Mangalore: Rama Setu Rakshana Samiti Activists Block City Roads

Mangalore: Rama Setu Rakshana Samiti Activists Block City Roads

Daijiworld Media Network – Mangalore (MM/NR)
Pics - Dayanand Kukkaje and Rajesh Shetty

Mangalore, Sep 12: The activists of Sri Ramasetu Rakshana Samiti held rasta roko throughout the city here on Wednesday September 12.

The strike is called to save the Rama Setu which is located close to Rameshwaram in Tamil Nadu. The union government has planned to break Rama Setu to create a pathway for ships. However, Sangh Parivar leaders are opposing this project. Hence, the bundh is being observed around the city from morning 8 to 11.

The activists of the Rakshana Samiti have blocked all roads in places like Pumpwell, Adyar, State Bank, Ambedkar Circle at Jyoti, B C Road, PVS, Mangaladevi etc. Hence, a big queue of vehicles is found in all these places. 

Moreover, all around one finds the activists shouting slogans against the union government. In some places, the activists can be seen chanting bhajans of Shri Ram.

Owing to the bundh call, however school and college students and employees working in the city found it difficult to reach their destination in the morning. Many of the shops in the city are seen with their shutters down in the morning as a direct response to the road block.

The local authorities are not taking any chances and therefore the city police has made tight security arrangements all over the city and are keeping strict vigil. 


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  • Donfrank, Manglalore, UAE

    Tue, Sep 18 2007

    I fully agree with the comments of Anitha D Souza. Disturbing peace and destroying public property is not all justified, whatever may be the motive. All citizenns have the right to protest, but they cannot take law into their own hands. India is for all religions and we should not allow some fanatic groups to destroy our democratic and secular country. Let us all unite and defeat these anti-social elements. Let us make our country strong. Jai Hind.

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  • Vincent Furtado, Mulky/Dubai

    Mon, Sep 17 2007

    The real issue for discussion here is whether street violence is justified to make the people's voices heard? My question - Is there any other BETTER alternative to convey message to our ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES?

    I personally feel our representatives believe only violent protests are real protests and at least an enquiry committee will be setup to look into it.

    Secondly, what invokes us best to protest is - violence against priests/nuns, Ram/Rahim. Finally, we people can never unitedly fight against corruption, injustice, in-equality. Political people always will find a reason to mobilize people for RAM/RAHIM. When a single mulla/christian priest can turn their individual voices into public voices which can be heard in distant Delhi, why not Hindus? That is the majority question.

    Do we want a better society? Let us then unite & fight against corruption, poverty, injustice, in-equality - TODAY. OR ELSE OUR CHILDREN WILL FIND A REASON WHY RDX, AK-47, is best to convey their messages.

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  • Anita D'Souza, Udupi/Mumbai

    Mon, Sep 17 2007

    Preethi - You contradict your own statement. First you say that all were Hindus prior to the aggression of the mughals and the Christians. That does mean that they are Indians. Then you say “we have been generous enough to accommodate other religions in our country”.

    If forefathers of Muslims’ and Christians were Hindus, where does the question of accommodating them arise? Why do you feel that India belongs only to Hindus? I would like to remind you that (looks like you have forgotten) India belongs to all Indians irrespective of caste, creed and religion.

    By the way, do you have anything to say about millions of Hindus living in Western, mid-eastern (Gulf) & Asia-pacific regions. India is a democratic country and every citizen has a right to protest (you too have, go to street and protest but don’t force people to - down the shutters of their shops or stop plying buses and don’t pelt stones/damage the property of others). Since you broached the topic of tolerance, I would like to tell you more about OUR tolerance. We Catholics provide all the infrastructure to our schools and do you know who reaps the benefit? You guessed it right.

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  • brian, Mangalore

    Mon, Sep 17 2007

    Hello preethi if we look at ancestors and grandfathers India will not improve....we are now in 2007 not in 1907....

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  • sudeep, udupi

    Mon, Sep 17 2007

    Dear 'Dhakshina, Udupi', Unless you are an Atheist - you follow some religion, right?. Every religion has so many stories "without PROOF or LOGIC".  If so, I suggest you to read the history about various religions of the universe, I am sure your intelligent brain would find a lot of entertainment.

