The Great Indian Price Rise

The Great Indian Price Rise
By Ayush Prasad

Feb 10: Mrs. Kapoor a home-maker in Delhi is complaining that her household budget for the month has gone up several times in the last one year. She says that she cannot afford to buy food items like Sugar and Pulses. The Kapoor family has been forced to do away with Dal, which adored their table for every lunch and dinner. Mr. Kapoor a government servant is blaming the government for this crisis. He smells corruption and black marketing, though he cannot explain where the hoarders are sending the food items given that India is the only consumer of pulses like Dal and without exponential boom in new cold-storages, why would a black marketer waste the food items rather than sell it. The 24X7 News Channels and the news papers are filled with stories of the price rise and how it has affected the lives of millions of people in the country.

The Government remains defiant and not doing anything, something rare in a parliamentary form of government, as its survival is dependent upon the happiness of the electorate. The impression being created is that the entire nation is unhappy. Dr. Tiwari, Chief Medical Officer at a Private Hospital has also mixed feelings as there is a sudden drop in patients. Most of the patients who visit his hospital are Urban Middle Class, with the most common ailment of heart diseases. This is triggered by obesity and high sugar levels, as Indians love having tea multiple times during the day. With the rise in sugar prices, people are forced to have sugarless tea, reducing the number of patients who visit Dr. Tiwari’s hospital.

Sharad Pawar, the Union Minister for Agriculture is a troubled man. He is being blamed for the food prices from all parties, the opposition and the ruling. BJP the main opposition party plans to have a three phase protest over it, culminating in the circumcising the Parliament in Delhi in protest to the rising food prices. This is a major issue for BJP, which wins most of its seats in urban areas, but since reorganization of seats, there are more seats in urban than in rural areas, no party can afford to ignore the issue. The Marxist (CPI, CPI-M) and the Socialists (Samajwadi Party, sans “Capitalist Garbage” Amar Singh”) all have taken on the Government on this issue. During a recent conference of Chief Ministers, all the opposition Chief Ministers was gunning for the Union Government. The Central Government said that Agriculture was a State Subject (issues of Governance has been divided into Union and State Subjects).Committees were formed and the meeting ended with strong sound bites for the media.

But in all of this, have the prices actually increased ?
The overall inflation (rise in prices of 60 essential commodities like food, fuel etc) is very low around 3%, but the food inflation is around 20% in the whole sale market. This essentially means that people have less money to spend on Movies and Clothes; food dominates almost 60% of household budget. Rice which was INR 10 in 1998, INR 13 in 2004 is being sole at INR 23 today. The price of wheat has doubled, while that of sugar has trebled. The consumption has only grown marginally, with the rise in population, so why have the prices grown? Is the Aam Aadmi suffering in the process?

India has precisely 6, 38,201 villages, where 72.2% of the population lives (have their homes where they live, they may travel to towns everyday or during the week). Over 60% of them are directly dependent on agriculture. The Government has a belief that higher prices benefit this segment of the electorate. Any party which manages to win the confidence of 72% of the population would win at least 460 seats in a 545 member house and can be absolute rulers, changing the constitution which requires 66% of the votes in parliament etc.

If one looks closely at the reason behind Indian Economy remaining Recession Proof during the Global Economic Crisis, is precisely because of the rural economy. Items like Cars, Tractors, TV, Fridges, Microwave Owens, and Mobile Phones etc sold in bulk keeping India Booming, during this period. Showrooms selling SUVs and Luxury Brands have come up in relatively well of regions of the rural areas- Rural Punjab and Haryana. This is an indicator that there is prosperity in the rural sector. The Idea of Sonia Gandhi for re-distribution of wealth under her brain child NREGA seems to be having its effect, with the Side Effect being Price Rise. The idea basically is to tax the rich and give that money to poor, not as charity but as source of work.

The Urban India’s rise in income due to globalization and the 6th Pay Commission is one of the reasons for Price Rise. While the 6th Pay Commission has doubled the salary and Pension in the hands of almost 2 Crore Government employees, the private sector has been more lavish in hiking salary. The subsidy in fuel and other essential commodities ensured more disposable income in hands of young persons, which fuelled consumption. India has almost 35% of the population below the age of 30. This segment is averse to saving much money instead spend money creating their new households.

