Mangalore: Book with Shocking Facts of Kandhamal Released

Mangalore: Book with shocking facts of Kandhamal released

By Melwyn Pinto SJ - Mangalore

Mangalore, Apr 24: A book on Kandhamal titled, Kandhamal – a blot on Secularism, with shocking and rare facts, hitherto not picked by the mainstream media, was released here on Friday by Basavaraj Devaru Swamiji of Revanasidheshwar Math, Dharwad. Eminent secular activists, including former justice of the High Court, M. F. Saldanha, and writer Prof. G. K. Govinda Rao were present at the function.

In his address Justice Saldanha said that systematic efforts were being made in India to destroy constitutional machinery. “After each communal disturbance judicial inquiries are set up. One needs to question the usefulness of these enquiries as there is absolutely no useful outcome arrived at,” he said.

(L-R) Author Anto Akkara, Swamiji Basavaraj Devaru, Justice M. F. Saldanha and Prof. Govinda Rao

Showing his concern at the government apathy in taking due measures to stop the violence in Kandhamal, Justice Saldanha said that government officials were becoming victims at the hands of the leaders. “The question is not what happened in Kandhamal, but why it happened. Government must take serious note of this. Otherwise this country will not be a safe place for minorities,” he added.

Speaking on the book, Prof Govinda Rao said that what happened in Kandhamal had nothing to do with religion, or culture. It had everything to do with politics and malicious designs of communal forces. “Real Hinduism is preached by Gandhi, Kabir, Basavanna, and not by these self-proclaimed guardians of Hinduism,” he said.

Further Prof. Rao said that one was born in a religion by accident. “If one can change his or her ideologies at will, can join the political parties they want, one also must have the right to change the religion he/she chooses. If someone comes in the way of this freedom of choice he is nothing less than a terrorist,” he opined.

Terming Democracy and secularism as the modern religions, Prof Rao added that all citizens had the right to uphold these religions. He called upon all to become strong in strengthening the secular fabrics of the country.

In his presidential address, Basavaraj Devaru Swamiji noted that what was happening in Karnataka was a continuation of Kandhamal. He took strong exception to the fact that very many religious leaders had not reacted strongly against the communal forces dividing communities in Kandhamal and Karnataka. “A great majority of people in our country belong to minority communities, SCs and STs. If all of these people can join hands we can defeat communal forces and build a strong secular country,” he said.

The author of the book, Anto Akkara, presented few of his rare findings in Kandhamal. “The mayhem that took place in Kandhamal was not spontaneous. It was orchestrated and well planned. “The funeral procession of Swami Lakshminananda Saraswati moved like an oyster along zigzag and rugged paths covering nearly 250 kms over two days, instead of half the distance it should have taken along main roads and completed in several hours,” pointed out Akkara

Even seven months after the Kandhamal carnage, only 633 had been arrested despite 11348 being named in 784 FIRs charged with serious offences like murder and rioting, pointed out the author who had made half a dozen arduous investigative visits to Kandhamal jungles. Such immunity, he pointed out, “raises serious questions about the secular credentials of the nation that prides itself in the fundamental freedom of faith and equality under Indian constitution.”

Threats, intimidation and boycott to force the returning Christians forsake their faith is continuing unabated in many villages in Kandhamal, the author said. 


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  • Diljyoti, Allahabad, Kinnigoly

    Mon, Apr 27 2009

    It is just in orissa and Karnataka. Let BJP come in power in UP and other states where there are many christians, then see the colour of all the so called DALS.

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  • DayanandP, Mangalore/Chennai

    Mon, Apr 27 2009

    No one can be converted forcibly. I am a Hindu can any one convert me to Muslim or Christian forcibly? Absolutly NOT. Hence what ever happened in Kandhamal is absolutly wrong & it is an heinous crime. BJP should be punished for this

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  • Patrick , mangalore

    Mon, Apr 27 2009

    At this rate, you will also bring out a one sided story in a book on PUB attack and quoting it as a FACT , and present it later in the court etc.

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  • Thomson Jacob,

    Mon, Apr 27 2009

    Dear friend Mark, I recommend you to first read the book beofre you judge whether it is biased. It is most ridiculous for one to claim that that the book is biased without even reading it and yet claim you are ''discerning'' and ''intelligent'' You seem to belong to same group of those trying to pass on blatant lies as truth in this country.

    I have read the book and I am sure if you have read the book and you are true to yourself, you cannot make such a comment about a book that has been described by the partriarch of Indian journalism Kuldeep Nayyar as ''one of the must read books'' which is ''objective''with ''no side left unexposed'' incluidng conversions. I even really suspect whether you are a ''Mark'' as you claim. Thomson

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  • Vera Alvares, Mumbai

    Mon, Apr 27 2009

    The comments here provide the clue as to how far the hate campaign of the Hindu fringe groups has succeeded- so many believe that the Swami was killed by Christians because they want to believe it, they want a reason to justify the killings of Christians.

    They know well that Naxals had killed him and Bajrangis took the golden opportunity to launch the ethnic cleansing that was planned in great detail for many months in advance. The experiment in Gujarat needed to be repeated as awarning to Christians.