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  • Dhakshina, udupi

    Sun, Sep 16 2007

    It is strange for us to believe that a bridge was built by monkeys.Preeti statement that prior to aggression all were Hindus is as true as our ancestors were monkeys. What a great arguement.

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  • Preethi, Mangalore

    Sun, Sep 16 2007

    And why should Hindus not have strikes? Someone among the previous commentators have made a mention about father of the nation - Mahatma Gandhi. It was Gandhiji only who said that we should have strikes to oppose the injustice.

    Hindus are tolerant of other relegion. But the other relegions should not test their patience. Everyone should remember that they were Hindu's prior to the aggression of the Mughals and the Christians. Yet we have been generous enough to accomodate other relegions in our country. The least you can do is respect the land on which you live. The artefacts are priceless and speak a lot about the past. If the government cant do their job, let us appreciate someone who does it.

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  • Dhashina, Udupi

    Sat, Sep 15 2007

    We should respect the true findings and should not argue on scientific facts due to our own sentiment stories taught by puranas. Government has nothing to do with the subject.

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  • Ananda P., Hejamady/Mumbai

    Sat, Sep 15 2007

    I have one question for Salim, when America raged war in Iraq there were demonstrations all over the country bringing the life to stand still in many cities. Similarly, when danish cartoon issue came up there were protests bringing the life of normal to a stand still. Didn't you think that those acts were hindrance in nation's progress?

    I have not seen any comments from the people those who are commenting now, have ever bothered to write a single sentence, when the news was published in Daijiworld. Do you mean to say, when Muslims protest for religious issues it will be absolutely right & Hindus do not have any right to protest on sentimental issues after being repeatedly hurt by such brainless acts of the government.

    I want to know why was just ASI involved in this issue of giving affidavit. Why was the Department of Oceanography was totally sidelined, although it had conducted extensive reaserch in the seabed about this said bridge? I don't think anyone can give a satisfactory answer for this question.

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  • Supriya Shenoy, Mangaluru

    Fri, Sep 14 2007

    This is not a sudden decision by Samithi to conduct road blocks or Rasta Roko. In fact it was made public a month ago and most of the concerned citizens were aware of this. Now there is no sense in blowing horns against protestors.

    Protesting peacefully against an act which affects the faith of a religion in their own country is more sensible than protesting and damaging properties here for an incident occurred in far Iraq or Denmark, or against a film which interestingly had a smooth sail in European countries.

    By questioning the existence of Lord Shri Ram the UPA government led by Sonia Gandhi has made a biggest blunder and pushed itself to corner. Tomorrow the same questions can be raised against others, which at least congress leaders will not dare or dream, fearing death.

    Bowing to the protest and fearing further turmoil in the country government has decided to withdraw its controversial affidavit. As usual Congress and its some adoring media groups have given credit to its leader Sonia for influencing the withdrawal of controversial affidavit.

    Believe it or not, they say this poor woman was not aware of the contents of affidavit as it was filed earlier without her consent!!! Strange show!!

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  • Raji, Mangalore

    Fri, Sep 14 2007

    Saleembhai, Why did India come to standstill when Ram Janmabhoomi - Babri Masjid was brought down? Why didn't muslims just carry on the business as usual?

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  • MOHAN H NAIK, Mangaluru

    Fri, Sep 14 2007

    Whilst I appreciate the general concern of readers about the impact of Bundhs and Strikes, on public life and totally agree with the fact that, the ‘Expression of sentiments’ through such bunds in the way they are being expressed, by creating discomfort to public, jeopardising the economy is not at all acceptable in civilised society.

    However reading the recent statement/argument by Government of India, before honourable Supreme court, defending its plan to build a shipping canal, that,’ Epics do not prove existence of Ram ‘, I feel is a slaughter on secular democratic structure of India. Having said this, if tomorrow the Government also makes similar statement about other historical personalities, how others would accept that?

    I think the Government is dragging the issue and such irresponsible statements can only upset the social balance, by giving a chance to fanatics to take law and order in hands. Unfortunately we cannot summon Mr Valmiki or Mr Tulsidas before the honourable court and ask them, what proof they had about birth of lord Rama.