Hence malls are crowded all the time. Consumption includes eating in restaurants to buying rice and wheat in well packed packets rather than measuring and taking home in plastic bags from grocery shops. As people became wealthier they wanted to buy better quality products which in turn led to the requirements of better quality produce, forcing farmers to take up plantation of crops which are of good quality. Hence slowly farmers only produce food grains which are of good quality rather than the ordinary quality produce which was prevalent earlier. An example of this would be Indian Cotton. The thread of Indian Cotton used to be only 3 inches as compared to 7 inches to the ones sold in International market. The textile industry requires longer threads. As foreign made clothes began to flock Indian markets, the farmers were forced to produce longer thread cotton to stay in competition.

There has also been an improvement in the agriculture facilities being provided to farmers. Drip Irrigation has replaced Flood Irrigation, which has made better utilization of available water. We read about toddlers falling into bore-wells, an indicator that ground water is been extensively used for agriculture. This has reduced the monsoon dependence on agriculture. The irrigation schemes have helped, as in spite of 232 districts (almost 33% of India) being drought affected, the output of crops was not affected.

There has been extensive shifting of people from cultivation of essential crops like rice & wheat to cash crops which can be exported and is sold at a higher price. There is mixed cropping of vegetables which require shorter growing time, which have helped boost incomes. But this is a dangerous trend. Rice and Wheat may become extremely expensive unless the yield is increased. The yield of most crops in India has remained constant, while the population has increased, with lesser land on which it is grown, automatically creates a scarcity and demands imports which have been taking place, over the last few years.

India is no longer self sufficient in food grains. Former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee launched a scheme called Prime Minister’s Rural Road Scheme. Under this scheme all villages have been provided with motor able roads, which have improved connectivity and transportation. This has allowed farmers to indulge in cultivation of perishable commodities like milk and vegetables.

This has further driven up rural incomes as vegetables are sold at a higher price and has a much shorter growing time, hence during one season a farmer can produce multiple of these crops .

Union Government has also launched an initiative called State Wide Area Network has provided internet connectivity to rural areas. A Union Government owned company’s Product e-Chaupal reaches 3.5 million farmers, across the country giving them instant access to data on new variety of crops, pricing of crops and markets. This reduces the profits of the middlemen and the farmers are able to get a better price for their crops. If rice is being sold at INR 25 in Delhi, a farmer producing that in Punjab would have earlier be selling it at INR 7 but now commands at least INR 19, which adds to his income.  Communication has further been improved by the widespread use of mobile phones.

Grameen Bank in Bangladesh introduced the concept of Micro-Credit, which has been implemented in India. Agriculture loans provided by Public Sector Banks have low interest rates and are meant for particular purchase which has helped farmers improve his implements. Though there can be improvements in the loan schemes and the reach these units have in the rural economy.

In areas around the Urban Areas, including the B Grade (Belgaum, Mangalore) and C Grade (Udupi, Kundapur) Cities, farmers have sold their land to the real estate boom and Special Economic Zones yielding high profits.

NREGA has had multiple effects on the life of farmers, especially his income. In states where the scheme has been implemented well, people get 100 days of work during the off season of agriculture. The price for labor has been much higher than the existing labor prices. They also paid women and men equally which meant more women work, giving them more confidence, so lesser domestic violence. This also means that people demand more salary for any other work they do. This increased labor costs means the cost of production of crops go up and so does the demand of mechanized devices like tractors. This leads to increase in price of crops.

All this factors contributing to higher income levels in the rural labor leads to increase in consumption. The pyramid of needs says that the food is basic to all human necessities and is seconded by clothing. So as people got money, they are buying more food. The farmers who never dared eat Dal are now consuming it. The essential items which were earlier cooked have new guests on the table which include, sweets. This is a good thing in the fight against hunger.

This was an aim of Independent India. All Indians will have similar lifestyles. We can now expect a rise in prices of clothes in India, so in the next few years designers who can make affordable clothes which are wearable for the rural masses can expect to do good business.

