Media Release
Washington, Mar 10: OSHP invited outspoken Mangalurean Harold D’Souza to speak on Labour Trafficking in America. It has been exemplified by Mangalorean Harold D’Souza from being a near slave in Lady Liberty’s land of America to being appointed by President Donald J Trump to the United States Advisory Council on Human Trafficking, at the White House.
Ohio State Highway Patrol (OSHP) invited Harold D’Souza on March 10, 2020, to address the Patrol Officers on how to identify victims of human labour trafficking and debt bondage. The human trafficking training was organized at the State Highway Patrol Training Academy at Columbus.
Harold stated that foreign nationals who are trapped in labour trafficking and debt bondage in America are mostly male immigrants. These immigrants do not dare to speak. Perpetrators threaten them of being arrested, handcuffed, jailed, and deported. Labour trafficking is prevalent at restaurants, gas stations, convenience stores, motels, and agriculture farm to name a few.
A live experience of sex trafficking was shared by an incredible resilient American lady. Hector L Feliciano assistant special agent-in-charge, US Department of Homeland Security and John Morgan detective, Sheriff’s County, Homeland Security Investigations shared real-life incidents, where the victims were rescued, and perpetrators who were prosecuted are serving jail time. A live experience of Labour Trafficking and Debt Bondage story was delivered by Harold D’Souza.
If you or anyone you know is a victim of human trafficking in America call 1-888-373-7888. Precaution is better than cure. Entering America documented is heaven, but entering America undocumented is hell, says Harold D’Souza.