Media Release
Mangaluru, Aug 1: St Lawrence Church Bondel had welcomed Fr Clifford Pinto, the assistant parish priest and principal just a three years ago and now it was time to bid him farewell.
On Sunday August 1, after the 8 am Mass, the parishioners along with the members of the Parish Pastoral Council came together for a formal farewell ceremony. Fr Clifford will take charge as the principal of Holy Redeemer English Medium School, Beltangady.
Acknowledging the services rendered by Fr Clifford for three years, on behalf of the parishioners, Steevan Noronha, the secretary of Parish Pastoral Council, read the citation ‘maan patr’.
As a mark of gratitude, Dr Clifford was honoured by Fr Andrew Leo, Fr Rupesh Tauro, Reginald D'Souza, vice president, secretary and all dignataries of Parish Pastoral Council.
In his message on this occasion, Fr Andrew Leo D'Souza said that Fr Clifford was always ready to help anyone in need and enthusiastically participated in all the activities of the church and served as the dedicated principal of St Lawrence English Medium School.
Dr Clifford then addressed the parishioners. He spoke of all those things that had touched his heart in Bondel parish. Forgetting none in his farewell speech, he thanked and promised to keep every parishioner in his prayers. Although emotional, Fr Clifford looked calm and composed.
A beautiful farewell song was sung by the choir members under the leadership of Dr Suraj.
Dr Preethi D'Souza compered the ceremony and thanked all.
Comment on this article
John Monteiro, Bondel, Mangaluru
Sun, Aug 01 2021I think that Fr. Clifton was God-sent when the new highly functional building of the high school became operational. It is all there to go forward on the path of progress. Thank you Fr. Clifton and I wish for good success wherever you are transferred.
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