Effects like not getting domestic help in urban areas are already becoming common. The migration to urban areas would reduce, forcing employers to go to smaller centers to start business. The markets would become more spread out. This would mean that regional imbalance would be eradicated and more people can be taken out of poverty, as long as there is a real growth in income, fuelled by industrialization, exports and bringing out of the hidden wealth of rural India into the organized economy.

The UPA Government under Dr. Manmohan Singh also hiked the procurement price for food grains, which in-turn also led to the food price hike. By investing INR 1,25000Cr every year for the last six years, rural India is getting the benefits of development which were limited to Urban India. This has forced banks to set up rural centers in villages and small towns. The Papers are filled with advertisement for jobs in the rural sector. This economic growth will lead to other improvements like increased levels of literacy, lower urban migration and improvement in rural infrastructure.

But, is this rise in price an angel without a hint of devil. Well this rise in price is also because India wastes 70000 tons of food items, in storage and transportation. The debate about Bt-Brinjal continues that we are being made into lab rats, but it would be resistant to Insets and Pests, which is a major cause of wastage in the vegetable.

Though the tests have not been conclusive about the effect on human begins, but it will reduce wastage. In addition to it, Public Distribution System, which is supposed to be providing Rice at INR 3 to poorest of the poor in India, is a wholly corrupt organization which needs to be overhauled. There is no increase in the yield in
Indian farms, though China shows an increase in yield every few years.

But, today due to the high prices are people suffering? Yes, the urban poor are suffering. India has urbanized rapidly. It has the world’s largest slums. The people living in these slums are suffering greatly. Prices can be brought down by using the buffer stock which the government keeps as a source of food security, by importing the food grains and by subsidizing the food. Food prices must be brought under control.


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  • b. madhava prabhu, manipal

    Sat, Jan 26 2013

    Just by a change of govt n.d.a. to u.p.a. prices of all grocery jumped nearly 300%. What may be the reason? There were no war,,no heavy flood damage,no earth quake, no national desastar. Every date changes with price rice.This is for the first time in the history of our country. Do they use tax money to get votes? Do they intruduce new taxrs every day? Have they spent rs 550 crores on each indian for common wealth games? How the poor govt spent 70,000 crores fot games? Is it collecting tax from every bite of food of indians? Can indians live on the earth if olimpics held in india? Are all partys using tax money to return power by bribing certain section of the country people? Why they stoped visiting houses in the villages? Is non upa forgot indian public by dreaming victory in next election?

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  • Atul Dutt, Lucknow

    Tue, Jun 08 2010

    It could not highlight that during NDA's tenure, crude prices went up to $36.25 per barrel from $12.50 per barrel, with total increase of just $23.75.
    But the UPA had faced a 411 per cent hike as the crude prices hit the $139-mark in June.
    Even so, the NDA increased petrol prices 21 times and diesel 24 times and did not even spare kerosene.
    During the NDA tenure, the price of cooking gas or LPG cylinders was increased by Rs 109.60 in a span of five years.
    In the UPA period, in four years, the total increase has been Rs 83.15.

    NDA was giving slow poison to us.

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  • Neel Kamal , Bangalore

    Thu, Feb 25 2010

    Well Done ....Ayush all the best ..

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  • Joseph F. Gonsalves, Bannur, Puttur/ Mangalore

    Wed, Feb 17 2010

    Mr. Nagesh Nayak Bangalore, Why are you against the Christians? Do you mean Christians should go out of India or should live and serve the upper caste like the schedule castes? Can you bring back the lost land misruled by the Indian rulers of the past, if not you your comment is just like barking on the roadside. If you see the past, obviously your fore-fathers were Aryans or Dravidians. You were not at all a Hindu. Christians were and are spread like the sea of water. Nobody can empty Christianity except God alone who built on the rock foundation. Ref Matthew chapter 16-18 (And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.)

    Do Sanskrit also was stolen by vasco-da-gama and British? Why Sanskrit is vanished? Do British divide the country? Do British put behind Hindu Muslim conflict legacy occurring day by day? Pseudo's are for all including fundamentals. However the fundamentals are moving in the opposite direction and pseudo's are not spewing venom as you and your followers moving around every street with poisoned leaflets. You think that Christians are against Hindus that is your greatest weakness. I prove you that you are wrong in every comments and lack fundamental knowledge plus commonsense. You are not an eligible person to debate with me because your comments itself are very poor plus you are supporting evil possessed people.

