    Sat, May 23 2009

    jesus was obedient to His Father till the end of his life. let us be obedient to His voice which comes from our elders.

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  • Charles D Cunha, I C Colony - Borivli

    Sat, May 23 2009

    What are these comments about? keeping the public in dark, without mentioning the real reason for closure by the authorities how anyone can give their statement?

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  • Disha Rita Furtado, cascia, mangalore

    Sat, May 23 2009

    Dearest Fr. Jerry, Praise the lord, do not worry,What ever it may be We all there with you, and our daily prayers. Mulky is living the holy place, It has given spiritual life to many. It will be opened very soon. God will never let you down. I too have done my one week''s retreat, it was just was too too good where I realy turned to god. When holy trinity is there with you, no one can stay against you fr. You think you are lucky to face this problem, Iam sure fr. in return you will receive blessings and blessings. FR. JERRY JESUS LOVES YOU, AND JESUS NEVER FAILS.

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  • leslie, mangalore

    Sat, May 23 2009

    i hope that it will open soon i will pray to god

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  • jason, mangalore

    Sat, May 23 2009

    If the truth is infront of us why are we hiding it...everyone makes mistakes but there is a limit for everything and who ever it is...they should be punished under law.

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  • Lawrence D''Mello, Karkala/Sydney

    Sat, May 23 2009

    This is not the first and will certainly not be the last......when people elevated the preachers and then they are down...this is a best lesson to note...that these preachers are just gifted couriers or postman...the boss is THE LORD !

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  • Vinay, Mangalore

    Sat, May 23 2009

    William you have hit the nail on the head, however I just feel that the majority of the audience on this forum will never agree with you for the very same blind faith. Moderation is the key to a healthy lifestyle, anything in excess regadless good or bad is harmful to oneself. And you are not being judgemental mate.

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  • Hilary Tellis, Kuntalpadi, Bahrain

    Sat, May 23 2009

    I fully agree with the comments of Simon Mirand, kirem.Bahrain. In 5 yeasr thousands of people were benifited with DCC. I dont want to know what happend in DCC. I know only the thing many families are united because of Mulky DCC. So I wish for the early reopen for the devoties....

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  • Deepak Tyson D''Souza, Mabukala/Udupi

    Sat, May 23 2009

    "who ever preaches im my name is for me and not against me" said Jesus. The DCC will open soon. God Bless Fr. Jerry.

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    Sat, May 23 2009

    Dear Fr, Jerry Sequeira, Let anyone be against you or Divine Centre Fr. we are all with you. When our Lord is with us, who can stand against us! We are really sad and worried by reading this article. We will surrender all our problems to Our God Jesus Christ, We are all sinners but the best thing is our God is Merciful God, he has is own plan lets wait and is his miracles, we praise you Jesus, Mother Mary please help us in this situation. God has done mighty progress at Divine Retreat Centre. It is our prayer let the HOLY SPIRIT Intervene in mighty way to solve the difference, we human beings are only the instrument in hands of god please do not give devil to devastate God’s blessings. We Praise you Jesus, We surrender all the Problems in your Hand and we believe that you will do something good on this. Thank You JESUS. PETER, MARIA, RAHUL & RAYAN _Sharjah

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  • Oswald Baretto&fly, Modankap/ Doha-Qatar

    Sat, May 23 2009

    I was really shocked to see the news. Dear Fr.Jerry we will pray to re-open our DCC soon. b''coz i recived many blessings and this is my new life b''coz of your prayers.let anyone be against you Fr.Jerry we are always with you. GOD BLESS YOU and ALL YOUR DCC TEAM...

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  • Kiran Gonsalves, Kundapur/Kuwait

    Sat, May 23 2009

    Praise the Lord. We often talk about priests/clergy whenever such things happen. No one should talk against their work or behaviour as we do not have any right to do so. Now a days nobody wants to send their children to become a priest/nun, because everyone wants their children to be Doctors Engineers...etc. We have many of those but very less missionaries. Before talking against a priest, let us send our children to the seminary for priesthood. With regard to Divine Retreat Centre, we all have supported to the erection of this building. It is our mistake as we did not think what would happento this in future. Therefore, in future, i suggest that all the donations to be transfered go to the Diocese account (special account) and then diverted to the respective churches/institutions. In this way at least the Bishop has a check on the priest''s activities and funds and everything is transparent.

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  • pinto, mangalore

    Sat, May 23 2009

    Acts 9 38 - 39 So in the present case I tell you, keep away from these men and let them alone for if this plan or this undertaking is of men, it will fail but if it is of God, you will not be able to overthrow them. You might even be found opposing God!"

