London: South Kanara Association Launches Official Website
John Mascurenus, SKALondon
London, Jul 16: With a lot of fanfare and a gathering of South Kanara Association's (SKA) office-bearers, managing committee, members and their guests the official website of the association was launched recently at the All Saints Parish Centre.
The official launch of the website was marked by the cutting of the ribbon by Ron Rodrigues, president of SKA and the champagne flowing freely. John Mascurenus, the editor gave a ‘once-over' on the website and the various navigational menus.
The launch was preceded by the annual Summer Sizzler event with starter snacks brought to each table. Sheila Pais organised a warm-up bingo game with cash prizes for ‘jaldi5' , 1 line, full house and ‘last man standing'. Then followed a variety of dancing to the music by Chico, a pastmaster in disco and vocals. A sumptuous lunch/dinner satisfied every gourmet's delight, followed by some more dancing and selective prizes for those on the floor. The event ended with a variety of dancing.
SKA expressed its gratitude to Brolin Rodrigues for lending his expertise in launching the website.
About SKAN
SKAN operates under the aegis of SKA and SKALondon. SKA was founded in 1979 by Felix D'Souza and Raymond Menezes. Since then SKA has grown immensely and over the years has adopted the name of SKA London. In the early years of SKA a newsletter entitled SKAN used to be hand-produced by John Mascurenus on a manual typewriter, photocopied and distributed to all members. Then came the SKAN produced in a modern printing environment with a stiff binder and all the niceties of a newsletter and distributed to a growing population of members. And finally in this 21st century internet being the flavour of the era SKALondon is now put on the web to enable members and all readers to have immediate access to all the news of the association and also to provide a feedback path to communicate with everyone.