    After Muslims it was the turn of Christians. Many commentators here seem to refuse to seek the truth, they are happy with what the killers of Christians have fed them with! No wonder India is being divided into fragments on religiosu grounds- thanks to BJP.....

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  • Lancy M Fernandes, Pune, Jeppu

    Sun, Apr 26 2009

    It'' wonderful to see something worthwhile brought about in collaboration by the educated people. May secularism rule our country . Kudos to the author

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  • Kevin Mascarenhas, Mangalore/UAE

    Sun, Apr 26 2009

    I ask those who are against conversion a simple question...Why are you against it? Do you fear you will be left all alone or do you have doubts about your religion. If a religion is worth its salt it will prevail no matter what. So do not get bogged down on petty issues look at the real issues facing the common man.

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  • Mark, Udipi

    Sun, Apr 26 2009

    Boggu, you appear to be a fundamentalist to the core. Why dont you do your own study about Khandamal and present the balanced views for the readers to judge? Before outcrying somebody, you should have the clear picture to to justify your stand. Today''s readers are quite discering/intelligent. We cannot accept brainwashing. Come out with the facts rather than propagating hate politics.

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  • George Cruz, Mangalore/USA

    Sun, Apr 26 2009

    Why foreign missionaries are interested in helping/converting only Dalits from Hindu communities ?? There are many poor people (economic Dalits) in Muslim communities also. Why don''t the missionaries help/convert Muslim Dalits in India also ???

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  • Salvador Noronha, Omzoor/Mumbai

    Sat, Apr 25 2009

    This is the right time to chose the right person whom you can trust & vote for. Our one vote makes lot of difference. we must throw out this rowdy courrpt politician from our minds. We are all Indians by birth & we will die as an Indian first & than we will reconised as a Hindu/Muslim/christ.

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  • James, Kundapur

    Sat, Apr 25 2009

    This book wont help. People will do it again and again. noone learns from their past mistakes. take for instance - the Rwandan genocide. The Africans never learnt from it.

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  • Kishore, Mangalore

    Sun, Apr 26 2009

    Even though the International organisation has pointed out, the conversion is route cause, missionaries are not stopping the activity. They convert the Scs and STs and again asking for reservation for Dalith Christians. So again caste system prevails in Christianity

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  • Kishore, Mangalore

    Sun, Apr 26 2009

    Nobody knows whether the facts in the books are right or wrong. Only the residents of Kandhmal can tell.

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  • Krishna, mangalore

    Sun, Apr 26 2009

    After Teesta Setalvds concoted story of Best Bakery which has now been busted ,one more false propoganda is out. Hats off to so called ( Dur) buddhijeevis!

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  • janet d''souza, mangalore/uae

    Sun, Apr 26 2009

    Mr.Srinivas,Bangalore, is anyone stopping you from finding out the facts and releasing a book on "Kashmiri Pundits"? You just want to sit inside the comforts of your home and instigate other communal minded people like you and expect the other people to do the job for you! Otherwise,you would have gone out like Mr.Anto Akkara did, found out the facts and helped the poor Hindu Pundits.

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  • nithyananda shetty , Karkala / Dubai

    Sat, Apr 25 2009

    Dear all, enyone can make out what do u mean in your comment that means no one want understand where we are heading and what we are, just hindu, cristian ,muslim wants to take out theire frustration by commenting on each others religion wonderfull ....

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  • kumar, mangalore/mumbai

    Sat, Apr 25 2009

    The photo of emminent people  who released the books clearly shows that it covers the story of later half. Does the book cover the story of brutal killing''s of Laxmanand Sarswathi ? Morever Mr Basavarju Devaru is quite unfit to be called swamiji. He had held protest march in favour of Naxalities in Sringeri 3 years back, & even burnt efigy of Sringeri Swamiji. Few years back he was an ordinary man & later turned up as Swamiji & one of the aspirants to become peetadipathi for Kankadas Math.

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  • Fr.Maurice , 45 Bishop''s House, Varanasi Cantt. 221002

    Sat, Apr 25 2009

    Please send 5 copies of the book to the address given below 45 Bishop''s House, Varanasi Cantt. U.P. 221002

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  • sudhanshu, suvarna

    Sat, Apr 25 2009

    Swamiji is acting only one sided secular..but no one cares him in Hindu Religion..thats why he called Swamiji Bebas Devaru.

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  • Damodar, Oman

    Sat, Apr 25 2009

    Mr.Paul,If you can''t answer a simple qquestion from Mr Shrinivas,just keep quiet.

