Mysuru (Karnataka), Mar 19 (IANS): Senior Congress leader from Mysuru and former Minister, Tanveer Sait on Saturday stirred up a controversy by stating that introducing Bhagavad Gita in the school syllabus is dangerous. "It is dangerous than Covid pandemic," he said.
Because of similar decisions, the school children will lag behind in academic excellence. It may be defendable to do politics during elections, but, once in power, secular principles should be followed, Congress MLA Sait stated.
The school children have suffered for the last two years because of Covid. Equality should be maintained in academic atmosphere. Inclusion of Bhagavad Gita in the syllabus is as dangerous as coronavirus pandemic, he reiterated.
Instead of this, the government should focus on other issues. The court had given clear cut verdict on hijab as well as religious conversions. Forceful conversion is a crime as per the Anti-Conversion bill brought by the ruling government. The same government is violating the rule by including religious matters in the education, Tanveer Sait stated.
It is not the question of what is going to happen if Bhagavad Gita is made part of the syllabus. The children's education system does not need this. The focus should be on education, it is wrong to bring religion in the children's curriculum, he opined.
The state government should not spoil the academic atmosphere in the state, he underlined.
Former Chief Minister H.D. Kumaraswamy questioned the BJP government over teaching of Bhagavad Gita in schools. He said, it won't fill empty stomachs.
The state is facing thousands of problems and the teachings of Bhagavad Gita won't provide food to people, he reiterated.
"Emotional issues are gaining importance in the country. The innocents are being misled. There must be an end to this and we will wait until then," he said.
Opposition leader Siddaramaiah said, "we believe in Hindu religion and give equal respect to other religions. We do not have objection to teach Bhagavad Gita, Bible, Quran to children. But, children should be given quality education," he said.
Comment on this article
Itika, Middle East
Sun, Mar 20 2022We are in a free county and don't spoil our future generation by mandating them to study any particular religion or else teach Bagwath Geetha, Quran, and Bible equally to everyone as all holy book teaches humanity.
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Agnes, Mangalore
Sun, Mar 20 2022Pakoda making classes in Gujarati style would be more welcome in schools to make our students Atmanirbar instead of religious matters.
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David Pais, Mangalore
Sat, Mar 19 2022in my opinion teaching of bhagavad-gita is not dangerous. but it is biased, teach holy Bible also
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mohan prabhu, mangalore
Sat, Mar 19 2022What is lacking in the educational curriculum is the subject of moral science - and this lack of study is reflected in current society. Moral science - not religion - should be a compulsory subject in high school where equality of every human being is taught and inculcated. To achieve that, not just Bhagvad Gita but other texts, including the Quaran and the Bible. must be recommended - and effort must be made by educators to distil the message from these books in the study curriculum. Equality, i.e. equal exposure to these principles (ensuring that there is no contradiction will bring about Equity.
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KS Mayya, Mangalore/Bangalore
Sat, Mar 19 2022Honorable former Minister of State for Primary and Secondary Education has a BBM degree. He must have thought through when spilled this pearls of wisdom who knows. The other gentlemen with BSc degree, who remarked about filling stomach is a film financier and politician during the day. By his logic, education is only intended to fill stomach. A million dollar question, why all this unemployment after getting the right degrees (BBM, BSc, BE) and unemployed means no job but filled stomach? Anyway, recommend this list: for a good laugh.
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Jossey Saldanha, Raheja Waterfront
Sat, Mar 19 2022I went to a Catholic Convent School. We Catholics had Religion as a subject & Non Catholics were thought Moral Science ...
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KS Mayya, Mangalore/Bangalore
Sat, Mar 19 2022Jossey Saldanha, Raheja Waterfront, I went to convent school and experienced this. The irony was in our moral science text book we had parables from bible and was taught in English, but our catholic classmates were actually getting a class in Konkani and their textbook was written in Kannada script - this in a school which was English medium only. Most importantly, we all (Catholics and non-Catholics) were told that marks would not count in the final exam. Some of us took it seriously, but most like me, did not.
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Jossey Saldanha, Raheja Waterfront
Sun, Mar 20 2022KS Mayya, Bible only teaches you to love & respect one another ...
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Wilfred, Karnataka
Sat, Mar 19 2022Bhagvad Gita id good subject but it is not meant to study in school, it should be teach in separate institution like Grukula, Madras, and seminaries,Schools are made for Intellectual teachings with knowledge-Tech, Science Social etc. If we really in need of grooming our youth and build healthy society our Family is first school , every parents should sit togther and spend time with children in the evening with Bhgawad gita instead leaving them as stray for immoral and violence activities.When family stay together for preaching then we can see bright tommarrow.
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Vinod Kumar, Mangalore
Sat, Mar 19 2022A true original Bhagavad Gita doesn’t prohibits beef consumption, in fact it encourages to eat beef for better health if the person likes. Bhagavad Gita is fiercely secular and democratic. No discrimination whatsoever among human race from the lowest to the highest caste and respects whatever one’s belief and faith as one family. Indian constitution is written by looking into good human values in Bhagavad Gita because it teaches non violence, love, peace and harmony in society. This is true Bhagavad Gita. Is this the Bhagavad Gita BJP wants to teach in school or its own Nagpur amended copy of Bhagavad Gita?.
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Carlton Saldanha, Shirva/New York
Sat, Mar 19 2022Swami Vinodanandaji..which version of Bhagavadgita you read and digested?
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Vinod Kumar, Mangalore
Sat, Mar 19 2022Why are you so curious about Bhagavad Gita? You should be insisting Bible in schools if you go to church in Newyork.
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Anuj, Bengaluru
Sun, Mar 20 2022He must have read one written by Siddaramayya !
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Peter, Belman
Sat, Mar 19 2022Tanneer most secular in his acts and thoughts.
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Sathish Kumar Shetty, Mangalore
Sat, Mar 19 2022Better to teach Tippu History edited by Ramachandra Guha.
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