Udhayanidhi Stalin granted bail by Bengaluru court in Sanatana Dharma remark case

Bengaluru, Jun 25 (IANS): Tamil Nadu Minister for Youth Welfare and Sports Development, Udhayanidhi Stalin, was on Tuesday granted conditional bail with a surety of Rs 1 lakh by the Special Court of Magistrate for trial of cases against present and former MPs/MLAs.

The court had ordered Udhayanidhi Stalin to appear before it based on a complaint lodged by social activist V Paramesha in connection with derogatory remarks on Sanatana Dharma.

Udhayanidhi Stalin had appeared before the court on Tuesday morning.

The court also granted exemption to Udhayanidhi Stalin from appearance in further proceedings in the case.

As the case is also being looked into by the Supreme Court, the Special Court adjourned the matter to August 8.

The complainant claimed that the remarks made by Udhayanidhi Stalin defamed him, his religion and people belonging to Hindu faith.

The court had taken cognisance of offences under IPC Sections 153 (wantonly giving provocation, with intent to cause riot) 298 (uttering words etc with deliberate intent to wound religious feelings) and 500 (defamation).

Speaking at a conference in September 2023, Udhayanidhi Stalin said that Sanatana Dharma was against social justice and equality and should be ‘eradicated’.

The statement stirred a controversy at the national level.



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  • Nithin, Bangalore/SA

    Tue, Jun 25 2024

    Excellent...!!, you can bad mouth anything against Hinduism and walk free, Raja from Dmk said Hinduism is like HIV ,but person like Nupur Sharma spoke whats written in Islamic books , several Muslim countries and thousands in india started jumping saying Blasphemy, But no one could prove her statements were incorrect , an example to saw which religion is more tolerating, Can these dmk ministers make the same statement against Islam?

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  • Rayan, Dubai/Mangalore

    Tue, Jun 25 2024

    There is nothing wrong in his statement. Where is equality in Sanatana Dharma. Untouchability still prevalent even in this educated era.

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  • Mohammed ansar, UDYAVARA

    Tue, Jun 25 2024

    In simple words follow and love your religion and respect other religion. End of the day we all are humans.

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