BJP will Renegotiate N-deal if Comes to Power: Sushma Swaraj

Press Trust of India

Jaipur, Sep 7: Expressing her apprehensions about the Indo-US nuclear deal, senior BJP leader Sushma Swaraj on Sunday said that if the party come to power it will renegotiate the pact.

Making a scathing attack on Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, Swaraj alleged that Singh for his own prestige has put India's sovereignty at stake on the nuclear deal issue.

Though the 16 years embargo against India has been lifted by NSG at Vienna meeting but the country has lost its sovereignty, Swaraj said at a press conference here.

Dismissing UPA's claim that the deal was historic, Swaraj compared it with Moghul emperor Jehangir regime when he had permitted the East India Company for trading and in the process India became a slave for more than 250 years.

She said after the exposure of US President George Bush letter's to Burney it became clear that if India go for nuclear tests the deal would be nullified.

The BJP, Swaraj said, will oppose the deal in the parliament. It will also hold rallies and meetings to create public awareness about its impact on India's interests.

Replying to a query, she said there is difference between the BJP and Left's opposition to the deal. "The reasons and intentions of both the parties are different," she said.

When asked why BJP is opposing the deal when it itself had initiated it, Swaraj said, though her party had initiated the deal but it is against India opening up 35 of its reactors for inspection to IAEA. BJP wanted only one of the reactors to be under the purview of IAEA inspection, she said.


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  • Madhav Bandarkar, Mupsa Goa / Doha Qatar

    Wed, Sep 10 2008

    BJP will renegotiate N-deal if comes to Power, N-Deal stand for No clear deal ? but Return IF possible.

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  • Willie, USA

    Tue, Sep 09 2008

    India could improve as far as one party thinks of undoing, tearing and pulling down anything that is either accomplished or planned by the other party which may have lost in the elections. There ought to be stability and progress of the projects undertaken by the government no matter which party it is. The kind of thought Sushma enjoys in her mind, could she think of applying to her own family affairs?

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  • Avil, Dubai

    Tue, Sep 09 2008

    Sushma, you are too old to dream of such a pact. You may rethink your situation, when you were totally devastated by winning of Sonia Gandhi over you at Karnataka Elections. Hope this shame is still on your face and minds of the public, when you talk being a spokesman of BJP.

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  • Lancelot N. Tauro, Manglore - Doha qatar

    Tue, Sep 09 2008

    Dear Sushma Swaraj, Stop dreaming, stop fooling, Gone are the days, Now people are more educated. That's why they thrown out you in Lok Sabha. "IF" BJP comes to power. thats remain "IF" only

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  • Prakash Shetty, Managalore

    Tue, Sep 09 2008

    You guys can't handle internal communal riots but too good in pointing out dirt on your friends' eyes. People are educated in both ways scientifcally as well as politically. What you talk is utter non-sense.

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  • Wilson, Belthangady

    Mon, Sep 08 2008

    "If the party come to power it will renegotiate the pact ".Sushma Swaraj.! It will not happen, do not day dream at all & kindly do not mislead the public please....

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  • Venu Bhandary, Puttur/Muscat

    Mon, Sep 08 2008

    Congress has a lot of ambitions to develop India. That’s why they can not be transparent with the public and hide the contents of the deal until everybody was quiet. When left come out of the alliance everybody understood about the loops.

    Otherwise none of the congressmen bothered for a waiver or any changes to the deal. Unless BJP comes to power common public will be far from the in and out of this deal. Congress developed its vote bank by the divide and rule policy and will continue till the next few years.

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  • Shahnawaz kukkikatte, Dubai/udupi

    Mon, Sep 08 2008

    I think this BJP wants mislead the public and communualise the nuclear issue too. Dirty party with dirty politics.

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  • Francis, Mangalore-Mumbai

    Mon, Sep 08 2008

    After what your party goondas have been doing with the christians in Orissa, do you think your party will ever come to power. After get the majority and then day dream.

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  • Abu Omer,

    Mon, Sep 08 2008

    Whatever the government Does, oppositiion think their job to pull the leg, this is what you are doing young lady. Good luck keep trying......

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