    What really concerns me is not the issue, whether Ram really exist or not, but the fact that the same Ram by virtue of his personality and individuality as expressed in Ramayana was responsible for emergence of great soul like Mahatma Gandhi , the staunch believer and apostle of non-violence. It’s very much true and tragic that, the same Rams name is used by few to meet their trivial, personnel gain, there by politicising the whole issue.

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  • sudeep, Udupi

    Fri, Sep 14 2007

    I beg to disagree with "Saleem, Mangalore". I am TOTALLY AGAINST bundhs causing inconvinence to public in general. But the bigger issue here is the so called double sided secularism of central govt. Is there any scientific proof about any other religions?? Weren't there protests across the world during the cartoon issue with severe worldwide damages.

    Even the damages caused in India and other parts of world is illegal - as there wouldn't be any scientific evidence either. Do you think if there is a case in Supreme court our govt would tell the same about any other religion? I SERIOUSLY doubt it.

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  • sumukh, mangalore

    Fri, Sep 14 2007

    The work of activities of  BJP outfits  is to create confusion, misunderstanding and trouble for the masses. I suggest that they ban these organizations and label them as terrorists as these are the indeginious terrorists of India.

    They should have been banned when their member killed the father of the nation . shame that we support being such learned Doctors, MBA's and Engineers. Let us throw their idiology and tyranny out of our houses.. I bet there are a lot more people who think like me..

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  • Saleem, Mangalore

    Thu, Sep 13 2007

    I think this has become quite common for all the Sangh Parivar to find a way to protest and damage the growth of India. Please be reminded that, all these so called Sangh Parivar  are destroying the public properties all over India, they are making all the Indian's life miserable by staging these typs of bandhs etc.

    One should understand the logic behind these acts. They are nothing but politically motivated & this will not help anyone in India.  Scintifically it is proven that there is nothing called Rama Setu and when it is just a story how can it be possible for a rama setu. I think, the Govt & the Police should take strong action to stop all these types of agitations. See what happened to the lady who gave birth on the road due to this bandh. She too a hindu & why did the Sangh Parivar did not alloweher to reach the hospital???

    This same Sangh Parivar are trying to protect the Hindu values & Hinduism in India by protesting each & every issue all over India by taking law in there hands! I strongly suggest that, the Govt of India should strictly & immediately ban all these groups if we want to progress India & Indian Culture.

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  • sudeep, udupi

    Thu, Sep 13 2007

    The inconvenience caused to public due to the bundh is definitely condemnable. I fail to understand why central govt. wants to play with religious sentiments of Hindus? Is it because they are tolerant? I am sure govt would not have dared a similar thing if this was related to minority community instead fearing a nationwide protest and maybe violence and of course votebank.

    To those who say this religious protest is only confined to hindus I would like them to remember the Cartoon and Da-vinici code protests.

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  • Arshad, Dubai/Udupi

    Thu, Sep 13 2007

    This is one more political game of Sangh Parivar.Thank God this time any of the minority communities are not involved, it's directly against the union govt. and supreme court of India !!!

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  • Ananda P., Hejamady/Mumbai

    Thu, Sep 13 2007

    There is nothing wrong in protesting in a meaningfulway. That is a part of democratic way of opposing any policy of a ruling party by opposition or people. However, going in for a Bundh & forcing others to follow the suit should not be done.

    We have seen such a mass protests in the past by various religious groups & political paties all over the country. The notable ones in the recent past were of the protests against the movie "The Da Vinci Code" & Danish Cartoons.

    Many political parties harboured such protests & bundhs were also observed. The Supreme court directive of banning bundh is not at all followed by any party or a group. Records suggest, Kerala & West Bengal are the worst performers in maintaining the Supreme Court ruling.

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  • john anthony, mangalore

    Thu, Sep 13 2007

    Bundhs are a total waste of time and a drain on the economy. It also is a sheer nuisance. If and when we need to highlight or protest regarding anything, adequate notice is to be given to the public, so that they are not pulled into this cesspool of stupidity.

    These bundhs are never a commom man's outburst, but always a political party's time pass at the cost of a common man. I dont think these parties will ever change. Blame ourselves for voting such opportunistic parties.

