After Chidambaram, Slipper Hurled at Advani in Madhya Pradesh


Katni, Apr 16: A slipper was on Thursday lobbed at BJP leader LK Advani by a former functionary of the saffron party during a public meeting in Madhya Pradesh, the latest in the series of such episodes involving political leaders.

The slipper was hurled by former Katni district president of BJP Pawas Agarwal, who allegedly was aggrieved at the party leadership for being "removed from his post due to groupism within the party," police said.

He threw the slipper shortly after Advani reached the dais, they said.

Soon after the incident, he was taken to the backside of the stage and then whisked away by the police.

The incident comes close on the heels of a journalist throwing a shoe at home minister P Chidambaram during a press conference in New Delhi and a retired school principal lobbing a footwear at Congress candidate in Kurukshetra Navin Jindal during a poll rally. 


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    Sat, Apr 18 2009

    Dear Indian voters, Voting day is the greatest day in your life, to choose a government, First please do not waste your vote, if people who are physically handicapped, they can come forward and vote, why cannot strong and able persons like us left behind, and please do caste your vote to leaders, who will run the country, not ruin the country, and help us and all our country men,

    India is a rich country, lets all make ourselves and our mother country proud, Indians are the best. Love you all.

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  • Abubaker Pallipadi, Addoor/Riyadh

    Sat, Apr 18 2009

    Don't support these kind of revenge attacks.

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  • Genius, Mangalore

    Sat, Apr 18 2009

    We must stop this menace by adopting concrete measures. Those who attend the press conference or meetings of Political leaders must come wearing " Langoti" only. No suits, no coats no shoes

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  • Lokanath.D, Bantwal/Iran

    Sat, Apr 18 2009

    Dear Mr.Anand,do u know how much india is effected due to recession? how many of them have lost their jobs?what is dollar rate now?if u r so strong,what should be the doller rate?just go to bangalore and talk to the graduates or yet to come out from the colege campus,they will tell u the truth.

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    Sat, Apr 18 2009

    .He is the real culprit who started communal hatred among people.What contribution has he done other than dividing indians by caste and religion.

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  • Nithin, Mangalore/Gulf

    Sat, Apr 18 2009

    S.M. Nawaz has rightly said that this is not our culture. Stop supporting this type of act. Tomorrow somebody throws shoe to our Prime Minister or President Will you people support saying that they deserve this.

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  • SUMAN, mangalore

    Sat, Apr 18 2009


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  • Ronald, Udupi

    Sat, Apr 18 2009

    Naveen Sinha, why are you so upset on Non Hindus? You are getting carried away bit too much.  Respect the constitution and be patriotic. Be convinced that all Indian citizens possess equal rights to live in India and to practice the faith they wish to!!

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  • Raj, Mangalore

    Sat, Apr 18 2009

    Anand Kumar, Mangalore/Dubai....Have you noticed the dollar price now? If you were into Import export business you would know the exact situation...Try to know more on what you comment....

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  • Gundappa, Kirkol

    Sat, Apr 18 2009

    The shoe and the cobbler should be punished and banned and not the thrower.

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  • Imran Kaup, Dubai

    Fri, Apr 17 2009

    Instead of shoes he could have thrown hard stones!!!!!isnt it wat u guys say??

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    Thu, Apr 16 2009

    Chappal hurled at our to be strong PM ?. very bad,... an IRON MAN,most younger than congressman, always dreamt of indian culture..... YE KIS KA SHADYANTR HAI..???

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  • Roshan , Moodbidri/Abudhabi

    Thu, Apr 16 2009

    Oh oh not again!!!

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  • Ajith, Mangalore

    Thu, Apr 16 2009

    This is shoe terrorism,But Advani and other sangh parivar leaders deserve it for their sectarian and divisive politics as well as double speak.

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  • S.M. Nawaz Kukkikatte, udupi

    Thu, Apr 16 2009

    This is not Good for Indian Culture. We have Voting Power. we should use that.

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  • Anselm, Kinnigoli

    Thu, Apr 16 2009

    Who is next ??