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  • nagesh nayak, bangalore

    Thu, Feb 11 2010

    Hi, Joseph F. Gonsalves, Bannur, Puttur/ Mangalore, You psuedos are spewing venoms against hindus. This started from the day VASCO DA GAMA stepped in India. before that no christains were in Bharatha Desha. It was Bharath Desha with peaceful & prosperous life for all. problems in Bharath Desha started only after entry of vasco da gama. rest all history . If you want to have debate on this you can call me .we can have any day anywhere . FYI SANSKRIT LANGUAGE IS THE MOTHER OF ALL LANGUAGES & HINDUISM IS THE FOUNDATION OF ALL RELIGIONS.One small example : SHRI KRISNA DEVARAYA RULE. All precious articles are now in foriegn country . all STOLEN & CARRIED AWAY.JAI HO.

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  • Joseph F. Gonsalves, Bannur, Puttur/ Mangalore

    Thu, Feb 11 2010

    Dear Mr. Nagesh Nayak I did not buy sugar and onion when offered by Mr. Shenoy, a grocery fellow brought from Pakistan by the bjp government instead I opted Indian sugar for the slightly higher price. These DESHBHAKT’s are selling themselves as well as the nations soldiers. Mr. Nagesh do not move in motor bike, do not use trousers, shirt and underwear. Use only Langoti. One of the Bhat told me during the tenure of late Morarji Desai, If Late defense minister Jagajivanram becomes prime minister we (bhat’s/higher castes) should remove the janivaara (Thread tied around shoulder with stomach). Are you not spewing venom against Christians? You cannot digest the good work of congress and Christians and just wanted to hijack the developments of congress. By the way what developments Mr. Yeddyurappa has done to digest? May the C.M has provided you hefty wealth for poisoning the minds of Hindus and you are one among them shouting developments of bjp, developments of bjp being you are a volunteer. Provide the facts of developments. Where is 24 hour power supply Mr. Nagesh only to your house? Where is the flood money? Only celebrations under government expenses, church attacks/temple attacks/Mosque attacks? Mr. Yeddyurappa and bjp are the remote and remote control of RSS and VHP. Why you are boosting yourself for your comments. See the criticisms against you in this blog. You are just like Saglo budlyari naak voir, Adige biddaroo moogu mele. (If fully drowned you say you nose is up).

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  • Joseph F. Gonsalves, Bannur,Puttur/Mangalore

    Thu, Feb 11 2010

    Dear Mr./Miss./Mrs Rao, Moodabidri, Kindly find diagnose to your screaming ailments with the following prescriptions: 1) How do you advocate price rises Milk or silk? Are you not blind enough to comment when bjp increased the prices? Is it not rubbish you speak Rao? 2) Now you realize that most of the developments/price rises were under congress rule because BJP (NDA) and other parties were ruling only for 10 years and in the tenure of 10 years bjp and other kichidi parties did not increased the prices of commodities? 3) The fact is under the congress rule prices were raised and developments were so vulnerable that we are now 5the largest economy in the world. Now bjp is hijacking the developments without ruling the country is it not? That is the fact.

    4) What Mr. Yeddyurappa has done in Karnataka only a show of celebrations, supporting church, mosque and temple attacks and claiming developments of Congress? 5) I know you are a stench supporter of bjp. 6) Go around South Kanara District and see the farmers. Are they cultivating paddy or areca. What the citizens will do in areca? Do the government is encouraging farmers to cultivate Paddy? 7) Firstly, find out what are the reasons for price rise? Lastly, go to a medical shop of Mr. Kamath with these prescriptions and get well soon provided herewith.

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  • lingappa rao, udupi

    Thu, Feb 11 2010

    Most of the traders who make money are staunch DESH BHAKTAS who do not pay taxes.It every merchant pays due taxes the govt can subsidise food of the poor.Most merchants speak the language of patriotism,but hide their real income.BJP is the party of the merhants and the rich.If the prices go up they are the happiest.