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  • Simon Miranda, kiremBahrain

    Sat, May 23 2009

    Dear William, Mangalore, Please do not be judgemental in your attitude towards anybody, leave alone DCC. DCC has just been an instrument in the Hands of God, whether persons involved attitude was right or wrong.It does not matter.There is no doubt thousands of people have turned to God through DCC, experienced a personal touch from the Lord himself.Please bear in mind, Jesus Himself was rejected for doing all the good done.

    At such times as these, the faithful should prayerfully discern and ask God to work through the situation for betterment of all, including those we may find having done wrong.Dear William,ultimately there are are only two kinds of people in the world, those who were crucified at the left, and those who were crucified at the right. The choice to be where you want to be is very personal. God Bless

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  • Robin, Kundapura

    Sat, May 23 2009

    Yah. You need some vacation. This is right time.... Come back soon....

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    Sat, May 23 2009

    Retreat centre is closed! Now as you re-open it would be better if the Society manages to use the premises for - a good school or as a hospital, which would help people of visinity. May His name be glorified.

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  • Placid G. Noronha, Bijai, Mangalore

    Sat, May 23 2009

    Sometime back it was Benny Hill. Now it is Divine Centre. Where has all the divinity gone? Be transparent.

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  • Suaris Glen, Dubai

    Sat, May 23 2009

    Err is human forgiveness is Divine. Whatever may be the cause,conflict,grivience against anyone, we christians should be one in spirit. God is everywhere, we do not need any centres, our churches are should be open for all for prayers, retreats. Now this is buit, can be transformed as a church and prayer place for many faithful. Pray let no one use communal violence and hinder the faithful.

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  • William, Mangalore

    Sat, May 23 2009

    Intoxicating with religion is often dangerous and self distructive. Religion can at best be a guide to our passage in the journey of this world. Living with harmony with fellow beings is the relegion to follow.In the case of Devine call centre it was clear the method of preaching was agressive and often misleading. Of what use if one does not follow what we preach. I often wonder, the clergy at the helm of affairs of these instituitions can allow these things to happen. In fact they are the only ones to have been trained for priesthood for period of 13 -15 years. Besides one more point I want to stress here that the Bishop who is sheperd of his flock should not allow a parrellel worship centres to develop. We have got our beutiful churches where we can worship for hours on end. And for the tired, distressed,and dipressed these centres in the guise of providing succour often are mislead into miracoulous healing powers. Its time to rethink the role of clergy and device ways so that it does not repeat, else there are predators waiting outside the community just to pounce on us.

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  • A. Hubert, Mangalore, Konaje

    Fri, May 22 2009

    "Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you" {Matt 7-1,2} Pls reopen dcc.........Dcc is God,s own Property don,t close it HOLY, HOLY, HOLY

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  • Maurice D''Mello, Pangla

    Fri, May 22 2009

    From readers'' comments I realize the truth behind the ''temperory'' closure has not been disclosed. If one remembers the excorcism that used to be arried out in "Pakshifere" church was closed by the diocese authorities (many many years ago). People, the church service that we currently have and if one has faith, that is good enough. Do not go deep into religion, there are many who are easily brainwahsed. How good a Christian in deed are you, that counts. Why can''t the priest discolose the reason? We need to know the truth. If money is involved, he is no better than many of our politicians. Maurice D''Mello Brampton, Toronto

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  • William, Sharjah

    Fri, May 22 2009

    Divine Call centre was a blessing from God to the people of South Kanara. The word of God preached with meaning. I liked every minute of the day I spent. I pray to the all mighty to clear the clouds and the Good work of God through his servent will re-start at the earliest. Praise the Lord.

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  • donald, bangalore

    Sat, May 23 2009

    Lord Jesus has said if you show the world that you follow my teachings,the system around you will persecute you.I feel the Director of divine call centre should not fear but go ahead with his noble work and the Holy Spirit will guide and protect him

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  • Jerome Coelho, Nanthur, Mangalore

    Fri, May 22 2009

    Its when we lose sight of our goals in the fight for money and power that such things happen. Its really sad that through the struggle for power at the Divine Call Centre all responsible have failed our Lord who died so that we live. Infact we are trying to undo all that the good Lord has done for our sake. It would be better for all the clergy who are after money, power and fame to quietly discard their religious attire and live a common mans life. WE AS CATHOLICS NEED TO PUT THESE WAYWARD SHEPEREDS IN THEIR PLACE LEST WE FAIL OUR GOD TOO.

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  • Antony DS, Mangalore

    Fri, May 22 2009

    Not to yield turning stones into bread, rather living in the every Word of God. Word of God is the Truth and the Word of God will only with those who Trust in Him. DRC is not closed for the faithful. No one can close a place where Word of God is taught to the mankind.