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  • Nithesh, Mangalore

    Thu, Apr 16 2009

    This shows that the BJP party workers themselves have no faith in the "fake" Iron Man. Advani deserves this as he has always followed a policy of "Mooh mein Raam, Bagal mein Chuuri"

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  • Francis, Mangalore/Muscat

    Thu, Apr 16 2009

    Public fed up of speeches/Debates....Of course this shoe culture will lead to reduction of public meetings, hatred speech, false promises, waste of public money and time....! Politicians wake up.... read their mind. Public expects developments, actions from you....!

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  • Santhosh, Caribbean

    Thu, Apr 16 2009 Indian people know how to choose their leader.....You get what you give (do) i right?

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  • Annu menezes, Mangalore/Siddakatte

    Thu, Apr 16 2009

    This is Indias new Game. Slipper Ki jai ho.....

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  • LAWRENCE D'SOUZA, kuwait mangalore

    Thu, Apr 16 2009

    Very good advani deserves it This is inaguration now.  There are so many joothas to other BJP leaders like venkatya naidu,sushma,sadanada gowda, list goes on ,

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  • Navin Sinha, Patna/Mangalore

    Thu, Apr 16 2009

    After the Iraqi journalist, Jarnail Singh, a retired school teacher flung his chappal at industrialist Congress MP Naveen Jindal because he doesn't agree with the policies of Congress. Again same happened with P Chidambaram, a wooden object hurled at him for the reason officials to forgive and release the LTTE supporter.

    Politicians would now have to come with shields, helmets and such for press conferences and public addresses. This is nothing but misusing democracy and abusing freedom. Also happened with Chinese Premier. should handover this inquiry to CBI to find out how many crores spinned of this government to do this act to make happy minority community?

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  • Alex D'Mello, Mumbai

    Thu, Apr 16 2009

    This is the sign of frustration against politicians. The max. age of a politician should be 75 then they should opt for VRS. Unless the old generation make way for the new things will not change. If BJP do not win this time I would request the winner to offer PM's chair to LKA atleast for one day, so that he will rest in peace.

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  • Pradeep, Mangalore

    Thu, Apr 16 2009

    I cant understand who is following the western culture? The person who throw the shoe on Bush is an Asian (Middle East) and hence I can say we are following our own culture. i.e. looting others, beating people, fighting elections on religious sentiments. None of the political leaders from India deserves a praise except Dr. Manmohan Singh and P. Chidambaram.

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  • Abdul Aziz, Talapady Dammam

    Thu, Apr 16 2009

    India will be advanced in Guinness record.JAISA KARNI WAISA BHARNI. (MADDDUNNO MAHARAYA)

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  • Navin Sinha, Patna/Mangalore

    Thu, Apr 16 2009

    Now we require immediately CBI inquiry to check how many crores given to do this act by the present government?

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  • prem, Mangalore

    Thu, Apr 16 2009

    I am ready to pay Rs 1 Lakh for that slipper.

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  • ashu, Mangalore

    Thu, Apr 16 2009

    Shame on the People who are behind this, they dont have any respect for PM in waiting Mr.Advani,atleast that guy should respect Mr.Advani's old age, shame on whole MP people, even though their govt they dont like Advani what is this ?

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  • ashraf , mysore,canada

    Thu, Apr 16 2009

    Good to see.....he is a communal person good punishment..

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  • Richard Alvares, bajpe/mizoram

    Thu, Apr 16 2009

    Very truly said Mr.Joy Castelino, dubai. Wake-Up Jerry. God Bless you my child.

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  • C Shetty, Mangalore

    Thu, Apr 16 2009

    Why the shoe always miss the target ?

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    Thu, Apr 16 2009

    Nothing, but publicity stunt....???

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  • Anand Kumar, Mangalore/Dubai

    Thu, Apr 16 2009

    I was thinking to not at all to comment. As I am a Hindu I really smell the dirty dust from these kind of political leaders and their workers who is saying they are furely love our country. I strongly condemn the LK Advani who is a genuine stupid person in our political leaders. He is not a really Hindu, he acts like a really Hindu and he wants to become PM. There is no arm to greet him by slipper/sandle garlend as he has insulted our great Ever Indian PM Mr. Manmohan Singh.