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  • Roshan, Mangalore

    Thu, Feb 11 2010

    Trading is the place where the prices get manipulated, since as of now there is sufficient supply. To overcome the price rise, the Govt must regulate the quantity one trader can hold. Many traders or hoarders are willing to even burn the food grains to retain the higher prices. Govt must ensure strictist possible punishment on such acts, even death sentence.

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  • Martis Vikram, Durban/ South africa

    Wed, Feb 10 2010

    Dear Gents... Price Rise not only in every part of world same due to world economy as well as european market...............still indian govt doing better for us....see some countries.......they are no where...........

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  • Rao, Moodabidri

    Wed, Feb 10 2010

    Mr.Gonsavles Ur screaming for a 2rs increase in milk under BJP rule in KA. Do u even realise that all the price rise was under UPA and not under NDA. Dont speak rubbish, with out knowing the reality. If there is increase in milk price, blame it on price in fuel, cattle feed and everything that come to produce and deliver it to your door step. I can understand ur a stench supporter of UPA, but that doesnt mean u need to be blind! Come on go around and see for urself.Get well soon.

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  • munna, bangalore

    Wed, Feb 10 2010

    Nagesh maam why everytime your comment has to be on political or religious manner..? & always sarcastic... anyway let me be sarcastic for a minute ur english has improved..(effect of too much commenting...?)

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  • A.D'Cunha Shenoy, Mangaluru

    Wed, Feb 10 2010

    Price rise depends on demand and supply. Various factors play a role including people play, eg, hoarding. No single party or society by themselves can control it. Nature dicates many a times- rain and drought. This time india had devastation in Karnataka. Food grops have been destroyed including sugar cane. GOvernment alone cannot control but it can regulate or import shortages but global factors also play a role. As someone said less to do suffer the most.

    Government must have policies to make sure the poor get the food supply taht means rugulating exports for domestic consumption. India is fertile place and 4 crops grow here unlike many countries of the west and east where food has to be imported and prices are vicious. We are blessed. we buy food at a fragment of the price what other people in the world pay. We have abandant supply all the time, when I walk down the market I can see how much India has been blessed and how many poplulation it has to support. Its a miracle on earth.

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  • Naveen Sequeira, Mangalore

    Wed, Feb 10 2010

    How many of us/readers are farmers here? How many of us have livestock (cows/goats/chicken) at home, grow vegitables at home, grow rice/wheat at home? I am sure the number of farmers go down very year due to various reasons. Yeddi is planning to shift 100 villages because of flood issues. This will result in a big decrease in farming because when a farmer moves from avillage to a town/city he cant farm any more. UPA or NDA cant do anything much unless us/indians start working on the farm again. Or we need to commercilize farming, guess what it ain't gonna happen. Supply and Demand will eventually decide the price of these essential commodoties.

    When Yeddi increases the price of milk its good for milk producers. When Sugar/rice prices go up that too helps the farmer (it does, ask a farmer how much he used to get by selling a "MUDO" of rice a decade back and see the prices now). Again, i am not justifying UPA or NDA. When i started working i used to get 2000/- per month and now a days people out of engineering colleges make 15K per month on day one. How do you justify that? We want cheap groceries, cheap fish, cheap milk (what about the people who produce these tings?).

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    Wed, Feb 10 2010

    Possible that by this price rise govt.can easily force people to accept bt.seeds farming in the country. Watch out....

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  • Thomas Dsouza, Gorigudda/Israel

    Wed, Feb 10 2010

    is that Kankanady market picture..?

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  • Raj, Mangalore

    Wed, Feb 10 2010

    Yes, Price rise should be tackled immideatetly by the UPA Govt. Just sloganeering about Aam Admi will not help. Action is needed.

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  • Ahmed, Mangalore

    Wed, Feb 10 2010

    Our promising young leader Rahul Gandhi and also our congress president Soniya Gandhiji should show their real capability by doing something on this on high priority.People will accept them if they help "aam admi" in reality and not by their personal charming image.

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  • Jerome, Mangalore

    Wed, Feb 10 2010

    It is very easy in proving that there is no real price rise by presenting statistical data and fiscal terms which a common man can not understand.But a common man can understand that his earning (salary or wages) is same as earlier but expenditure for his household items have gone up. So, let the analysts and congress sponsored article writers bring this fact out. Jai ho politics!

