Pics: Kevin Rodrigues
Daijiworld Media Network – Udupi (JD/KR)
Udupi, Apr 3: Bindas Kalakar Pernal emerged as the winners in the first edition of ‘Hasyancho Phugetyo’ Konkani comedy while Prerana Friends, Kolalgiri and Khathkuthli Thottam won the second prize and third prize respectively.
The event was organized by the ICYM, Kalmady Unit along with ICYM, Udupi deanery in the Udupi diocese level at Stella Maris Church grounds on Sunday April 1.
The first prize was a cash prize of Rs 15,000 and memento. Rs 10,000 and Rs 5,000 were second and third prizes respectively.

Steevan D’Souza, of Khathkuthli Thottam won the best actor’s prize.
The fun-filled event was inaugurated by Fr Valerian Mendonca, chancellor, diocese of Udupi by lighting the lamp, while Fr Alban D’Souza, parish priest, Stella Maris Church, Kalmady, Fr Lawrence Cutinho, director, ICYM, Udupi deanery, Sherlyn D’Sa, president, ICYM, diocese of Udupi, Sanjay Andrade, vice president, parish pastoral council, Kalmady, Shobha Mendonca, secretary, parish pastoral council, Kalmady, Sandeep Andrade, animator, ICYM Kalmady, Dion D’Souza, president, ICYM, Udupi deanery, Joyson D’Souza, president, ICYM, Kalmady were present on the occasion.
During the inaugural ceremony, Fr Valerian Mendonca said, “Greek philosophers said that ‘Man is a laughing animal.’ Laughter is man’s common attitude. But today in the modern world, we have lost the sense of humour. Many are under depression. To overcome this, many organize laughing clubs also. The laughter produced today in the event should not be an artificial one. Today people only give a business smile,”
Speaking on the occasion, Fr Alban D’Souza, parish priest of Stella Maris Church Kalmady said, “A meaningful programme was organized by ICYM Kalmady and ICYM Udupi deanery. Today on April 1, we also celebrate Fool’s day. With handful of numbers in the ICYM of Kalmady Unit, they took the challenge to organize such a big event. On this occasion I congratulate them as well as all the participants who took part in the competitions.”
Nach Sobhann, Mangaluru headed by choreographer Avil D’Cruz presented an enthusiastic dance performance. The dance performance depicted Konkani culture with Baila dance and disco dance. Avil D’Cruz was also honoured during the event.
Nigel Pereira, John M Permannur, Martin R D’Souza Vamanjoor were the judges for the completions. In all, eight teams from the diocese participated in the competition.
Expressing his opinions Nigel Pereira said, “All the eight teams performed very well. As judges, we have selected the best team as the winner. But all the teams have put their best efforts for the competition,”
During the formal function Joyson D’Souza welcomed. Jeshma Mendonca compered and Dion D’Souza proposed the vote of thanks.
In the valediction programme, Fr Edwin D’Souza, director, ICYM, diocese was present. Mementoes were given to all the teams.
The Expressions from Sasthan, Bindas Kalakar from Pernal, Prerana Friends, Kolalgiri, Khathkuthli, Thottam, Maskiri Tharnati, Pamboor, Hasyanchi Kalakar, Belman, Kuchilo, Moodubelle and Sangathi Kalakar, Mundkur took part in the competitions.
Msgr Baptist Menezes, vicar general, diocese of Udupi and priests from the diocese were present on the occasion.
Roshan Sequeira, Kuntalnagar and Rosalia Cardoza, Udyavar anchored the competition.