    Dear BJP supporters, is your leader Advani is having any quality of his life like Mr. Manmohan Sing who brought up our countries economy to a world class level. Today whole world is looking at India as our economy is booming because of Mr. Sing. What Advani has contributed to our country ? is his contribution that he demolished Babri Masjid, dividing our people by cast. Dear voters please you think to whom you have to vote. Do you want peace or riot.

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  • M.Bhat, Mumbai

    Thu, Apr 16 2009

    This act is highly condemnable. Who is in line next???? should it be sonia, MMS , Laloo, Amar singh, RV Paswan or Mulayam singh all sickular ppl.

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  • Don, udupi

    Thu, Apr 16 2009


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  • Roland,

    Thu, Apr 16 2009

    Manjunath Bangera, Advani deserves it.

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  • Saleem GH, Abu Dhabi, Puttur,

    Thu, Apr 16 2009

    This new culture inagurated by Mr. Bush.... going... on..

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  • Peter, Brahmavar/Sharjah

    Thu, Apr 16 2009

    This type of act is condemned. If it is for Bush, Chidambaram or Advani. There shoudl be severe punishment in countries' law for such kind of act.

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  • Arun, Mangalore

    Thu, Apr 16 2009

    Media and anti-mankind people forget Omar Abdulla's sppech in Parliament, "that they fight till their last blood but will not give even a piece of land to amarnath shrine", but remember Varun speech. forget Godhra, but remenber Gujarat

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  • Melwyn, Mangalore

    Thu, Apr 16 2009

    Things getting changed in modern India . People throwing chappals, shoes, ..... what else in future who knows.. Dear Mr . Advani serious thinking is required why you are getting this kind of treatment that too from your own party member. From several years we heard only about Hindutva speeches from you . we Indians think our PM should be more broadminded .. who can take our country into grater heights.. I don't think you can be a PM this time , May be yes in future , if you change your ideology .

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    Thu, Apr 16 2009

    Jerry, Mumbai the uncultured man is the person who hurled the slipper. How can you think that Mr.Advani is uncultured man?.

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  • Sivaraman, Bangalore/Dubai

    Thu, Apr 16 2009

    Advani will get more Jootas not votes. Advani is the Most arrogant Pakistani migrated to India. Where is Nagesh Naik now a days, I miss his comments.

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  • abbacha, thalapady/bahrain

    Thu, Apr 16 2009

    Joy Castelino.few year back, CPM leader Jyothibasu called ADHWANI, uncultured person,because of his roll in demolition of Babri mosque.please clarify,who you told about?

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  • Manjuantha Bangera, Bangalore

    Thu, Apr 16 2009

    You are right Mr. Rajaji. We blindly follow the west, thats all.

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  • James, Dubai

    Thu, Apr 16 2009

    This is not Indian Culture!!!!

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  • shafi, m'lore

    Thu, Apr 16 2009

    Its nothing for the politicians, who lossed the charity....

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  • Dexter, Mangalore

    Thu, Apr 16 2009

    Mera jootha hai Japani Yeh patloon englistani Sar pe laal topi roosi Phir bhi dil hai hindustani. Joothey padey na.

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  • genius, Mangalore

    Thu, Apr 16 2009

    A befitting present. Advani deserves it.

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  • M Dsouza, Mnagalore

    Thu, Apr 16 2009

    Rama sene... Bajrangdal , Muthalik, RSS ... where are you people .IS it not against Hindhu Culture.. there is a saying "If look up & spit it will fall on your face ". Same things are happening now . Anyway whoever has done this should be punnished . These things should not be continued

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  • ilyas, dubai

    Thu, Apr 16 2009

    Throwing joota is not a good culture. When you have the most wonderful power ie voting why you hurl chappals? This must be stopped. Tommorrow or sometime it will become a habbit and every party people start to do this. Show your anger through your vote or Hartal not this way not spread hatred.

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  • b n rajaji, mangalore

    Thu, Apr 16 2009

    it shows that we the indians are blindly following the foriegn culture.