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  • nagesh nayak, bangalore

    Wed, Feb 10 2010

    HI,Joseph F. Gonsalves, Bannur,Puttur/Mangalore, you are disturbed man & is not able to digest the facts. Please read the comments of Dr.Madhyasta,Japan which is replica of my comments.I will be a happiest pserson if prices of milk raises in Karnataka & thanks to SHRI.YEDIYURAPPAJI for helping milk producers who gets more money for their hardwork. no doubt we will sit on bail ghadi. As you said bail ghadi will be sold on premium if your remote controlled UPA continues in the power. jai ho.

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  • Dr.Madhyastha H, Hungarkatte/Japan

    Wed, Feb 10 2010

    Prise rise is always the phenomenon od development as political party says. Look the index of prise rise is much more higher in present UPA government than the previuos. The power of Sharad pawar should be reduced. Will Sonia do it because she wants Maharastra to be ruled by Congress with help of Pawar. Another point is same Dr Manmohan was efficient is controlling prise rise during Narashima rao government but why he deliver the same tricks now being P.M.

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  • Joseph F. Gonsalves, Bannur,Puttur/Mangalore

    Wed, Feb 10 2010

    Mr. Nagesh Nayak, Bangalore, bjp’s NDA Ulta Pulta alliance brought sugar and onion from your birth enemy. What a shame on to these fundamental organizations like RSS, VHP etc., Mr. Yeddyurappa raised milk prices which is a daily requirement of children What a shame, Gas Prices and petrol prices were increased by BJP (NDA). Mr. Nagesh Nayak don’t buy petrol instead move in bail ghadi that suits you and the fundamentals. We have terrorists, fundamentals, communal’s like Mr. Yeddyurappa, Mr. Modi, Mr. Thogadia, Mr. Thakrey’s to terrorize and fight with Indian citizens.

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  • Jatin, Dubai

    Wed, Feb 10 2010

    The reports sounds biased and supports Congress. The govt cannot runaway from the Public and turn an blind eye towards it.Here people are more interested in bashing hatred about religions then talking about price rise. We cannot compare expenditures in rural or urban by this article.The rural is getting more money since most of the family members have migrated to the urban cities and send the money back to the village for their family to survive.

    Recently there was an article where the commodity market is speculating the food prices which is invested by MNC's and its obious if MNC's are investing in the commodity market in crores then its obious they would expect returns in three digit growths.Rains did play games this year but the govt should have taken enough measures tackle it. We export the wheat and other other food grains at lower price and again import the same commodity at a higher price.Now thats called stupidity which even a school kid can figure out and he or she need not be a frequent comment basher on religion issues pointing out whose religion is good and bad and in the end,they just end their comment by mentiong Jai Ho or Jai Hind! Guys grow up!!! Talk about REAL issues for your survival

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  • Kenneth Furtado, Sastan / Dubai

    Wed, Feb 10 2010

    Great Job Ayush, Your article has really enlightened us about the facts of our economy & the subsequent price rise.

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    Wed, Feb 10 2010

    Daily statements and lip sympathy from the ministers will not solve the problems of price rise. Strong action without any fear or favor is called for. Corruption at all level is the root cause for such status. Jai ho

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  • Roshan, Mangalore

    Tue, Feb 09 2010

    Rightly said Mr. Jerome.There are few people among educated and rich class who do not feel the pinch of price rise.I know there are people who do not look at their ration bill and do not compare the prices printed on the provisions.Think about people who just earn Rs 10,000/ or below. They also eat the way eat and they also send their children to schools.Bottom line here is we should all unite and raise our voice on the price rise so that govt. will do something.

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  • Jerome, Mangalore

    Tue, Feb 09 2010

    Every time when congress rule in centre price rise is inevitable.The sugar price rose during Rajiv Gandhi's tenure to sky high and so on.Just compare price of Atta during NDA regime and now.It is impossible,but some people just dont accept as they are blind supporters of congress.

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  • nagesh nayak, bangalore

    Tue, Feb 09 2010


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