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  • bharath shetty, USA

    Thu, Sep 13 2007

    Dont compare Japan and India...At current situation if you follow Japan's way, people do not even bother after 10 years or so....

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  • Mohan H Naik, Mangaluru

    Thu, Sep 13 2007

    Whats wrong in trying to keep our historical facts intact ?

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  • Girish, Mangalore

    Thu, Sep 13 2007

    It's indeed a sad day for ordinary citizens inconveninced by this agitation. Children can't get to school , citizens can't get to work, businesses lose revenue. A total and complete loss of productivity. The activists have every right to protest. But they should do it in a manner that it doesn't affect the average citizen's day-to-day life.

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  • WILSON, Dubai

    Thu, Sep 13 2007

    India is developing and making a image globally. But some people creating such a nuisance to the publc.We all unite together and teach them a lesson.

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  • Abu Saha, Mulki / Saudi Arabia

    Thu, Sep 13 2007

    Mr. Veneith, strikes are common only wherever uncivilized people live. I will tell you one story, in Japan a leading shoe making company workers  decided to go onr strike asking for some benefits. But they didn’t come to road and broken the public properties. As a part of strike they started to produce only left foot wear and totally blocked the production of right foot wear so that product could not get moved to market.

    Soon their management agreed to fulfill their needs they started the production of right foot wear until they get pair for each left foot wear. This kind of mentality made Japanese to lead the world with quality products.

    If you want to strike against something, it should not hurt innocent people. We can see in India if a dog bites a child at playing ground, people will come to road and will throw stones to busses, blaming town municipality. If union govt. planned to break the RAM SETU which is located in Tamilnadu, what was the fault of Mangalorean people, who were in buses going to hospitals, schools, colleagues? Banks?

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  • Santhosh Bangera, Mangalore

    Thu, Sep 13 2007

    Rama Sethu is our Religious faith.We Hindus believe that it was built by Sri Ram.And scientifically it is believed that its a protection wall against Tsunami.We are unable to understand why the govt is in a hurry in destroying it.Lets support the Hindu organisations in their move to rescue Ram Sethu

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  • Peter Menezes, M'lore/Saudi/Weatherford

    Thu, Sep 13 2007

    Gents, Do something creative to improve our country. Why you all waste valuable time in those useless strike etc. Let us work to build better India. Time is very valuable.....because God has given us few years,days,hours.....Never know how much time is there with us?. So do something good. Best of luck.

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  • Shanthipriya, Dubai

    Thu, Sep 13 2007

    This is done by only few bunch of people who dont care about common mans grieviences. Look at those brothers and sisters going for college, old people wondering for Auto.... Friends please. think of those.

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  • ShivarayaKamath, Bantval

    Thu, Sep 13 2007

    No comments on Bandhs. We have lost all hopes of opposing. but wide publication atleast 24 hours before would have saved the precious hours of so many people. Will there be a bundh tomorrow?

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  • sumukh shetty, Mangalore

    Thu, Sep 13 2007

    I fail to understand why people are still beleiving and following these fanatic forces behind bundhs. Arent the past bandhs and riots an eye opener to our city.. When will the people wake up and oppose such tyrany and wrath

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  • sumukh shetty, Mangalore

    Thu, Sep 13 2007

    I fail to understand why people are still beleiving and following these fanatic forces behind bundhs. Are'nt the past bandhs and riots an eye opener to our city.. When will the people wake up and oppose such tyrany and wrath

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  • venugopala Bhandary, putturu

    Thu, Sep 13 2007

    If these protests bring a positive result,it will really contribute in the growth of the nation.otherwise sometimes we can see some blunder decisions of the government which are not at all beneficial to the country.Example : Reservation bill.

    Here government can utilise this path to construct a road path to Sri Lanka with a provision to ship way also. These type of structures we can see between gulf countries.

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  • Veneith, Mangalore/Australia

    Wed, Sep 12 2007

    At Mr Vijay Strikes are very common in a well established country like France too.

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  • Purushottama, Byndoor

    Wed, Sep 12 2007

    In the pictures one bus was displaying the board " SHANTHI". Was it a pure coincidence or it was spreading the message of peace to disturbed enviornment???

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  • vijay, mulki

    Wed, Sep 12 2007

    Until when these bunds will work? Why this is all happening in  India only?

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