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  • John Aranha, Doha-Qatar

    Fri, May 22 2009

    This is unbeliveable and undigestable matter.I pray for reopening the dcc and start retreat with Fr.Jerry.DCC without Fr.Jerry is lamp without oil.

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  • John Vas, Kulshekar/Dubai

    Sat, May 23 2009

    Praise the lord... I still remember I had visited the place along with Bro. Johnson early 2004 before the foundation was laid for the bldg. God has done mighty progress at Divine Retreat Center. It is our prayer let the HOLY SPIRIT Intervene in mighty way to solve the difference, we human beings are only the instrument in hands of god please do not give devil to ruin god''s blessings. We really need now in M''lore good shepherds to lead kingdom of god, wherein human beings are suffering in the hands of devil in all aspects of life.

    Forigive all human weakness and lead the center Divine way. Those who are in responsible members of organisations, please do not foreget what Mangaloreans having gone thru last year not to repeat we need Divine retreat center to run god''s way and not human way...God give your wisdom from heaven to the leaders of DRC.

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  • shahnawaz kukkikatte, dubai/udupi

    Sat, May 23 2009

    Its very unfortunate one. Hope the decision to close it was not biased one and has valid reasons for it.

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    Fri, May 22 2009

    L N Rego, Bendur has summed it up. His message is applicable to all religious leaders.

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  • N.S. Pinto, Mangalore/Doha Qatar

    Fri, May 22 2009

    Sad to read this. This place reforms lives with God and teaches how to pray and lead a good life. Testimony: We had been at Divine Retreat Centre, Mulki last year for a intention and prayed and now we got what we wanted We wish to visit once again in the month of October, hope before this time it reopens, we wanna Thank ! Abba Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit. Fr. Jerry is a True Star, his preachings are heart touching. We will pray for DRC Mulki. Readers are requested to pray – God Bless - With prayers - NS Pinto

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  • lora correa, derebail

    Fri, May 22 2009


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  • felix, Bombay(Australia)

    Fri, May 22 2009

    Dear Fr. Jerry, God paid the price for you on the cross. Jesus accepted everybody, even worst sinner. Has a christian it is our duty to accept you as you are. What ever happened, we still love you. and you will preach the world with the same conviction which you had earlier. Our prayers are with you. No weapon formed against the believer shall prosper. This is the promise for you from bible. We are praying for you.

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  • D.M.D''Souza, Bantwal

    Fri, May 22 2009

    There is always shadow beneath the lamp as the saying goes. When money & power struggle r there these things r normal. If Jesus comes to the world he would disapprove and might chase all of us out of his temple or he just would stay away from these places. If our shepherds behave like this with arrogance what would be our fate, & I think they donot practice what they preach. If we need to progress, then we need to reform from the top to bottom, not bottom to top.

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  • L N Rego, Bendur

    Fri, May 22 2009

    It is not the question of being with someone at the needy hour. Its not the question of forgiving and forgeting (Which our comunity has done in the past generously) It is understanding the responcibility and leading the way Christ has showed us. I appeal to all our religious leaders to lead an exemplery life.

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  • Antony Pereira, Mangalore/now in Boston

    Fri, May 22 2009

    I was really shocked to see the news in Mangalore addition of Google website about Devine Call Centre, Mulki !. Let the work of preaching the good news to the thursty and needy souls may continue. May God give you the grace to sort out your defferences and reconcile to reopen the Devine call centre once again to the people of God.

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  • Manohar Veigas, UDUPI

    Fri, May 22 2009

    LET TRUTH PREVAIL. God Bless Fr. Jerry Sequeira.

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  • Mrs. Severine Martis, Mumbai/Muscat

    Fri, May 22 2009

    Dear Fr. Jerry Sequeira, Praise the Lord, I have attended the 5 days Konkanni Retreat 2 weeks before. I have gained alot during the retreat. I know there is misunderstanding as God has forgiven us all for our sins we too forgive you for whatever has gone wrong. We are always praying for you & hoping for the best to see that the Divine Call Center has opened at the earliest without any problem. God Bless U & all the fathers from Divine Call Center. MRS. SEVERINE R. MARTIS.

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  • Santhosh Saldanha, Kateel/caribbean

    Fri, May 22 2009

    hopes to reopen the devine center sooner, god bless you all the management.

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  • robert fernandes, mudarangadi

    Fri, May 22 2009

    Dear,father, I pray re-open soon bcoz I love my God,Don''t be sad we are alway''s with our God,and one can''t remove without God''s blessing''s.

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  • Joseph Barrows, Ganguli / Dammam K.S.A.

    Fri, May 22 2009

    Dear Fr, Jerry Sequeira, Let anyone be against you Fr. we are with you. When our Lord is with us, who can stand against us! We are really sad and worried by reading this article. Joseph Barrows, Dammam Saudi Arabia

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