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  • C. M. Paul, Kolkata

    Sat, Apr 25 2009

    Hi Srinivas, In stead of asking questions like has any one done anything about Kahmiri Pundits or Orissa Swami''s killing, it is time that each concerned citizen emulate ANTO AKKARA, a bold journalist who had the grit and guts to go and get the news and publish it. Anybody can criticise or give gyaan, as I do now... But to be pro-active, and DO THINGS, one needs to be committed! If not, keep silent. CM Paul

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  • Ronald D''Souza, Mangalore

    Sat, Apr 25 2009

    What did the BJP do for the Kashmiri Pandits during 6 years of its reign - absolutely nothing. They are not Secular - in fact very sick Communalists. And what exactly are Conversion forces??? Is conversion illegal?? For force(if that is possible) or Fraudulent (which they can repudiate as soon as they know about it) there are already laws in place so why is no one prosecuted for violating conversion laws?? Illegaal conversions are only happening in your dreams. In short Boggu and Srinivas these conversion issues are without substance and just raked up by the fundamentalists who just cannot see any other point of view and will parrot standard jargon that is spouted in the RSS newspaper like the Organiser. Go and get a life!

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  • mushthaq, mangalore/Dubai

    Sat, Apr 25 2009

    srinivas/boggu, you too are one sided, do you mean for killing naushad(may allah rest his soul in peace) muslims and christians should retaliate by killing,raping,attacking, all hindus and demolishing all temples and your houses,is this  what you want,

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  • Prashantha Poojary, Pangala

    Sat, Apr 25 2009

    Good political work. Secularists will be active during the election time. This is purely UPA funded task...?

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  • Srinivas, Jayanagar/Bangalore

    Sat, Apr 25 2009

    A fully agree with Mr. Boggu''s opinion. Is there any books will be released about "Kashmir Pandiths" bitter life..? These secular intellectuals always acting one side..?

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  • Kevin Mascarenhas, Mangalore/UAE

    Sat, Apr 25 2009

    I appreciate the effort taken to bring out the facts. Hope this will get good publicity all over the country. Nobody should be against any religion. Its rightly pointed out we were all born into one. Freedom to change one''s religion also should not be curtailed. So called Hinduism cheer boys like the Ram sene, RSS, Banjrang Dal, BJP, Shiv Sena etc should be defeated in the elections and prosecuted for weakening India. Hope India emerges with Freedom from communalists terrorism.

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  • BOGGU, Bangalore

    Sat, Apr 25 2009


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  • Anil Fernandes, Madanthyar/Bangalore

    Sat, Apr 25 2009

    Thanks you very much Mr. Anto Akkara for your wonderful effort to present the fact of Kandhamal in Black & white. Can Daijji helps us to inform about the bookstalls in Bangalore where the copies of the books are available.

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  • juliana, udupi

    Sat, Apr 25 2009

    It is not religion nor money but only jealousy at the development of others is what happened in Kandhamal. There are people everywhere in our secular country, politicians and monks who support curbing the legal rights of the downtrodden. Unless properly educated and taught the ethics, it is normal to find such instances of horror and menace.

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  • Alex Lobo, bangalore /New Zealand

    Sat, Apr 25 2009

    This is an eye opener for all open minded people. The fact is BJP/RSS/VHP lives with hiding the real facts and spreads lies. Thanks to daijiworld for the article.

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  • ahmed, dxb

    Sat, Apr 25 2009

    I request to daijiworld to print a big article on the facts what is mentioned in the book. after reading the real facts people will vote for the right leaders.

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  • George Cruz, Mangalore/USA

    Sat, Apr 25 2009

    All the facts are not brought in this article. As per international organizations for religious freedom, induced conversion of Dalits on mass scale played a part in Kandhamal incidents. Until ear;y 1990''s, Kandhamal was a peaceful town. Kandhamal happened for a reason and this article doesn't say anything about that.

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  • sudhanshu, suvarna

    Sat, Apr 25 2009

    Swamiji Basavaraj Devaru is good secular swamiji,good opinion and exposed all real things that happened to minorities, but no one Hindu religion person is respecting him as Swamiji,,unfortunately its bad to our entire society

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  • Ronald, Udupi

    Sat, Apr 25 2009

    These self proclaimed leaders of Hindism have pushed it to stage of beyond repairs. These self proclaimed utilised hinduism for the financial gains!

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  • Jossie D''Mello SJ, Bejai/Madrid

    Fri, Apr 24 2009

    Congratulations Anto Akkara. I really appreciate your initiative to do a study on a painful reality. As Justice M. F. Saldanha said that the important thing is to analyse WHY it happened? Hope the newly released book “Kandhamal – a blot on Secularism” will throw some light on this aspect. Thank you Melwyn Pinto SJ for the report.

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  • Bulsam, Mangalore

    Fri, Apr 24 2009

    Minorities are facing discrimination at the hand of communal officials affiliated to Hindutva in the different departments. e. g. in Kaup, the police officer was hit by a stray stone but the police have arrested & beaten innocent young boys who missed their tenth standard exam. They were charged with attempt to murder which is non bail-able. Their parent’s tears have dried up but the suffering of their dear ones is not over.

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  • Wenrene P., Kateel,Mangalore

    Fri, Apr 24 2009

    Thanks to Daijiworld for bringing the facts to the light.It should have come out much sooner.Hope at least in fututre we open our eyes and try hard to live in harmony.Also hope the people who terrorise the minorities may open their eyes and have a change of hearts.

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