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  • Jerry, Mumbai

    Thu, Apr 16 2009

    Mr. Joy Castellno, you said "Send him to jail this uncultured man". Now be specific, let us know please, who this uncultured man. 'Advani or the person who hurled the slipper'"

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  • Francis, Milagres/Dubai

    Thu, Apr 16 2009

    The act is shameful though Advani deserves it. He should not feel bad he has insulted PM saying that he is the weak P.M and so on.. so this is one of that kind from his own man. It was Good the man was from B Joota P (BJP), else he would have blamed PM and Sonia Gandhi. JAI HO

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  • J.B Pinto, Mangalore/Dubai

    Thu, Apr 16 2009

    Good Comments Mr. Narayan.

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  • NMH, Mangalore

    Thu, Apr 16 2009

    Good news!!!! I have high respect on the person who did this noble activity.

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  • Prem Moras, Dubai/Mangalore

    Thu, Apr 16 2009

    Advani is responsible for deaths of thousands of inocent people due to babri masjid demolition.  I have high respect on the person who did this noble activity.

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    Thu, Apr 16 2009

    Send him jail to this uncultured man.

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  • Rahul Shetty, Kundapur, NJ

    Thu, Apr 16 2009

    This is so funny. Let's forget elections for sometime and enjoy all the humour! haha! its shoes galore in Indian politics.

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  • lorsu, MANGALORE

    Thu, Apr 16 2009

    Hereafter, boards will be hanged "before entering the door, remove your shoes/chappals"

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  • alwyn, kulshekar

    Thu, Apr 16 2009

    if you want publicity you can try this stunt but along with publicity you should be prepeared for police lathi also.

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  • Shareef Moideen, Mangalore/ Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

    Thu, Apr 16 2009

    Slipper was thrown for the wrong reason. However, leaders should be ready to accept the public verdict.

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  • Nivans, Mangalore

    Thu, Apr 16 2009

    He deserves it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • KA D'Silva, Dubai

    Thu, Apr 16 2009

    A well deserved honour for the aspiring PM candidate from his own party !!

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  • Narayan, dubai

    Thu, Apr 16 2009

    last time one person wrote here while same happened to Chidambaram "JOOTHE JOOTHE PE LIKHA HE CONGRESSWALA KA NAAM" .. but today i repeat same to that written person last time... "JOOTHE JOOTHE PE LIKHA HE BJP KA NAAM" B.J.P. MEANS BARATHIYA JOOTHA PARTY..... [Joota and Jootha means lie and slipper both applies here]

    DisAgree Agree Reply Report Abuse

  • Savio , Bejai/Dubai

    Thu, Apr 16 2009

    Please can some one tell us if the shoe hit the target or missed, was it a bulls eye. With Bush the headlines were he ducked and the shoe missed, in Chidambarams case he moved away and it missed, what about our Dear Advani, why is there no information............

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  • Valerian Pereira, Shirthady

    Thu, Apr 16 2009

    Soon there will be a legislation for attending the Seminars, Rallies, Press Conference or any Public Gathering strictly with BARE-FOOTED!

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  • Harold D'cunha, Mangalore, India

    Thu, Apr 16 2009

    The party which boast about discipline is eating its own dust. IF the leaders have been model, this situation wouldnot have arised.

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  • Ashu, Kundapura

    Thu, Apr 16 2009

    why BJP worker has thrown slipper (cheaper than Shoe) to their PM in waiting candidate. L.K Advani >>>>>>>Kepp Guessing.............

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  • Pradeep, Mangalore

    Thu, Apr 16 2009

    The day is not far when Bata, Nike, Adidas will have a competitor from new shoe ventures like Obama Shoes, MMS Shoes, Advani Shoes....I doubt if our cricketers have any space left on their jersy's to sponsor these new brand of shoes !

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  • jagdish Narayan, Bajpe.UAE

    Thu, Apr 16 2009

    One more in row... It seems that we are following the tradition from Iraq. Throw One pair atleast they can use it. Once upon a time Politicians were used get Royal treat. Red carpet used to be rolled down on their walkway. Time has changed now..... I think people of India are started disliking these Netaas

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