News headlines

Times News Network

New Delhi, Jun 19: A special court on Monday granted bail to Sahil Zaroo, a co-accused with Rahul Mahajan in a drug abuse case.

Judge N.K. Gupta of the special court dealing with cases under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (NDPS) Act ordered Zaroo's release on his furnishing a bail bond of Rs.200,000 with one surety of the like amount.

The court directed Zaroo not to leave Delhi without its permission till the charge sheet in the case was filed. The court also asked him to surrender his passport.

The accused was asked not to tamper with evidence and meet witnesses in the case.

Zaroo, who belongs to Kashmir, is accused of having procured drugs for Rahul and Bibek Moitra, the son and aide respectively of late Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Pramod Mahajan, on the night of June 1.

Following an alleged drinks-and-drugs party, Rahul, 31, was admitted to a Delhi hospital in serious condition, while Bibek was declared brought dead.

Rahul, facing charges of drug trafficking, was released on the bail by the special court last week.


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